I went through the damn course in english in 02. Recently burned my notebooks. You are not missing anything. Pioneer school on steroids.
all classes, all questions, all anwers, all 9 subject!
all leaked for do in spanish!.
I went through the damn course in english in 02. Recently burned my notebooks. You are not missing anything. Pioneer school on steroids.
i had a recent conversation with an elder from my mother's congregation.
he with another elder was at my mom's house.
my mother has all the bound volumes for both the awake and watchtower plus most of the older books.
Please rip the covers off the hardcovers and recycle instead of landfills.
WT should quit printing everything and go all digital. Issue WTFire tablets that the dubs can download everything. Then, when "New Light" expires and becomes "Old Light", WT can just sync their WT approved tablet and "update" to "New Light 17.4" and remove "Old Light 17.3."
Just a thought.
Snakes (Rich)
here's my experience in the last 15 minutes.
it's about 6 p.m and i'm home alone watching tv when someone knocks loudly on the door.
i open and there, like an apparation, stand two of j smith's disciples -smart looking , well dressed ( they used to wear black ties only a few years ago) clean cut.. i inform them that i'm an ex-j witness and they are quiet for a moment.
my friend's daughter, who was baptized at 14, has decided to leave the witnesses.
she's in her early 20's.
she's stopped going to meeting a while ago and moved in with her father who is disfellowshipped.
I put the word out that if my name was ever mentioned from the platform dfing me without stating the real reason (that jw/WT is a cult and i left) i would sue individual elders for slander and defamation of chsracter, and that WTBTS would not represent them in court, they would have to pay for it themselves.
Guess who hasn't bothered me? ANY elders.
I only care because it would break my 70 yr old jw mom's heart if i was officially DF.
Snakes ()
i knew this was coming but to actually see it was another thing.. i am a huge dave ramsey follower where he hates debt and charging on credit cards.
he totally feels everyone should be out of debt and pay cash only.
that everyone needs to do plastic plastic surgery to cut up their credit cards.
First time i seen cc machines was while a delegate to an International CONvention in Hamburg Germany back in 2006. That was probably one more thing to add to my growing list of concerns regarding the Organization. I was removed as an elder a few months later, and completely jumped ship summer of 07. Sooooo glad I dont have to deal with that anymore. I am with Dave Ramsey... nomore cc. I get mine paid off....no more. How about,that financial AND religious freedom?
long time since i have been here.
lots and lots of new posters.
Bump... i ran across dave ramsey recently. Despite my aversion to all things religious now that i am out of the JW cult, and even though ramsey is an Evangelical, i rather like his system. Wonder if the original posters stayed with dave ramsey system? And now he is streaming his radio show in HD video...
despite everything, i still have a lingering admiration toward those who serve or have served in bethel.
it is not that i believe it is gods organization in any way, shape, or form.
just wanted to say hi.
i understand how you may feel.
i remember lurking here years ago cause i didn't want to tell the elders on myself and have a judicial committee if i could figure a way out of it.
Hi cogac...long time no see. I have been out since 2007, but lurked here ss an elder....
So long ago
Snakes...typing poorly on a tablet
perusing the coverage of the 2013 dc spewings about apostates, the wt claims that apostates are "liars" and speak "twisted things".
this is their definition of apostates.. now, the reality is that sites such as paul's excellent jwfacts.com, books like coc and isocf, by ray franz, the works of olaf jonsson, penton and others, all write what is true !.
we are careful on here to present that which is true, at least i hope we are !.
You might be a redneck... I mean apostate if...
i thought i would share some of my observations on counting field service time, reports, etc.
and how those reports are viewed, to those that are still so fixated on numbers.. i served as secretary on the service committee for many years, and have seen it all!.
i was really disheartened when wt changed the requirement for aux pioneering to allow for 30 hrs, instead of the 50 it has been for so long.
Marking for later