Watchtower - simple doctrine for simple people

by jwfacts 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    I know there are some intelligent Witnesses that really research their beliefs, but the more I learn, the simpler and more ignorant Watchtower doctrine appears. That opinion is certainly not helped by some of the apologists that appear on this site.

    Most Watchtower doctrine is a product of the Black and White syndrome, where all the obvious shades of grey in between are simply ignored with statements such as "wait on Jehovah". For example:

    Paradise eternally on Earth - it is not Biblical, not scientific and a simple concept based on the idea that Adam was never told what would happen if he did not sin.

    Soul - the concept that a person will die and not exist is very unfulfilling. It does away with any concept of self. If you are just a restoration or photocopy from God’s memory, then what is to stop God making many of you, or even resurrecting you now whilst you are still alive.

    Blood – a black and white concept that fails to recognise Jewish pikuach nefesh, that saving life overrides law

    Jehovah – It never appears in the New Testament, but the Watchtower adds it because it does not know how to explain that it doesn’t appear. They would rather dishonestly add it than address the issue.

    Trinity – Jesus was addressed as God and referred to by many prophecies that applied to YHWH. But the Watchtower chooses to ignore the Scriptural implications the Jesus is YHWH and dismisses the Trinity as too hard to comprehend.

    Disfellowshipping – A blanket rule that applies to any kind of sin. How can a minor disfellowshipped for smoking a 16 years old who since gave it up get the same treatment of family shunning for life as a murderer or drug dealer. Because it is simple to have a black and white rule that covers every situation.

    Birthdays - Someone died at a birthday so it must be wrong. Well, makeup must be wrong then since evil Jezebel wore it ... oh no that is too confusing.

    Abortion – it’s wrong, end of story. Bad luck for teenage girl raped by a stranger, or a person with a badly deformed fetus, abortion is wrong in every situation.

    Preaching – If its not door-to-door, it is not preaching. Other religions grow quicker by using more effective methods. Christians devote themselves to missionary service and volutneers in Campus Crusades, but it doesn’t count because it is not house-to-house.

    Probably the only Watchtower teaching that is mildly difficult to explain is the Seven Times and that is because it has more than two steps and some simple maths.

    As soon as you start reading the New Catholic Encyclopaedia it becomes apparent that there have been many sincere people that have devoted centuries to coming up with a coherent explanation of the Bible. It is comical that Russell, Rutherford and Franz could combine imagination and plagiarisation to come up with second rate teachings, and have their followers convinced they are the most Scripturally educated people on earth.

  • jwfacts

    The other one I have been thinking of lately is salvation. Apparently your eternal life and salvation depends on how you are at the day of Armageddon, and whether or not you accepted the Watchtower belief system. There is the obvious lunacy that most people will never meet a JW, and those that have know nothing about them as they only spoke to them for a minute or two when they were hawking books. More importantly, there are so many influences on our personality out of our control. A vicious upbringing, an unbringing in a non Christian culture, mental disease. A gentle person can become excessively violent after a brain injury become. How can a person be judged for eternity based on their mental state on a single day of their life?

    Has anyone else been shocked to realise how little they knew as a JW compared with what they know now?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Birthdays - Someone died at a birthday so it must be wrong. Well, makeup must be wrong then since evil Jezebel wore it ... oh no that is too confusing.

    LOL, good comeback.

  • leavingwt

    As best as I can tell, only two types of religions provide their members with CERTAINTY. Those two types are Cults and Fundamentalists. They hang a large (invisible) 'No Thinking Required' sign on their doors.

    Members are forbidden to disagree or question the dogma. Uniformity is strictly enforced.

    Even if the dogma if demonstrabley false, illegal, illogical, unreasonable or unethical, total obedience is required -- or else. Or else what? Spiritual death now, eternal death (or torture) later.

  • snowbird
    Has anyone else been shocked to realise how little they knew as a JW compared with what they know now?

    Every day I find that I actually knew nothing as a JW.

    It was all about relying on about 4 dozen "proof" texts with which to recruit unsuspecting souls.


  • punkofnice

    It amazes me how it's all about 'works, works, works!'

    Slave for the watchtower all your life, sacrifice marriage, happiness and money........then masturbate (or Insert bad deed), just as armageddon kicks off and you're dead!

    Whatever happened to the gift of everlasting life?

    I faced it last year and admitted to myself = The JW's are simply a big business posing as a religion!

  • out4good3
    I faced it last year and admitted to myself = The JW's are simply a big business posing as a religion!

    A very shabbily run business at that. I've realized long ago that that religion had all the characteristics of a multi-level marketing scheme. The bottom layer is constantly churning to support the elite at the top who hold it together through threats of familial isolation, violence, threats and intimidation. Like an Amway or Avon salesman, you have to constantly be hawking the product and not listening to any criticisms of it from anyone. Your success is constantly dependent upon how many people you have in your downline.

    It has no qualms about inefficiently wasting people's time and resources for the benefit of getting its product out and recruiting more and more members at the "associate\publisher" level. It takes a large number of people at the bottom layer who've been conditioned to check their critical thinking skills and individuality at the door to keep that organization running. they take every advantage of that statement by PT Barnum, there's a sucker born every minute!.

  • garyneal
    Birthdays - Someone died at a birthday so it must be wrong. Well, makeup must be wrong then since evil Jezebel wore it ... oh no that is too confusing.

    My wife would say that you are 'grasping at straws' with this argument.

  • sir82

    The literature has been greatly simplified over the past 20-30 years, and difficulties & inconsistencies glossed over. That's not the way it used to be. Pick up a 1960's / 1970's WT study article, and imagine anyone from your last (or current) being able to explain it. In my congregation, there might be half a dozen, tops, who could do so. But 40 years ago, everyone (or nearly so) was on the same page.

    The WTS is stupid, but they're not dumb. They know that virtually all growth over the past 20 years has come from either 3rd world countries, or from refugees / immigrants from those countries. The message is simplified to the point of mush so that it can be comprehended by the simplest and most undeducated peasants.

    40 years ago, any JW would be able to give you a list of scriptures, and complex reasoning, on why the points listed in the OP were true.It would be specious, weird, bizarre reasoning, but it would at least be internally consistent and somewhat coherent.

    Today, after 30 years of progressively dumbed-down pre-chewed mush for "spiritual food", most JWs would say "let me get back to you on that" after even the simplest of questions on any of those topics.

  • slimboyfat
    As best as I can tell, only two types of religions provide their members with CERTAINTY. Those two types are Cults and Fundamentalists. They hang a large (invisible) 'No Thinking Required' sign on their doors.

    According to the typology sociologist Steve Bruce uses both JWs and fundamentalists come under the category of "sect" which I think makes more sense.

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