Get married to my beautiful NON-JW fiancee -- the sooner the better -- hoping for May.
Get my JW mom to wake the hell up and see the truth about the Truth®. Short of that, rebuild our relationship based on non-JW interests.
Snakes (Rich )
what i ask is for some specifics.
it helps to say it, type it, get it off your chest.
read mine and maybe you will have a good idea what i mean.. i hope that i get my wife out of the jw's by all of the positive reinforcement i have given her to be an independent thinker.
Get married to my beautiful NON-JW fiancee -- the sooner the better -- hoping for May.
Get my JW mom to wake the hell up and see the truth about the Truth®. Short of that, rebuild our relationship based on non-JW interests.
Snakes (Rich )
i'll keep it short.. you're no doubt aware of the 'if the gb say something that seems odd, just go along with it' thing.
and the 'do as the gb tell you!
dont doubt the gb!
It seems to me years ago there was something in the publications about the "Great Tribulation" versus "Armageddon." Something along the lines of that we would be in the Great Tribulation and we would not even necessarily be aware of it. That the longer the GT went on, the shorter (and more intense) that the Big A would be? Maybe I just dreamed that or maybe that was my own view point.
Either way, except for my JW mom, I really do not give a sh*t about the DubDoctrines anymore.
Snakes (Rich )
no call to invite me to a committee notification of deciding i should be df' telling my jw wife of the announcement...not a chance to appeal what i did not even know what was going mini-serve son is devasted....he even researched it....told me to go to page 153-154 of the od book...never heard of it but it is a green hardback given to all who are to be baptized.
wow...the elders broke every rule in this book as to my case.... i have no respect for these men that can take away your jw family without even telling you they are going to.
my jw son has now begged me to meet with my committee...even though there is prob zero chance they can reverse the decision...that chance is from when they let you know...and you have to appeal by letter within 7 days (i cant make this stuff up!!
Very glad you are alive oompa... The elders are not even following their own internal directives. Of course, things have probably changed in the 4 plus years since I was an elder. One thing I know has not changed -- the love that God supposedly has for humans. And the elders sure as hell are not showing the love.
Really depends on what you want the outcome to be. You can certainly fight the elders and get reinstated. YES -- disfellowshippings can be rescinded and announced publicly ("The announcement regarding Oompa has been rescinded."). It would cause some huge "WTF" reactions in the congregation. However, the elders will keep you on their radar and just find another reason to kick you out. It is their game -- their rules. And local elders rules are like "Free Parking" in Monopoly. Free Parking is just a space, but lots of people make up their own rules about it -- and so do the local yokel elders.
Good luck to you in your recovery.
Snakes (Rich )
this is a man who had cold callers coming to his home.
at first nothing could be legaly done about it, but now it can and house holders now have a legal right to refuse cold callers coming to their home and by law this must be obeyed.. i wonder what impact this will have on the jw's and also their policy of calling once a year even if they have been told not to??
On the trespassing issue... the Society claims that a JW is not supposed to trespass (wink wink)... and has made clear in letters to the congregation and the elders that WTLegal is not going to back a JW that does. But how many die-hard j-dubs do you think are still ignoring the "No Trespassing" signs? (Theocratic warfare, "god's work," "urgent message" blah blah).
As far as I know, the law allows access to a property as long as a person stays on the sidewalk and/or the driveway. No trespassing starts at the sign. If the sign is on the house, that doesn't cover the sidewalk, it covers the house. If there is a fence around the yard and the sign is at the gate, then it starts there -- do not go inside the gate.
Things are different if you have an implied invitation. An example of an implied invitation is the mailbox on the house. Of course the mail carrier has the right (and invitation) to cross the no trespassing sign. I am a bill collector for a contractor for the local cable company. I ignore the no trespassing signs all the time. Why? I have an implied invitation -- either because the person is a customer or I have to access their yard to get to our connections. If I have a work order in my hand -- even if the customer did not request my visit (i.e., they did not pay their bill now I need to collect money or equipment), I still have the right to go on the porch, sidewalk, driveway and contact the person. If I need to do the actual disconnection, then because it is a utility, the utility easement gives me right to access the pole or pedestal in the yard, even if I have to climb the fence to get to it -- though we do try to contact the homeowner first. (There is supposed to be unfettered access to the utility lines, but people fence them in all the time.) Thankfully, I am not the one that must do the disconnection so I can pass the work order to someone who does. Pisses people off when we "trespass" to cut off their cable. Sometimes police have to be called to force access.
