Mary... I am sorry that you had to go through that yet again.
My JW mom did not even tell me about the Memorial™ even though I talked to her two days prior. My fiancee said if she were going she was bringing a can of Cheez-Wiz™ for the "crackers." I told her not to bother, we had better things to do. (We went to an Earth Day festival instead -- though that is becoming more and more commercial and weirder with the New Age booths. We then went to CVS to shop for bargains - never thought about the Memorial until quite late... aww shucks)
I have wondered what new people (non JWs) thought of the memorial "talk" I gave a couple of years before I left the cult. How ridiculous I must have sounded. Not a one of the non-dubs studied as a result of the Memorial™, and few showed up for the [Not-So] Special Talk™
Supposedly, the local dubs loved the talk, not the same old same old. I think the outline was new, but I tried to spice it up some, make it more interesting, more about Jesus. (Meaning I had to go off the copyrighted outline a bit.) What I hated the year that I gave the Memorial™ talk was they had a separate "Special Announcement©." -- which was nothing more than invites to the Special Talk™ and for Bible Studies™ as I recall. It was a little slip of paper, about the same size as a time slip. It was to be read word for word with the same kind of enthusiasm as a convention release announcement. The young PO had a copy of the outline and the announcement in his lap making sure I did as I was told. I did not. I made the announcement as a mere afterthought, so as to not take away from the solemnity (gag) of the occasion. Of course, I was read the riot act about the announcement. Originally the PO wanted to be called up to the platform to make the announcement. I vetoed that. As Memorial™ speaker, I had control over every aspect of preparation through execution. Can you imagine how anti-climatic and very infomercial-ish that would be?
Oh wait, it is a book publishing corporation .
Snakes (Rich, of the "never going to the Memorial again" Sheep Class)