Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
Colossians 2:16
well thats what my wife said when my grandma stopped by for a visit and invited us to hang out with them christmas eve.
after she left, my wife said i needed to witness to her and remind her that we do nkt celebrate it and that it is the worst holiday to celebrate (actually halloween is lol).
i felt this wasnt the time to argue so i decided to tell her i would look into that.
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
Colossians 2:16
new guy here so i thought i would make a brief introduction.. my exposure to the jw's is indirect, as i have never been a member; however my wife of 22 years grew up in a jw household.
her dad is the grand-pooba or whatever level of "elder" you call it for his kh.
her mom, sister, brother, and their spouses all died in the wool witnesses.
Welcome to JWN! I have seen and heard about jws similar to your inlaws throughout the years. And it's much easier to get away with things when you have money, whether it's within the jws or elsewhere.
I’ve even told them, because I love poking them in the eye from time to time, that if they spent as much time thinking about how illogical and unfounded the whole concept of religion is as they do trying to be good, yet naughty, JW’s their lives would be infinitely less complicated and they wouldn’t carry around so much guilt.
You're correct about this in the rational sense, but something irational has a hold on them, be it brainwashing, tradition, or fear of losing the conditional relationships that being in a cult entails.
i am in charge of planning the resident xmas party (300 apartments that i manage) and about 100 to 150 residents will be there.. i already have a musician lined up but need ideas for food, theme, etc.
$400 budget for food, etc.
any ideas?
Pasta is cheap and easy to make. If you're a member of Sam's Club you can get ready made meatballs for $12 a six pound bag. Turkeys and hams will be on sale all season, and all you have to do is stick them in the oven or a roaster. Five-pound bags of frozen green beans are cheap at Sam's, so you can make green bean casserole. Add stuffing to it for bulk. Add a tossed salad, (big bags of salad mix also at Sam's), rolls, and a few ready made desserts or and a sheet cake. Have coffee, ice tea, and punch and/or kool aid if kids will be there.
If you do go to Sam's, get Chinette plates, Member's Mark napkins, Red cups, and plastic silverware by the case. $400 is plenty to feed 100 to 150 people.
i used to be a member both here and jwd before but have been absent for many years.
i was known as chellechelle before.
ugh life has changed a lot in those years.
Please avail yourself of all of the social programs that are available in your area, including counseling. Things are tough now, but you can determine your future. Get a skill or education, so you'll always be indepenent. Good luck to you!
i was never disfellowshipped, but it's been about 10 years since i was an active jw.
i've made an occasional meeting or half-day at an assembly here or there, strictly at the behest of family (maybe once a year), but i'm completely disconnected.
more importantly, mentally i'm 100% free.. we all have a tendency to project our views and beliefs onto others, and tending to believe that other former jws share our views is no different.
Great thread! I was in Group 4. I'm wondering if your Facebook messages to the two ex-jws went to the mail box that most peole don't know to check. I'm not sure how it works, but I've read FB posts of people apologizing for not responding to mesages, because they just discovered an inbox different than the message inbox.
zac's first tooth just fell out, and so people are telling him that the tooth fairy will come with money.
zac asked me if the tooth fairy is real.
i am at a loss as to what to say.
If the Tooth Fairy thing really bothers you, then tell your son the truth. What you say is not as important as how you say it. Why not just tell him that the Tooth Fairy story is the same as any fairytale, but it would be so much fun to pretend that it's real? The leave the money under his pillow, and let him have fun.
my last speeding ticket was in tennessee in 1993, was going 15 miles over the speed limit and got a $60 ticket.
that was my last one.. three weeks ago did not make a complete stop making a right turn here in california and got nailed with a "camera ticket".. damage to my wallet ...$540 and have to take an 8hour class.. i guess california is in need of a lot of cash.. do you have traffic cameras where you live or are they illegal?.
I'd be careful Jamiebowers...if you get stopped for a traffic violation and they run your name, it is very likely you will have a warrant in the system for FTA (failure to appear) for not paying the ticket or going to court/administrative hearing to fight it. If that is the case, you will have the embarrassing experience of ending up in handcuffs and going to be booked for the warrant. Depending on the court, some of these warrants are "no bail", and thus require you to appear before a magistrate. I would check with the courts and see what the status of that ticket is.
