@serenitynow - yep - they make beer at Bethel now. It's called ..."Bethel Lite"
(ok, now I'm scaring myself at how quickly these are coming back to me)
lets say you are enjoying a glass of good red wine while preparing dinner.
you pick up your glass for a sip and see a gnat floating on top.
1. pour the whole thing in the sink and pour a fresh one.. 2. pick out the gnat and drink the wine.. 3. ignore it and drink the wine and the gnat.. i am a 2. i have done a 3 and it didn't spoil my appetite.. .
@serenitynow - yep - they make beer at Bethel now. It's called ..."Bethel Lite"
(ok, now I'm scaring myself at how quickly these are coming back to me)
lets say you are enjoying a glass of good red wine while preparing dinner.
you pick up your glass for a sip and see a gnat floating on top.
1. pour the whole thing in the sink and pour a fresh one.. 2. pick out the gnat and drink the wine.. 3. ignore it and drink the wine and the gnat.. i am a 2. i have done a 3 and it didn't spoil my appetite.. .
Doesn't this remind anyone of that JW joke that's made the rounds?
A Bethelite, a pioneer and a publisher walk into a bar and order a beer.
The publisher looks at his beer and says, Bartender! There's a fly in my beer! Bring me another!
The pioneer looks at his beer, fishes out the fly, shakes off the excess and drinks his beer.
And the Bethelite grabs the fly by the neck and says, Spit it Out! Spit it Out!
(sigh. oh what passed for humor in the good old days. ;) )
in the summer i play outdoor tennis nearly everyday for about an hour and a half.
i'm going to resume racquetball in the winter which is great for cardio!.
what's your exercise pattern like?.
I run 5-6/mornings a week; 2 miles. I need to add some weight training in there, but my schedule is tight as it is. I'm lucky to get in 2 miles!
so all of us that grew up as witnesses never did certain things because of them having pagan origins.
why don't we celebrate christmas?
pagan origins.
Regardless of whether you are a "young earth creationist" or not, "paganism" predates Christianity no matter how you look at it. Ergo, most things customs/religions/rituals/holidays have a "pagan" origin. My question is, why is that so bad? I wish I could find this book a friend of mine had, but I can't (in case anyone knows of it). It took the major teachings of all religions and compared them side by side (example, "the golden rule" or the quote about Love in Corinthians) and you know what? Surprise, surprise, ALL of the religions' holy books had similar quotes - well before the bible was written.
I think your question is sound. Why WOULD any of these things be dangerous to a Christian?
@Mary - hands you the baseball bat! (although I have to admit - up the side of his head is probably where I'd end up, not where I'd start.)
I couldn't agree more with everything you just said. I agree - no religion should be enmeshed in government - drives me nuts when the moral majority tries to do it in the U.S. (remember the Texas schoolboard controversy???).
Anyway - I didn't mean to jump all over anyone - I think it was an ongoing reaction to a political science class I'm taking where everyone who is non-Christian is Bad and Evil and Islam is a Tool of Satan (according to my fundie and not very bright classmate). Everything and everyone that doesn't fit into this neat little box of Christianity is Wrong. You can only imagine the condemnation of all Muslims that goes on. It's scary and it's hateful and it's making me slightly batty.
@ ak-Jeff. Thank you for saying exactly what I was trying to say - only much more succintly. :)
@Mary - I'm totally ok with agreeing to disagree (isn't freedom of thought wonderful??!!!).
Frankly, I find danger in most religions and that includes Christianity. However, I also know many Muslims and have studied Islam (not in depth, but as part of a couple of courses at University). The politicalization of the religion is indeed harmful. What disturbs and distresses me is the willingness that people have to utterly and arbitrarily condemn everyone belonging to a certain belief system, and I believe that is wrong. And yes, the Taliban IS very cult-like; it's not just "poor leadership" within Islam.
Well, I have to admit, the Western news media is completely unbiased and neutral and only prints things that are not shocking (rolls eyes). http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100809/wl_sthasia_afp/afghanistanunrestwomenexecution
The deputy head of the religious council for western Afghanistan, Mohammad Kabaabiani, said the execution ran counter to Islamic principles.
Head of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission in western Afghanistan, Abdul Qadir Rahimi, condemned the killing.
"Any such trial is unacceptable and is a violation of human rights. All trials must take place in an authorised court observing every single measure of justice," said Rahimi.
Look, I am NOT in favor of one side over the other. It just irks me when anyone makes a blanket condemnation of an entire group based on the actions of some without having a genuine knowledge of the whole. Not all Muslims kill. Not all whites lynch. Not all Catholics are pedophiles. Not all blacks are athletes. Not all Christians hate Muslims. See what I mean?
Condemn the Taliban and how it has twisted Islam? Absolutely. I have friends from both Pakistan and Afghanistan. They are sickened by what has happened to their countries. But if you want to do something about it, then educate yourselves on how to make a difference. Here's a great place to start: http://www.halftheskymovement.org/
(small sigh) Yes. It was incredibly horrible and there are just no words.
However, to say that the Taliban represents Islam is like saying Jehovah's Witnesses represent Christianity. The Taliban are a small militant fundamentalist group that have many earmarkings of cultic activity. Do not condemn an entire religion and segment of society based on this group. They are NOT one and the same.
Full disclosure: I am neither Christian nor Muslim. Just educated.
i scream out sometimes.
am i angry at a 'being' that i don't think exists?
or the embedded concept?.
@Ziddina - that was hilarious! I think I prefer your goddess!
To answer the original question - oh yes, I cry out Oh God but it's usually in reference to an activity (grins).
I am much more at an open universal energy that ties us all together, along the lines of what Agonus is saying. Leaning much more toward a Buddhist type of philosophy.
And although I think some people are well-intentioned...anyone who hears invisible people speaking to them most likely has some type of neurological or emotional issue, however kind they may be. However, until the invisible being tells them to pick up a weapon and start smiting others in the name of the "Lord", it's harmless and whatever floats your boat. On another level, it is also vaguely offensive to the billions of people who aren't christian yet still believe in the divine.
Anyway - no, I'm not angry anymore at anyone. Sad for those who build their lives around a harmful concept? Absolutely. But sad? No. My involvement is this cult has taught me many wonderful and valuable lessons. Putting the experience into perspective helps me be the best person I can possibly be - and I think there WAS a purpose to it all.