Thanks for checking. Is there a CD with "Aid...." on it?
Also, does anyone have the full quotes for these?:
- "What is the view of Jehovah's Witnesses toward interracial marriage?" "A
Christian, being realistic, must face life as it is--not as he wishes it might
be." ("The Watchtower," Dec.1, 1973, pp.755,776) (Probably against racism yet
instructing followers to go with the status quo socially.)
- "Insight on the Scriptures": the listing for "Idols, meats offered to."
(The interpretation given is that the meats or things have an idolatrous conno-
tation when near the idol temple but not farther away from it. In other JWs
leaders' literature, this is given as the reasoning used to allow blood frac-
tions: they're far enough away from whole blood that they're acceptable.)