Taliban Executes Pregnant Widow
by Bangalore 27 Replies latest social current
nancy drew
When we read about this we feel horror but the reality is jw org wants the same thing they just want to stand and watch while god does it.
any religion that teaches hellfire or whatever horrible punishment isn't any better.
OK, time for a certain poster here to punch up the comment that "Christians were worse during the crusades and the inquisition" - then I will respond with the usual BS call.
I am sorry, but Islam is doing daily barbarism in the here and now. I would be willing to give it the same freedom to be as any other religion - if they would simply make any effort to police themselves and act in a non-violent and civilized manner.
That is a big IF - and they are proving constantly that they either can't or won't.
Mad Sweeney
Lunatics or Evil? Solid dose of both, IMO.
I despair at such blatant inhumanity.
And if what they do to women isn't horrifying enough, apparently even children are targets for these blood-thirsty f*cktards as the story reads further:
"...Another recent act by Taliban militants included the execution of a 7-year-old boy charged with spying, and a young couple, 19 and 20, who had run away to elope, but were caught and killed. Two women were publicly executed by being shot in the head, with video of their shrouded forms being herded into the back of a car and being executed by gunshot. Two men were accused of spying, executed by cutting their throats, and then their heads were paraded on sticks before a cheering crowd."
But I digress. It really is a religion of peace!
(small sigh) Yes. It was incredibly horrible and there are just no words.
However, to say that the Taliban represents Islam is like saying Jehovah's Witnesses represent Christianity. The Taliban are a small militant fundamentalist group that have many earmarkings of cultic activity. Do not condemn an entire religion and segment of society based on this group. They are NOT one and the same.
Full disclosure: I am neither Christian nor Muslim. Just educated.
where is the video? i want to see footage
However, to say that the Taliban represents Islam is like saying Jehovah's Witnesses represent Christianity. The Taliban are a small militant fundamentalist group that have many earmarkings of cultic activity. Do not condemn an entire religion and segment of society based on this group. They are NOT one and the same.
Then why isn't "mainstream Islam" out in the media strongly condemning this? It is NOT just the Taliban - look at the record of the Saudis, the Iranians, Somalia, and so on...
This is the most vengeful and violent major religion on earth and they need to be called out as such - just as we would be calling out the Aztecs or Incas if they were still performing modern-day human sacrifices at noon on the pyramids.
to say that the Taliban represents Islam is like saying Jehovah's Witnesses represent Christianity. The Taliban are a small militant fundamentalist group that have many earmarkings of cultic activity. Do not condemn an entire religion and segment of society based on this group. They are NOT one and the same.
Sorry Georgiegirl, I disagree. The Taliban are not the only problem with Islam. Iran is on the verge of stoning a woman to death for supposedly committing adultery (even though there is no evidence that she actually did). It's been postponed for now, simply due to worldwide outrage but this woman will almost certainly be executed at some point. This is not being done at the hands of the Taliban. Stoning for adultery is actually law in Iran. Islam is either the largest or second largest religion in the world now and their warped views affect alot more than just "small areas"---it affects hundreds of millions of people. Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iran, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, Yemen, Somalia---they still practice horrific abuses against women and these women have absolutely no Rights whatsoever.
If anyone should be able to recognize another dangerous cult, it's us. Each and everyone of us have firsthand experience of what living under the boot of fanatical rulers can do. Your argument that the Taliban do not represent the real Islam is no different that a JW Apologetic stating that the pedophile problem within the Organization does not really represent the religion. In reality, both the pedophile problem and the Taliban are by-products of extremely bad leadership within the mainstream religion itself. We probably all know Witnesses that are normal, well-adjusted and happy people. Does that change the fact that the religion is a cult with some pretty sick doctrines? No it does not. Nor does the fact that people who know Muslims who are normal, well-adjusted and happy people change the fact that their religion is a cult with some pretty sick doctrines. So it just boggles the mind to hear anyone on here try to promote the idea that the only problem with Islam are the few fringe Taliban because what happens when we get JW Apologetics on here who try to defend the Organization using the same sorry excuse?