JoinedTopics Started by neverendingjourney
Ex JW of 30 years , still messed up from it
by Doubledecker inhi , this is my first post .. i left jws 30 years ago as 18 year old unbaptised youth and after the initial fallout from leaving pretty much put the whole thing in a box and buried it .. however , i am now starting to realise how much the doomsday messages and the ‘them and us’ doctrines that’s fed to you from birth has remained in my core beliefs.. how have others managed to reprogram themselves ?.
thanks for reading , have a good day .
by punkofnice ina jobo i know has cancer.
her son goes and cleans her house and generally cares for her.
so does another non-jobo relative.. the congregation, interestingly, has shown very little support apart from the odd one rabbiting on about 'bible promises this and that'.. so, the co visited and said, 'but your son is an apostate(tm).
How many here believe the WTS really has has 8.5 million followers / 8.5. million members
by Hotpepper ini think it's closer to 5 million with all the selling of kingdom hells and branch bethel's all over the world.
it's even hard to get a hard copy of the lastest craptower or afake mag now in new york city..
Hellooooo! 6 years since i posted
by Aussie Oz inso... it has been six years since my last post.
i wonder who still remembers me?
a lot has changed and then again, a lot has not.... i'm still out of course as are my children who are doing very well.
Governing Body prefers property over prayers, songs and use of bible (Mexico)
by krismalone infor many years the government of mexico did not allow religious organizations to own property.
any property used by a religious organization was confiscated by the government.
this law changed in the mid 1990's.
Jordan Peterson - Messiah or Poseur?
by cofty ina jp video came up on my youtube feed last week - he was on a panel in front of a huge audience and some poor disturbed guy ran on stage and started crying and wailing to peterson that he needed his help.
it was agonising to watch.. what was even more disturbing was the comments section.
i do not exaggerate when i say that dozens of people were extolling peterson's wisdom as if jesus had come again.
Who make up the new memorial partakers?
by jwfacts inwhen the doctrine regarding 1935 being the close of the calling was done away with in 2007, it was not unexpected to see the number rise.
over the next few years it went from around 8,500 to 10,500. this seemed to indicate that there were a couple of thousand people that may have felt they had the calling all along, but too shy to profess it.
for the 30 year period between the mid 1978 and 2007, parktakers had barely dropped.
Were / Are the Governing Body "Rock Stars"
by Number 6 inin 1976 when i was a young lad of 6, fred franz came to glasgow and gave a talk in govan a suburb on the south side of the city (for those of you who dont know).
our congregation hired a bus to ferry us all to the hall and it was standing room only.
being only 6, i have only the vaguest of memories other than an old man shouting and bawling from the stage.
Current JW growth in the United States in historical perspective and in comparison with other groups
by slimboyfat incurrent jw growth is slower than during most of their history.
the only probable exceptions are following 1975 when there was a brief worldwide decrease, the late 1920s when around half of the members left the movement, perhaps around the 1917 schism, and various schisms during russell’s time.
there were also periods of sluggish growth during the 1950/60s and around 2000. .
No Need To Preach In Every Country Anymore
by pale.emperor inspeaking to a pimo from my hometown yesterday.
he told me that in the watchtower study (10 nov 2019) regarding “the great tribulation” the elder on the platform said that there’s no need for jws to preach in every country in order to fulfil the prophecy, and therefore the org has already fulfilled that prophecy.
and that there’s nothing else left to wait for now but for “the great tribulation” to come.. gasps of delight came from the audience.. has anyone else heard this?