Oh Jeff. Seriously??? (hand/face)
I can see that we Ex-Jw ladies are going to need to give some classes to you Ex-Jw men! It's so much easier for us, I think.
so as not to hijack another thread, i'm going off on my rantangent here.. in the other thread i posted a 1960s wt quote about women having puny brains, being incapable of leading or making decisions, being ruled by their menstrual constitution and weak musculature.
blahbety blah blah blah.
if you want more gems, just google "watchtower quotes women" and read to your heart's content.. i got to thinking, who is this broad they quoted as a source, dr. marie n. robinson?
Oh Jeff. Seriously??? (hand/face)
I can see that we Ex-Jw ladies are going to need to give some classes to you Ex-Jw men! It's so much easier for us, I think.
so as not to hijack another thread, i'm going off on my rantangent here.. in the other thread i posted a 1960s wt quote about women having puny brains, being incapable of leading or making decisions, being ruled by their menstrual constitution and weak musculature.
blahbety blah blah blah.
if you want more gems, just google "watchtower quotes women" and read to your heart's content.. i got to thinking, who is this broad they quoted as a source, dr. marie n. robinson?
Which part aren't you qualified for? The Ovum-at-Large? The Bovine Fecundity? Oooo - or the Itchy Nipples??? ;)
(laughing at FF's pickup lines. Those are um...truly awful. Hope yours are better)
so as not to hijack another thread, i'm going off on my rantangent here.. in the other thread i posted a 1960s wt quote about women having puny brains, being incapable of leading or making decisions, being ruled by their menstrual constitution and weak musculature.
blahbety blah blah blah.
if you want more gems, just google "watchtower quotes women" and read to your heart's content.. i got to thinking, who is this broad they quoted as a source, dr. marie n. robinson?
Oh my. I don't know whether to laugh or cry or be infuriated. (ATJeff sent me over here to read this.)
Well...I think I'm going to go take my bovinely beautiful self and see if I can go entice a bull somewhere. Or something.
I do have to second what Mr. Flipper says...post cult and post certain activities being banned, frigidity is NOT a problem. Muuwaahahahahahaha!
here is a scan from the dec 15 09 wt (study ed) with a graph of how a witness should apportion their time to remain joyful.. .
so according to this graph, to remain joyful a witness should spend 3 times as much of his waking hours in 'theocratic activities' as he should in secular work!
HA! That's ok, you big strong Elder you...saves me from having to render you your due this month! (scampers off)
Actually, I know a couple members of my family who WILL probably cut this out and hang it on their refrigerators!
i've got one of those forever single friend.. he tries to be friends with every kind of "spiritual" sister out there.
they use him for gifts, rides, and paying their diner meals when the friends go out.. he's in his late 40's and has himself been used by 5 sisters in a 15 years span.. he says he's found a good one, but she goes to meetings and is studying the "troof".
his elders and nosybody acquantences have told him to lay off of her until she's baptized and then some (2-3 years for prooving herself in the lord) or else loose his priviliges.. i tried to nonchalantly telling him that was hogwash, but the pharasees have a grip on him.
Has he ever been married before? I'd be scared to death to date a man in his late 40's who was still...um...untried.
here is a scan from the dec 15 09 wt (study ed) with a graph of how a witness should apportion their time to remain joyful.. .
so according to this graph, to remain joyful a witness should spend 3 times as much of his waking hours in 'theocratic activities' as he should in secular work!
Hi sweetheart (ATJ)!
As your loving forum girl, I've taken the liberty of printing out this lovely chart and posting it to our pretend kitchen wall so we can review our schedule accordingly!!!
Ok, seriously - how bizarre is this chart? And how sad is it that many families will actually sit down and schedule out their time accordingly?
so last night i'm chatting with my wife about some things i had read on this site, when she dropped a bomb on me.
see we have been attempting new non-jw friendships, to make our fade a little more bearable (in her case since she has so many jw friends).
i have been trying to do this for her and told of a few i've found here, and on facebook.
That is so awesome!!! How funny! Welcome LoriJis!!!
the nicest 41 year old brother i have ever met in my life, kind and helpful to all, goes for a routine blood test and finds he has lukemia.
everyone was in shock, he of course refused all blood products advised by doctors.
his blood cell count dropped dramatically and he began to suffer alot.
I am begging everyone to respond to the original post and ignore the incredibly insensitive comments that were just made.
It is terribly sad that something that can so easily be cured is subject to the whims of men. I am sorry for the loss of this man.
and then, immediately after babylon the great is destroyed, almost without a break, look at matt 24 :29 -immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.. now in what sense will the sun be destroyed and the moon not give its light?
are you ready for that?.
and you'll fall across the finish line into the new world !
Right behind ya, IA.
and then, immediately after babylon the great is destroyed, almost without a break, look at matt 24 :29 -immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.. now in what sense will the sun be destroyed and the moon not give its light?
are you ready for that?.
and you'll fall across the finish line into the new world !
Two things about this struck me...1. It is the "nations" who are going to turn against religions, not "The United Nations". Um...let me guess, kinda dangerous to say that the UN is going to do that NOW that the whole NGO thing came out into the open and there are still WT corporations associated with the UN, and 2. All the examples given had to do with the U.S. and Christianity. Last time I checked, non-christian religions were much larger and had much more influence on current world affairs than christianity.
I hope lots of people see that...it clearly a fear-mongering and slightly insane talk if you are at all rational and not deluded.