marking for later .. I think I started to read this before. so far interesting and not surprising. When I temped at bethel in 80s (brooklyn) and 90s (wallkill) I seen some crazy $hit. Nothing like this though.
Snakes (Rich )
since half of them ended up at my house on friday and saturday nights i was given a very shining report card.
he then told me that he would knock on my door bright and early in the morning to take me to breakfast with him and his wife.
a couple of them told they enjoy the articles i write in the art magazines and they were really happy to meet me.
marking for later .. I think I started to read this before. so far interesting and not surprising. When I temped at bethel in 80s (brooklyn) and 90s (wallkill) I seen some crazy $hit. Nothing like this though.
Snakes (Rich )
my school was a couple weeks back, and it was interesting to a degree.
to be honest with you, it reminded me of a police crime scene investigation with yellow tape.
what i mean is, in one respect it was business as usual.
Nothing new under the sun... **Gag**
Snakes (Rich )
ps... to oppostate:
School at Holyoke Kingdom Hall in Mass
interesting... we will be in Holyoke this May for my fiancee for her daughter's graduation. Never been to Mass. before. We might fly into Providence since I have a HS friend in New Bedford. Any suggestions for hotels in the area?
this letter was sent as an addendum to the elders regarding their latest elders textbook.
i think you'll find this interesting and also disconcerting as well.. to all bodies of elders.
re: spiral binding of shepherding textbook.
when I read this subject line, I thought for certain the WTBTS fools were going to ban the rebinding. I mean, an elder couldn't hide the fact that he had this done. Maybe a bunch of them did (I am presuming that these are softcover not hardcover) and that the books are going to fall apart quickly. First time an elder shows up at a meeting with it rebound, all the elders and the CO knows.
Know my next thought about this letter? I no longer care. Progress. Very little in WTLand matters to me and what little does is only because of my JW mom. Even that is a mere blip on my life radar.
Snakes (Rich )
p.s. Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Flipper. Long time no talk to.
so my ex who has gone back to the wts and is being given the tough love and is questioning whether shes makin the right move.
she told me at the last service meeting that there was a resolution passed that stated that all leftover balances in the congregations accounts would be sent to the society to be used where the need is great, to help out with natural disasters etc and that the funds would be sent back to the congregation if they needed it.. has anyone else who is still in or knows active witnesses heard of this new resolution?
apparently its everywhere in canada as far as i was told .. .
The way the accounts paperwork is kept in most congregations, and the way resolutions are filed -- or not filed -- it does not take long for people to forget that the money was ever sent to the Society in the first place. Anyone ever seen the inside of most congregation's filing system? Dear God FSM.
No, except for the elders, and even most of those forget after a time -- and maybe a couple of the large donors (usually elderly) that get bent out of shape for their money going to Brooklyn Walkill Patterson (oh wait, Rampau or wherever the hell their new compound is moving), no one remembers that the money ever existed. Back in my old KH (Death Valley Wood River) Except for one old sister that used to write down everything in the accounts when it was read, no one paid attention. (A***, you still doing that dear? After the UN debacle, you are on this site, ain't ya? LOL)
Snakes (Rich )
i attended a recent ministerial servant k m school on the east coast and the main school instructor mentioned among other things (part entitled: 'objective of the km school course') that the total number of ministerial servants is seriously less than it should be.
in times past the ratio of m ss to elders was much more than it is today.. in the u.s. apparently the total number of elders is 88,500+ as opposed to m ss 65,000. the numbers show & numbers don't lie: the society is running out of spiritual men.
the instructor stated that this is a new downward trend that has (in so many words) the society worried.. the next speaker (part entitled: 'why we must be spiritual men') added that in his years as a traveling servant the pool of m ss has always been much, much larger than it is today.
I do not think I was such a great elder. I fall into the stats of men not reaching out again. They lost me too. I was 40 when I was deleted as an elder and left the Organization completely 9 months later after transferring to another KH and circuit and state. I faded away and I am now 44.
I was a regular pioneer and a graduate of MTS (Ministerial Training School -- 62nd US Class - 2002 --- take that Bethel). I used to pick up the slack of the MSs and elders in our KH by taking on extra assignments and parts and talks. It was difficult to get MSs especially to do any more than they had to do. So when I left, I wonder who picked up the slack?
Oh, that's right, this reminds me of something I once heard while temping at Bethel: "How much do you matter? Put your finger in a cup of water, remove your finger, the hole that is left is all that you really mattered. Jehovah can and will replace you immediately." Looks like that water is turning to jelly.
After I had to leave my MTS assignment after only a few months because of health issues (OK... I quickly tired of the lack of support in the assignment truth be told), WTBTS dropped me like a hot potato. I got very few parts on assemblies and those were minor. If you are not a company man all the way, the will not have much to do with you.
On the one hand, I am glad to see this situation occurring. On the other hand, I really don't give a $hit.
Snakes (Rich )
about five years ago, john williams came to philadelphia, ms as a visiting bethel speaker for our special assembly day.
i was well acquainted with him, as he had been to my kh before as a special weekend speaker, and also to a neighboring congregation.
in his afernoon talk, he goes off about social network websites and he made this statement: "brothers, make no mistake about it, myspace is no place for christians".
funny that about television... some of the best times we had as a family was when our old television finally died. It was 2 years before we could afford a new one. We ate dinner at the dinner table not in front of the boob tube. We talked, we played games and read. Dad got the new one and it was never the same.
