It happened invisibly.
I didn't say it would happen. Too many of you thought it would.
Stupid people--stupid, stupid, stupid. (Sorry--that's "Plan 9....")
The king of the north will come from true north, not compass north.
There is no year "0" between the BC and AD years.
There was, but it happened invisibly.
I didn't notice the context of the quote.
It is happening, but it's just starting to happen--this could take years.
Maybe I got the right event but the wrong time, or the right time but the
wrong event.
I got that from Barbour--you can't trust people like that.
I got that from Russell and the pyramid--he wasn't in the light and the
pyramid was built on secret orders from Satan.
I got that from Rutherford--there was less light then. You don't want too
much light at once--you could burn a retina.
I thought it was the spirit descending like a dove but it was a carrier
I got it from the light but they didn't have anisotropic filtering back then.
I didn't notice the context of the quote--not enough light.
I thought it was an angel of the Lord but it was a cross dresser from Las
You won't see it as in "see" it--you'll sense it.
Don't trust your senses, listen to us--we'll tell you what to sense.
I thought the flip side of Jude was Revolution.
I never understood a single word he said, but I helped him drinkin' the wine.
Too many worldly people gave off skeptical vibrations and I couldn't perform.
I've been having premature exclamations lately.
Jesus turned his attention to Omaha and our headquarters are in Brooklyn.
Earthquakes got worse, but just where Jesus was looking.
The 129,999th person cut ahead in the line so we made him go back to the end.
There is no year "0" between 1999 and 2000.
Henschel was around in 1914 and isn't leaving till Jesus arrives--could
someone take this out of here?
JoinedPosts by glenster
Top Ten Lame Excuses Why The Watchtower Society Predictions Never Came True
by Homerovah the Almighty intop ten lame excuses why the watchtower society predictions never came true.
1. c. t. russell measured the great pyramid with his hands, found to be inaccurate.
2. judge rutherford was dyslexic, year 1925 should have read 5291 instead.
Gentile Times reconsidered
by confused and lost ini am half way through this book by carl o. jonsson and the more i read the more certain i become that the 607bce date for the destruction of jerusalem by babylon is nothing more than a fabrication designed to uphold 1914 and hence the "authority" of the watchtower makes me sick to think of how they have duped millions of people with their phoney makes sitting through studies that mention these dates irritating to say the least.especially when all the heads nod in unison at the mention of the "magic 607"
^ I've only started coming to this board recently and I'm not familiar with something mentioned in an earlier post. What's the scam about being transformed into Christ in a dumpster?
Help needed on proof of cover ups, deceit and change of doctrines for Alema
by fifi40 inaleman is new to the board and is a jw intent on defending them.. despite some arguments given he is looking for proof of anything that discredits jws whether this is change of doctrine, the reliability of the nwt, cover ups of sexual abuse cases and pay outs, blood doctrine and large anything that we would use to say why we no longer believe and shows the jws of being corrupt, brainwashed, deceitful or just plain not the right religion.. if you have thread links that you can supply for him to read i would greatly appreciate it.. i am not sure if he is yet baptised but he defends their views strongly.. he also feels that the board members here do not have spirtuality so any of you who have religious beliefs still please would you give a few short lines on your thoughts.. all input gratefully received.. fi.
*Super Fluff* - What was your favorite children's album?
by Nosferatu ini'm sitting here listening to "free to be... you and me".
it only dawned on me as an adult that this is a feminist's children's album!
The Friendly Giant? Not just Canadians: Ormandy The Nutcracker Suite RCA LM-8 1941 anyone knows a recording of that I could download, please let me know.
''Miracle Wheat'' in the news today
by candidlynuts inthe brooklynn eagle's ''today in history'' .
an excerpt is posted below.
there's more to the story on the link.
