1954 JWs weren't to worship Jesus anymore according to the Jan.1, 1954
"Watchtower": "that no distinct worship is to be rendered to Jesus Christ now
glorified in heaven.”
JoinedPosts by glenster
Worship Jesus?
by pixel in"now, at christ's coming to reign as king in jehovah's capital organization zion, to bring in a righteous new world, jehovah makes him infinitely higher than the godly angels or messengers and accordingly commands them to worship him.
since jehovah god now reigns as king by means of his capital organization zion, then whosoever would worship him must also worship and bow down to jehovah's chief one in that capital organization, namely, christ jesus, his co-regent on the throne of the theocracy.
" watchtower 1945 oct. 15 p.313.
"Aid to Bible Understanding" online?
by glenster inis there a free online source for "aid to bible understanding," 1969 (i doubt it but.
you never know)?
Got a copy on CD.
Dispelling JW Myths: Governing Body
by AuldSoul inaccording to jehovah's witnesses, acts 15 shows a gathering of older men in jerusalem convened for the purpose of deciding about the issue of circumcision.
they teach that this gathering demonstrates that the older men in jerusalem exercised doctrinal authority over the congregations throughout the known world.. let us examine, from the two perspectives of luke and paul, what really was going on.
during the course of the discussion we will examine peter's testimony as well to decide whether god was using this group of men as the ancient version of the modern day governing body.
There are several versions of reconciling Galatians and Acts:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_of_Tarsus#.22Council_of_Jerusalem.22There's also the related matter of reconciling Paul and the rules of the Coun-
cil. Of the debated possibilities, I think the more likely possibility is that
Paul explained the matter of the decree in harmony with the way Luke in Acts
did. Christians didn't have to be circumcized but had to decide how Christians
should handle socializing with the Jews to gain them to Christ if the Jews were
restrictive about that socialization.Jewish culture thought eating idol temple meat was to eat meat not koshered of
blood, to eat blood, and off-limits as meat slaughtered by a Gentile, too. Paul
paralleled it with eating the Lord's Supper at 1 Cor.8-11: either is right with
the right worship and wrong with the wrong worship, but abstain from eating idol
temple meat, not koshered of blood, circumstantially around another who, in the
Christian view, was weak in their faith about it, such as a Jewish law follower.This also suits the fact that the Council rule about blood doesn't explain a
difference from the Jewish idea of not eating blood--koshering. None was meant
because the idea was for Gentiles to be considerate of the already assumed Jew-
ish idea of it for socialization with them.Finding a way to have Christianity, now accepting Gentiles, socialize with
Jewish culture that restricted socialization with Gentiles, or Christians send-
ing a message specified for Gentiles "Because Moses is taught....", was also the
reason Luke gave that Paul had Gentile Timothy circumcised just after the Coun-
cil in Acts 16--"because of the Jews." Paul went through a Jewish cleansing
ritual for that socialization in Acts 25, then the decree is brought up as what
was done for the Gentiles about it.The rule on fornication suits the idea of Jewish culture needing to be reas-
sured that Gentiles, known to have looser habits about it, would be told not to
do it to help Christians socialize with Jewish law followers to try to gain them
to Christ, too. The difference is that it was a sin generally but similar as
one the Jewish law followers wanted to be reassured that the Gentiles would be
told to not do if socialization was going to happen.The JWs leaders' misrepresentation of these possibilities, medical concerns,
and about a dozen things they try to affect exclusiveness about, is the best
evidence that they're not responsible leaders regardless of which reconciliation
is chosen for Acts and Galatians.
http://www.freewebs.com/glenster1/gtjbrooklynindex.htm -
"Aid to Bible Understanding" online?
by glenster inis there a free online source for "aid to bible understanding," 1969 (i doubt it but.
you never know)?
