at least 3min attempting to get someone to the door. Rang bell, no answer, knocked door, no answer, rang bell, no answer, well, you get the picture. Heh, heh, sometimes we even went to the back
the only reason I do this now is in my job as a bill collector. sometimes I even knock like a cop. When I was a "pioneer" (though by 1986, what were we really pioneering?), I had the fake door bell ring, light knock, leave a tract, hit and run down pat. I hated pioneering and door to door in general...even admitted it from the platform during public talks and service meeting parts. That got people's attention. I was not kidding.
On a similar front.....I seen a whole bunch (gaggle, flock, group?) of dubs in a QT (QuikTrip) convenience store today (Granite City, IL). One older (50s?...so older than me) sister was waiting next to me in line for the restroom (the men's room was closed for cleaning). Do you think she would take the opportunity to share The Good News of the Kingdom® with this poor sap? No...but I am certain they did not recognize me....even though I had given several talks in their KH. Mostly sisters, but one older brother.... all buttoned up in his suit and tie...suit coat buttoned all the way.... not sure if he looked dapper or lost. He sure did not look like he wanted to be there. Mostly they stood inside of this store between the donuts and the coffee stand yakking.... sure not much "urgency" in their message.
Snakes (Rich )