JoinedPosts by SnakesInTheTower
new kitten in the to get the resident cat to accept?
by SnakesInTheTower inas some here may know, i got a cat at the local shelter a couple of years ago.
max (short for maxine) a very good natured, loving much as a cat can be.
lately she has really been trying for my attention.... why?.
new kitten in the to get the resident cat to accept?
by SnakesInTheTower inas some here may know, i got a cat at the local shelter a couple of years ago.
max (short for maxine) a very good natured, loving much as a cat can be.
lately she has really been trying for my attention.... why?.
I left the two cats alone for a couple of hours while I ran errands, free to interact or not. No blood, no tufts of
When I came home, the kitten was behind the rocker where he likes to hide out...the resident cat Max was lying on the bed in our bedroom. Little cat followed me, and Max could hear it..her ears twitched...I took the kitten out before the hissing started. I figure kitten is banned from our bedroom.... giving Max a safe haven away from the honery little cat.
Snakes (Rich )
new kitten in the to get the resident cat to accept?
by SnakesInTheTower inas some here may know, i got a cat at the local shelter a couple of years ago.
max (short for maxine) a very good natured, loving much as a cat can be.
lately she has really been trying for my attention.... why?.
my thinking too.... I think the two will be fine... we left for a 4 day vacation a few weeks ago and Max was by herself, except for daily visits from my fiancee's parents...when we got home Max went crazy.... and she has been extra affectionate since... a month later this interloper appears on her scene....
....right now the kitten is kept in the bathroom if we leave. I went and dropped the 9YO off at school and left the kitten out in the house.... only gone about 15 min.... both cats were fine...except for the hissing and
..on another note...the 9YO is actually afraid of animals....cats and esp dogs. took him awhile to warm up to Max... I am having to teach him how to properly handle and pick up a kitten so as not to hurt it....
..ironically, the 9YO actually wants to clean the litter box...gross stuff and all....but other things he is finding out that a new kitten (like any baby) is a lot of work...and not just a stuffed toy to play with...and like any kid...not so much into hard work.
...we thought about keeping the kitten in his room at night...he wants that......I need to get him to declutter it before that can happen. Lots of things that the kitten can get into... but we will see...
on another cat front... my cat Max actually bangs her body against our bedroom door if it is shut...we only have a sliding latch right now to keep it locked when we need to...the cat banged it so hard the other night she blasted the screws out of the frame and came right on in as if no big deal...not the first time...and she wakes us up because she wants to look outside through the blinds... Max is a big kitty.
...the cats waking her up is really causing a problem with my dear fiancee....having trouble sleeping as it is... dont know if we can actually lock the door anyway....the 9YO comes in occasionally at night (as opposed to 3 times a night at first) because of growing pains....
ahhh... maybe I should video the two it
Snakes (Rich )
...I am off to meet my fiancee at her job for coffee...and then I have yard work to do before the rain...
new kitten in the to get the resident cat to accept?
by SnakesInTheTower inas some here may know, i got a cat at the local shelter a couple of years ago.
max (short for maxine) a very good natured, loving much as a cat can be.
lately she has really been trying for my attention.... why?.
As some here may know, I got a cat at the local shelter a couple of years ago. Max (short for Maxine) a very good natured, loving much as a cat can be. Lately she has really been trying for my attention.... why?
You see, my fiancee's 9YO son lost his hamster...died a couple of months ago.... ever since he has been pestering her for a replacement pet. For awhile he had been going for a leopard gecko.... after showing my fiancee the care requirements (heat lamp on 12 hours a day...nasty little mealworms that are fed live...etc)....I was able to get past that idea.
..... but then my future mother-in-law, the crazy cat lady, got a whole new litter of kittens. Why she refuses to get these cats fixed is beyond me...she is, to put it kindly, cheap. Has money, refuses to part with it. She and the 9YO's grandpa watch him for us on Saturdays and after school some days.... and of course the kittens are a kid magnet. Now the 9YO wants one of the kittens.
So my fiancee starts working on me. My concern is the resident cat. I have had cats over the years, and even introduced them before...but that was always under my parents home... this is the first time I have dealt with it myself.
after much cajoling, they talk me into a trial run...a couple of hours a day in the evening to introduce the two cats. Unfortunately, our house is not very big, so there really isnt a good room to put the kitten into..that is usually the best...kitten behind closed doors, let them smell each other for awhile...
Well...the MIL throws down the gauntlet because grandpa hates the cats and wants them gone (litter smell, old wet food, etc) we had to decide by today if we were going to take the kitten. Of course, the kitten is cute...arent they all? Supposedly the cats are either going to a shelter or a farm...kittens to the shelter cats to the country (I hate the dumping thing...ticks me off)
so resident cat max is alternately ignoring and hissing (and today growling) at the kitten (named Adventure by the 9YO). Information I have found says that it can take 3 weeks. sheesh...
Last night I had to lock the kitten into the bathroom (unfortunately it does not lock from the outside, so there is nothing keeping big cat from pushing open the door...)...poor kitten cried off and on....
the kitten is lying asleep behind me in the office chair...the big cat is on her perch next to the window, next to me, looking out the window....every time she turns around and sees the kitten...hiss..growl.... then quiet... then normal meow...then growl...she is grooming herself like crazy now.