We're on the same page that people shouldn't be unethical--over-indulge the
self at another's unnecessary hurt or expense. I didn't specify the method of
getting the material as needing to be from a copy of the book they might sell
cheap, or large or small scale file sharing, or claim to know whether or not the
rights for the Aid book were in public domain (like older JWs leaders' publica-
tions?) or not, although now I'm guessing they're not for the Aid book. Point
about large scale file sharing duly noted. A couple of articles about the de-
bated matters of the legalities and ethics of person to person file sharing are at
the next links.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics_of_file_sharingI don't think even the harshest negative side of that coin puts one instance
of one individual sharing one file of even copyrighted material, a possibility on
a forum which includes a lot of people with PC copies of the literature and
which amounts to one person selling a 2nd hand item or giving another a gift, on
anywhere near the same moral plane as big business legally selling lies that
cause thousands to die, or even has a case that one instance of it would be made
any moral or legal matter, or that the harshest negative stance is based on
weighing the use of one instance of it against it being done to provide evidence
about big business lying that misleads people to unnecessary death, etc., but
I'm satisfied ethically about how it would be silly to me if they did.An expose of JWs leaders lying for the sake of phoney elitism that causes harm
or even death should be evidential more than editorial (let alone about just
hating the JWs leaders, which could just seem like an ironically cranky and
intolerant 'centric view). While there's already more than enough evidence,
there isn't as much on the Internet for the Aid book or that period as there
might be. Please help if you'd like. Without encouraging anything genuinely
unethical, if anyone has a copy of the Aid book and can help me get one in clean
conscience regarding legalities and ethics, and friendly, let alone without pun-
ishing themself that they're to be an object of hate, for heaven's sakes, please
let me know. -
"Aid to Bible Understanding" online?
by glenster inis there a free online source for "aid to bible understanding," 1969 (i doubt it but.
you never know)?
Nobody posted anything about it having to be a pirated copy--you're okay,
fokyc. I've seen older JWs leaders' literature sold on CD for years without the
seller being brought to task legally. If it's different in this case, one in-
stance of person to person sharing wouldn't be a legal problem given that the
way the material is supposed to be spread encompasses that. I wouldn't give a
nickel to organized crime, but the "profiteering..." sword shouldn't be put
away--the ethical obligation is to point out that it cuts toward the JWS leaders
since their deceptions for literature sales have even gotten thousands of people
killed, so for the JWs leaders to make a moral matter of it would be ironic. So
thanks for helping, and the original request stands. -
Which bible translation do you prefer?
by digderidoo ini have decided to buy myself a bible.. i have a new world translation but the large print version, so i tend not to use it.
after reading crisis of conscience i have decided to discard this translation anyway, but at a loss as to what translation to use.
i also have a few old king james bibles but the language is unreadable to me.
I'll have to try the Jerusalem Bible--it gets a very good review at the 1st
link below. I didn't find it online, but the New Jerusalem Bible is at the 2nd
http://www.catholic.org/bible/ -
"Aid to Bible Understanding" online?
by glenster inis there a free online source for "aid to bible understanding," 1969 (i doubt it but.
you never know)?
I just saw people wondering where to get it there.
"Aid to Bible Understanding" online?
by glenster inis there a free online source for "aid to bible understanding," 1969 (i doubt it but.
you never know)?
Thanks, Atlantis! I still haven't found "Aid to Bible Understanding" on the
Internet. Let me know if you'd recommend anything for the 1970's. I don't have
much for that period, for some reason, and what I have is usually just something
about 1914 and predictions. -
Help with Luke
by Mr Grrrr inhi there,the only bible i have right now is a nwt so i need suggestions for a new bible!.
i also found this in the nwt and i never spotted it before, i was hoping someone could explain it with a jw mindset?.
luke 16:19-31. .
A couple I've heard good thing about:
Missing books
by jacethespace inare there missing books from the bible that christians of the 1st century and perhaps the children of israel used?
which were taken out when the roman catholic church ordained the bible.. joshua 10:13 says -is not this written in the book of jasher?.
2 samual 1:18 also mentions a book of jasher.. 2 chronicles 9:29 says- now the rest of the acts of solomon first and last are they not written in the book of nathan the prophet and in the prophecy of ahijah the shilonate and in the visions of iddo the seer.