Not in Ohio...
my last speeding ticket was in tennessee in 1993, was going 15 miles over the speed limit and got a $60 ticket.
that was my last one.. three weeks ago did not make a complete stop making a right turn here in california and got nailed with a "camera ticket".. damage to my wallet ...$540 and have to take an 8hour class.. i guess california is in need of a lot of cash.. do you have traffic cameras where you live or are they illegal?.
I received a speeding ticket from one of those cameras. My stepson was driving me in my van up to the Cleveland Clinic, so I could stay with my husband who was having heart surgery. Anyway, the fine was $95 for doing 20 mph in a 15 mph speed limit. First of all, he was pulling out of a gas station parking lot, (the nose of the van was barely on the street), so he couldn't of been doing 20 mph. Second, it was a four-lane street with speed limit signs that were few and far between. Third, the notice said that there would be no points on my license, it wouldn't be reported to my insurance, and there would be no court date set or warrants issued . So I didn't pay it. It will be three years in a few months, and I haven't heard anything from them....just a money grubbing scam of Cleveland. I live in a very small town, and we don't have them here. Some surrounding municipalities tried them, but people bitched so much that they were taken down.
i am a newbie to ttatt.
i have been reading your posts for a few months and joined in a few times.
thank you so much for taking the time to write you experiences it really helps us newly awakened ones.. so here is my story........ my name is 70wksfyrs and me and my kids are victims of domestic violence at the hands of a so called jw.
Its laughable but serious, I just want to be reunited with my dear loved ones again, some elderly ones miss me. Others I really want to reconnect with. For my 11yr old this is really damaging. Finally I am hurting from the isolation.
I've been out for 25 years, and the catalyst for my df'ing was domestic violence and death threats by my jw husband, so I know of what I speak. First of all, why are you putting the onus on yourself for "dear loved ones" shunning you? Shouldn't they be suporting you, since you've been both a victim of your abusive husband and crackpot elders who df'd you for simply telling the truth?
Every non-jw member of my family is opposed to the Watch Tower due to my experience. My mom has shunned me the whole time, and as a result, she's earned the disgust of her other child, her siblings, and their offspring. Let your "dear loved ones" soak in that kind of disapproval from your non-jw family and the world at large.
Second, your 11-year old watching you beg to be reinstated into a vicious cult is as damaging as him or her being part of the cult. Get and keep your kid out and as far away from the Watch Tower as possible. The reasons to do so are too many to list, but they range from Armageddon related fears to exposure to pedophiles who are protected by secrecy within the congegation. Don't allow him or her to think that any of this is normal; otherwise that poor kid may form a pattern of getting into abusive relationships in the future.
Third, you violated two of this cult's most important rules. You spoke out against a man. Kingdom Halls are nothing more than a place for the "good 'ol boy" committees to meet. The elders may smile in your face, but they're stabbing you in the back for not knowing your place. And you didn't keep dirty little secrets that are supposed to be covered up so as not to harm the all mighty organization's reputation.
Fourth, don't isolate yourself or children. Go out into the world and find some nice, normal people to associate with. Doing so will really help to free you of the cult mentality.
Lastly, if there even is such a thing as holy spirit, the Watch Tower organization is the last place it would be found. So don't waste your time worrying about it.
"i'm perfect, you're doomed" by kyria abrahams, 2009, touchstone.. if you want a way to get people out of that horrible cult, easily, quickly and expeditiously, then here is how to do that.. i can say with a vote of confidence that anyone who reads this book will never and i mean never become a dub.
dubs who read it (assuming they have at least one or two brain cells left) will run from their religion like flies on shit when you pour bleach on it and blow it up with dynamite.. toss away crisis of conscience, apocalypse delayed, 30 years a watchtower slave and all those other very nice books and read this one.
i read those and all the other ones.
crmsicl, yes, Kyria goes by her real name on Facebook.
Farkel, please check your private messages.