Now I have a television but I make the tube work for me. I have AT&T U-verse with a DVD. We record what we want and watch when we want. If it is dumb we delete it before finishing the program. My fiancee just bought me a Sony Blu-ray player with WiFi. Now we hook into the wireless U-verse internet and download movies via Netflix ($10/mo.) and listen to music via Pandora (free). Today I watched an old National Geographic special on Air Force One. Infinitely more interesting than most of the inane comedies and sitcoms and dumb game shows. I have a bunch of documentaries in my instant queue to watch when I am folding laundry in my quiet time. Toni has a movie or two lined up. Redbox, Blockbuster Express and the public library round out our cheap entertainment for DVDs and Blu-ray movies. We find promo codes for redbox cheap or free all the time.
Snakes (Rich )
i am baking right now.
this can be frustrating and satisfying at the same time.
for example, i have never made meringue cookies before.
actually I did put in Cream of Tartar .. went out and got a new bottle specifically for the cookies (though I think about another acid like lemon juice will do in a pinch....). It turns out that the cookies came out tasting the way I remember them as a kid and they are all gone now. :P
Weird... It is supposed to get to 60°F here by Friday. That will melt our snow.
Snakes (Rich )
this is a old case but just shows what goes on behind closed doors if you are a jw family.
this arsehole needs to go to the chair!!.
more news:.
I sometimes think the emotional abuse is worse. At least with a physical beating there are bruises that can be seen by others and they (usually) heal in time. With emotional abuse, the scars are there, maybe for life. But no one can see them but you. My fiancee experienced both with her ex-husband. Neither is fun of course. I promised her I would never even lay a finger on her in anger or even raise my hand to her in a threatening way. I promised her 9 year old son the same. The only time corporal punishment will ever be (and has ever been) used by his mom or I is if he endangers his own life or others. He got a good whooping when he was little for running in traffic. Scared his mom to death.
CO's are no more qualified to give parenting advice than I am to give physics advice to NASA. Not at all. Elders just about as unqualified... especially single elders such as I was back when (4 years ago this week deleted). And no one is truly qualified to tell you how to raise your children as you are.
Snakes (Rich of the "new to this parenting thing" Sheep Class)
this is a old case but just shows what goes on behind closed doors if you are a jw family.
this arsehole needs to go to the chair!!.
more news:.
As much as I loved my JW father, he definitely was into corporal punishment. He would beat me and my two brothers with a belt. As I got older and the belt did not seem to be doing the job, he reversed ends and used the buckle end. Now he would go to jail for child abuse. Then, if we tried to say we were "calling the child abuse hotline" he would pick up the phone and start dialing the actual number and tell us when he got out of jail he would give us more. We never called. If we tried to run (we had 9 acres), he said we had to come home sometime and it would be (and was) worse. Mom tried to run interference but got emotionally abused herself.
I only partly blame this on the religion. I blame part of it on the time he grew up (he was born in 1934) and his dad was tough.
Although he softened a bit as he got older, he still was abusive, physically and emotionally. Right before he went on vacation with my mom, he threw my teenage brother off the front steps (just a couple). Dislocated his shoulder. Dad died of congestive heart failure while in the bathroom overnight at his sister's house. Alone. Mom found him on the floor the next morning, dead. They had just argued right before bed about what dad did to my brother. (As a side note, this is why my fiancee and I never go to bed mad at each other nor do we leave each other for the day going to work or school mad .. we just never know. It is the only "rule" I insist on and it has kept us close so far).
I don't see what my dad did through rose colored glasses nor do I justify what he did. Karma bites you in the ass. The sad thing is there is no damn resurrection. He has been gone 16 years.
Rest in peace dad, I still love you.
Snakes (Rich )
i thought it would be interesting to discuss the things we believed as jw's, but were kind of embarassed about and didn't tell the public about, since it would make us look ridiculous.......... one thing i can think of is the idea that only jw's will make it through armageddon.
everyone else would be destroyed.
i would never tell anyone that even though we all believed it.
The great thing about field service is that it prepared me for my current job. I am a cable bill collector. Think about it the similarities.
• People do not want to see me coming up their sidewalk/pull in front of their house/into their driveway.
• People know what I am there for before I even knock/ring the bell.
• People sometimes hide behind the door and peek out the curtains and think I don't see/hear them.
• People answer the door and sometimes scream and yell obscenities at me or threaten me.
• People want me off their porch/out of their house as quickly as possible because they don't want their neighbors to see me talking to them.
The difference between field service and bill collections for the cable television company is:
• If they see me they know they better either give me money or give me equipment.
• If they hide, are rude, or scream at me, their cable goes off.
• If they get too out of hand, I call the cops, 'cause there are no angels standing invisibly on either side of me covering my sorry a$$.
• I don't have to waste a bunch of time explaining why the hell I am bothering them at 9:30 in the morning, I sure as hell am not a JW.
• Most importantly, and despite the economy, I get paid to do it.
Snakes (Rich