It is similar--Roberts claims he's special--a faith healer. The JWs leaders
"144,000" claim requires some agreement to their altered version of Russell's
1914 ideas, part of his "144,000" claims, so testing the validity of Russell's
claim of exclusive righteousness is a contemporary part of testing that of the
current JWs leaders. make a comparison with Roberts, you need to put Russell's dollars (if you
can figure out how many millions) in contemporary terms, too. $1,200 in 1909
is worth $27,432 in 2006 U.S. dollars, etc. The overall income of Russell's
organizations was in the millions in 1909, which you'd need to multiply a couple
dozen times or so for the 2007 value of it. JWs leaders put out an issue that "thousands died" with kids on the cover,
largely finding abidance to their blood rules in finding credulousness about
their claims of exclusive righteousness. In my focus on this, Roberts would
more clearly be a bigger fish to fry if Roberts bragged that "tens of thousands"
died forsaking medical care after Roberts claimed to heal them. (If their heal-
ings don't work, faith healers may blame their followers for lacking enough
faith--seeing a doctor could be considered a lack of faith in the healing.)
That wouldn't be a great advertisement for a healer, though, so that probably
won't will turn up. -
Are there things you can't get rid of?
by faundy infor instance, i still can't bring myself to say 'bless you' when someone sneezes.
i still cringe when saying 'good luck' and even now i feel i am being really naughty when shopping for a birthday card for someone.
It's like Mother's Day. "You know who loved their mothers? Pagans. I've
seen them--right out in public like they didn't care who saw." Some people
read the Bible then later lost their faith--pagans have done everything. "You
know who breaths? Pagans."It would probably be easier to try to think of something pagans didn't do
then do that, but what would it be? They've done everything. -
Are there things you can't get rid of?
by faundy infor instance, i still can't bring myself to say 'bless you' when someone sneezes.
i still cringe when saying 'good luck' and even now i feel i am being really naughty when shopping for a birthday card for someone.
Can someone help me out--what's the official JWs leaders' line on saying
"Bless you" (often, but not only, said to someone who sneezed)? I'm guessing
it's one of those cooked up rules the JWs leaders meant to establish their ex-
clusiveness with along the lines of "You know who celebrated the birth of
Christ? Pagans" or "evil Christendom, " etc. But "You know who blessed people?
Ancient pagans" just sounds like a straight line to base jokes on. -
About a Coptic Manuscript on Jn 1:1
by poki inwhat do you think about the version of john 1:1, accordig to a sahidic coptic manuscript:.
1:1a hn tehoueite nefshoop nci pshaje (in the beginning was the word).
A few of many articles on the issue of "sahidic coptic John 1:1" I found with
Google: idea that comes through in them is that the sahidic coptic article used
in John 1:1 is sort of like the word "firstborn." Either view might see it the
way they want without it deciding much. (The word "First" at Rev.3:18, men-
tioned above, is similar, what with God called "first and last" in Revela-
tion....) The Sahdic Coptic John 1:18 sounds mainstream, though, so that's
likely the way it meant to see the disputed article of John 1:1.The JWs leaders' view support seems to force the point about it as with the
word "firstborn," early Christian history, etc.--that the article must refer to
the JWs leaders' stance. I have on deciding who has the better case for the originally intended
view meant by a belief in the Bible, the JWs leaders' or mainsteam view, etc.,
is on pp.4 and 7 to 10 of my "GTJ Brooklyn" article (sorry about posting all the
links--the nav bar is down while freewebs tries a new server). it's a gripping deliberation you really want, the future of PC pinball is
on the last page. -
''Miracle Wheat'' in the news today
by candidlynuts inthe brooklynn eagle's ''today in history'' .
an excerpt is posted below.
there's more to the story on the link.