When it comes to the witnesses -- If the sidewalk or driveway is not blocked with a locked gate and/or a no trespassing sign, then the witnesses -- or anyone for that matter -- have an implied invitation. If the gate is locked and/or a sign is posted -- then the JWs have no legal right to be there. By the way -- the "Do Not Visit" list in most congregations is one of the most poorly maintained records in the congregation.
The dubs no longer bother me. I put the word out to leave me the hell alone and they are. I do not have a sign posted but if they start bothering me again I will get one and post it at the end of my driveway.
Snakes (Rich -- of the "JWs don't trespass on my property anymore" Sheep Class)
every once in a while there's a story so well told that it deserves lots and lots of kudos and plugs.
here's that 124-book length story which is the first one linked from "exclusive autobiographies" on the home page of
read it free!.
book mark for later
Snakes (Rich )
i have a sub to netflix, but i think it is a rip off.
they raised their prices and i am in the market to find some kind of website with a reasonable fee charged to view movies or tv shows only.
i don't need the dvd rental anymore.
I have Netflix again. My fiancee bought me a WIFI enabled Sony Blu Ray player. I have Pandora (radio) and Netflix on it. I have watched several documentaries on the tv via Netflix. I like it. I will probably drop the DVD portion of the subscription once I return the current DVD. Have to talk to my better half. We have AT&T Uverse with a DVR and we love it.
I have not used roku or hulu. Have to check it out.
Snakes (Rich )
i am a former active poster here, former elder, former bethelite and pretty much known by people on the xjw boards since the mid 90's.
gawd that makes me sound old.. i notice that a great deal of uproar is being made by allegations of a hide in the closet alleged bethelite.
to counter the damage caused by this claim, i am happy to address any questions people may have about bethel, protocol, etc.. i was at the canada branch for 11 years, worked in multiple areas including the legal department, service desk and writing dept.
waves at Uzzah and CBD. good to see familiar veterans posting -- even if occasionally.
I didn't quit the forum -- the best I can do is cut back posting to a dull roar --
My fiancee wants my attention in real life. lol
Snakes (Rich )
anyone know how you to get a nice assingment with the rbc?.
Anyone know how you to get a nice assingment with the RBC?
Why is it that, when I read this, I don't know when our collective leg is being pulled or not.
Snakes (of the "spent wasted more time at QB's than I ever want to admit" Sheep Class)
as i said in my earlier post, my nephew took his own life yesterday evening.
my sister is a die-hard jw and this religion is her comfort more than ever right now, so she accepts everything they throw at her.
the elders will meet this evening and decide whether they will allow a memorial service at the kh.
donuthole ..
glad you and Rebekah were able to be there. I was always sure there was a side of Ryan that we never got to see. Sad that, as a JW, you have to put on this weird JW cloak (they like to call it the "New Personality™" but it should be called the "Cult Personality."
Funny that Former SuperPioneerElder TG is no longer an elder. He should have been booted a long time ago. I attempted to have him removed, but I was in the minority (as in, the only elder calling for it "scripturally" and organizationally) so I was forced to acquiesce to the will (whim) of the BOE and the CO. Ironic that all of those elders are either DF, removed, dead, or just gone.
Creepy the Kingdumb Maladies are played. Even creepier those Paradise™ conversations around you. Glad I don't have to go to those meetings anymore. If Toni and I hadn't had to work, we would have been there.
Snakes (Rich )
as i said in my earlier post, my nephew took his own life yesterday evening.
my sister is a die-hard jw and this religion is her comfort more than ever right now, so she accepts everything they throw at her.
the elders will meet this evening and decide whether they will allow a memorial service at the kh.
bump. Sadly, I was unable to attend the funeral this morning. I was working about 10 miles away in a nearby town.
Wonder how it went and who showed and how DF folks were treated by the dubs.
Snakes (Rich )