The worse thing that the big cat has done is batted the kitten once...chased it away...and held its head down with her paw..... the kitten has taken the proper submissive postures....but then chases big cat...
so...bad idea...letting little kitten into the house? I told the family I will give kitten 3 weeks...and if Max doesnt accept the kitten by then (or her behavior gets worse in the interim) I told them the kitten has to go. I take cat ownership seriously. Max was here first. They are accepting that. Actually, after last night, my fiancee was ready for the kitten to go now...
Snakes (Rich )
worst privelege ever?
by rockmehardplace incollecting money after every meeting.
i could never get someone to help, and i was always last to leave.
when i did finally have one person who would help, if i used them too often i got questions about why the two of us were always taking the contributions.
Unrolling insulation into a windowless, airtight attic in a Kingdom Hall remodeling project on literally the hottest day of the decade, while wearing gloves, thick long pants and long sleeves in a futile attempt to keep the fibers out of my skin.
Are you sure that we did not work together??? I worked insulation on QBs for a long time...until I was able to weasle into volunteer service (sit in a tent reading the newspaper and drinkng coffee while checking in people, once in awhile walking around the site making sure the workers had a colored dot on their hard hat indicating they had checked in..... LOL... )
and I am glad I was advised dont take a hot shower after installing insulation..... opens your pores...fibers go in.....itch for weeks...
Snakes (Rich )
Cheating in the Congregation
by EXMS inhow often does anyone see cheating happening throughout the congregation?.
reason that i ask this is because it happened to me.
in this three years things seemed to go great.
if you gonna play with snakes, you going to get bit
heeeeeyyyyy! I resemble
And...welcome to the board glad that you didnt get stuck with her...
SnakesInTheTower (of the "got the hell out of the Borg" Sheep Class)
ps...regarding the topic..... this crap happened more than the average JW realized.... I even knew of wife swapping among participants in a district convention occured at a private "rehearsal".... but it didnt come out until after the much for good examples. yeah....plain vanilla cheating doesnt surprise me..
Quality Men who Don't Smoke and Don't Get Drunk...
by White Dove inwhy's it so hard to find them?
it seems like everyone i see around me smokes: my apartments, every job i've ever had, people on the streets.
finding a quality guy that smells good and has a functioning brain not strung out on drugs or alcohol every week is hard to find..
I meet the qualifications....I dont smoke...and I dont get drunk....but I am off the market... I think my dear fiancee might take issue with me if I said
My fiancee had been married to a drunk and a smoker...she does not smoke and rarely she stayed with him for so long I dont know.
My JW mom married a non JW smoker after my JW dad died...with her asthma I dont know how she does it (though he is a great guy and tries to be considerate around us nonsmokers...and they have a filtering system in their house that helps)
So we nonsmokers/non drunks/quality guys are out there...we are just cautious. You have to look for us. I met my fiancee at her work (St Louis Bread Co...aka Panera)...and asked her out at the laundromat.....story here (amazing that it has been nearly a year)
Snakes (Rich )
How I obtained my personal files from Bethel
by jwfacts init has taken me a long time, but i have finally put together an article outlining how i used the law to force bethel to send me my personal files.
it is a very long article full of scans, so i have linked to it at
in brief, in 2006 i requested that bethel send me my files on the basis that the australian privacy act 1988 entitles people to receive a copy of any information a corporation holds about them.
I am impressed with the amount of information you have posted regarding your exit from WT, et. al. We are close in age and have taken similar paths up the so-called theocratic career ladder. ...yours took you to bethel... mine took me through MTS (with a couple of side trips as a temp at bethel....trips that told me bethel was not for me....partly based on behavior I observed first hand by so-called "spiritual men" at bethel.
your posting also tells me that I would not take the same amount of time in my case. I do not think I could do this in the US at any rate. I have no idea if I am DF or not. The elders certainly have enough proof to give me the boot officially...both in my postings here and my personal circumstances in the real world. I get an occasional visit from an elder (the last one was informal I believe).... but no visits at all from a CO or DO or from any elder from the last KH I associated with.
I am glad you got out... I am glad to be out myself. I cannot believe I, as a congregation secretary, used to write utterly inane letters like the ones you petty in retrospect....
Snakes (Rich )
yes.......what is sad is that such talent is wasted on such a display. I once knew a sister that was extrememly talented in cake decorating (and baking...some people can bake but the cake tastes like crap).... she even worked for a bakery for a time...
....until she decided to start regular pioneering instead.... (probably the cake was made for a "get-together" or someone going to pioneer school or some anniversary of pioneering...blech)
Snakes (Rich )
local elder stops by for a casual visit
by SnakesInTheTower infirst of all, i never believe that any visit by an elder is truly casual.
this particular elder was one of my closest friends from the time i first met him in the lobby of bethel during a tour, to the time he moved here from uk, to the time i left his congo.
i posted elsewhere that he once came by the house and said "is there anything i can do to help you come back to the kh?
One elder = one witness = it never happened in JW-land
this visit....
When you have 2 or more elders show up at the same time...then you'll know they are fishing for something to hang you with.
I had that visit awhile back and wrote about it here
So if showing up to the door in my PJs and robe, with my fiancee and her son also appearing in their PJs and robes is not proof enough nothing is
Snakes (Rich )