What I have on that so far is about 1/3rd down the page, where there's a pic-
ture of Charles and Maria, "Love and money: Miracle Wheat and Charles' divorce
from Maria," at the next link: anyone gets confused about him being another modest sincere believer
victimized by intolerance, remember that he also established the current JWs
leaders' claim of being the special spokesman of an especially rarifiedly
righteous literal 144,000 decades earlier, and he maintained it through all
this. He propagandized against practically all other Christians for not agree-
ing with his bids for exclusiveness--keep in mind he taught a created Jesus that
was to be worshipped (get a handle on a 1st century Jewish culture, meshugeneh),
his historicism about 1874/1914, etc.In other words, his effort to show such elitism was proven by the best
evidence and reason was phoney back then--it didn't start becoming phoney
with later JWs leaders.His routine carried more about being woefully misunderstood with a proportion-
ate extra percentage of others meant as damned to be too sympathetic.You might want to include the part about the money going into dummy companies,
Charles getting his friends to use an early version of shunning tactics on
Maria, and him dragging his feet about admitting to the dummy companies and
about paying alimony (early theocratic warfare, I guess).I like nice people of various faith and non-faith outlooks, and one thing I
like about them is the agreement by general ethics of what an elitist scam
artist is, whichever of those groups they come from.It's like the need to bring up the 1986 expose of Popoff having the radio
transmitter in his ear. It will still need to be brought up now and then since
Popoff's back on TV playing the rarified healer.Current JWs leaders still require agreement for salvation that Charles knew
what would happen in 1914, and that keeps it contemporary. -
My essay on blood transfusions (Eng 101)
by inkling inthe following is an essay i wrote for my eng 101 class a few years ago.. this is an example of pre-doubt me.. although my theological motivations for writing this piece were clearly.
suspect, i stand by the medical information i found.. (sources) available upon request.. comments and criticism welcome.. .
"I REALLY wish I knew. That would be a great test of the theory that Jehovah
gave us this command FOR OUR OWN GOOD."If more die from REFUSING, then its clearly not for the good of our physical
health, and the doctrine must be defended solely on its spiritual merit, and
they need to STOP saying it is a "protection" in a practical sense."For what I know of the pros and cons of a conservative scriptural deliberation
about it, which should be seen on its own terms, my research is on pp.1 and 12-
42 at the next links. evidence indicates that the only ones who teach the JWs leaders' rules
about the medical uses of blood/blood products are the JWs leaders, with no sign
of God or biblical necessity to back it up but instead showing evidences of
forced points, misrepresentation of scriptures/research material, omission of
pertinent evidence, etc., used to affect that they're the leaders of a literal
"144,000" on that issue (and about a dozen others).The refusal of many JWs leaders' followers to accept the medical use of blood/
major blood fractions have made it easier for some doctors to explore substitute
methods and procedures. Sometimes the followers have gotten the good luck of
the draw and sometimes bad, but it's still true that the medical use of blood/
blood fractions is the best way to save lives in various situations (even more-
so the farther away from big hospitals and back in time over the 60-some years
of the JWS leaders' rules you go).Common sense: choosing from all the available choices for treatment will cause
fewer fatalities than choosing from a restricted range of them.You might use the Google search engine to check out the various topics and
links given above to make sure of that and try to imagine the various things
doctors currently weigh against each other to decide in each case. If you're
coming from a JWs leaders' literature background, you'll just have to check it
out for yourself, because if fatalities are bad for the JWs leaders' exclusive
case, medically or scripturally, it's not liable to be offered by them in their
literature.One exception that's pertinent to what you're wondering is that even the JWs
leaders have put out an issue claiming thousands of kids died following their
rules about it, not rationalizing that death figures medically support their
prophet-playing about scriptures but intending to imply support for the JWs
leaders' rules about it in that thousands were martyred in commitment to them
when the choice favored death: "thousands of youths died for putting God first"
("Awake!" May 22, 1994, p.2). anyone is hurt or killed over the idea of God's prerogative, such as thou-
sands of kids dead before they grew up enough to decide if they wanted to be-
lieve in God this way that way or no way, some of us would like to see a sign of
God for it. There isn't one there for the JWs leaders' exclusive rules about
this, which they require agreement to for salvation, just deaths because people
threw comittment in the direction of calculated-looking prophet-playing.