I knew him back in the mid 1980s... havent heard anything since..
Snakes (Rich )
in the san fernando valley area down just north of los angeles.
he was the co in 1996. how's he doing and where's he at now?
I knew him back in the mid 1980s... havent heard anything since..
Snakes (Rich )
i seem to recall the earlier versions of watchtower cd-rom containing books from the 50's and 60's [life everlasting in the freedom of the son's of god - babylon the great has fallen - etc].
i have no cd predating 2001 now in my possession - and looked at that one today doing research, finding that virtually nothing pre-1970 is there [except the revised/altered 'truth' book].. is my memory faulty on this?
could it be that they just 'retired' the older pubs innocently?
Considering that National Geographic put its entire 120 years (1888-2008) on 6 DVDs..and that is digitized copies of each page including ads....an important history...and I am sure that over the years that magazine has had embarrasing errors.....yet they do not delete it from the DVD because of it.....
certainly WT could put its entire collection on 1 or maybe 2 CD/DVDs..Publish one for the oldest stuff just one time and keep it available...and then the 2nd one could just be a newer CD that only has the more recent publications. As big as hard drives are, it could be downloaded to a hard drive with plenty of room left. (NG also has all of their stuff on a 160 GB hard drive..with room to spare I bet).
But then that would be making it too easy to do real research on The Truth®.
Snakes (Rich )
i don't log on to jwn much anymore.
you all are always in my thoughts though.
i miss you.
hey FHN... glad to see you still kicking around these parts... I still post here, not as much.... glad things are good for you..;lots changed here too
.... you mentioned cartersville (presumably GA).... my brother worked in C'ville for awhile til his co. closed the office... he lives in acworth...we (my fiancee and I) were just down there a couple months ago... I hated the traffic, the high costs.... and people seem to be just a bit ...lets say not so warm to us n'thrnrs... lol
Snakes (Rich )
seems like i read here that wt & a subscriptions were done away with.
is that correct, and if so when and why?
i can only imagine it would be a cost savings reason.
Blondie....I had forgotten all about that article...how weird in retrospect....
stupid that you would have to discuss a subscription with the entire damn service committee.... and the interested person is referred to as "the case"...
freaking cult control..
Snakes (Rich )
the dvd published last year is excellent.
(the wonder of creation reveal god's glory).
but, in youtube, the dvd last year was entirely deleted by the watch tower society.. i wanna watch the new dvd.. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=62903523.
I was checking to see if this was in "Jokes and Humor" section....apparently not.
Snakes (Rich )
seems like i read here that wt & a subscriptions were done away with.
is that correct, and if so when and why?
i can only imagine it would be a cost savings reason.
That changed a long time ago not long after the "donation arrangement"™ was implemented. The publishers™ would still have a standing order at the magazine counter, but would include their personal copy with their service copies. Any remaining subscriptions were allowed to run their course. At the time I had a First Class mailing subscription that allowed me to get my personal copy of the WT several weeks ahead of the congo. I missed it then when it ran out.
More recently, in the last month or so (I think the letter was 4/19/10) the whole arrangement was done away with and now the congregation has a standing order and the R&F just picks up the copies they need for the day/week from the magazine counter. I am sure the kool-aid edition of the WT (the "Study article" edition) is probably still ordered specifically...dunno.
I am sooooo glad I dont deal with that anymore.
Snakes (Rich)
ps...(edited to add... first class came in white wrappers... regular subscriptions came in brown..and I thought about that too with the mailman wondering.... I knew a couple of them that read them on their lunch and then put the mag back in the wrapper...did the same with porn from their customers....LOL)
september will mark my first year out of the watch towers darkness (pun intended).
i embarked on my full blown search for truth about the truth in april 2009, and by september of that same year i was convinced the organization was no different than any other religion; but i was wrong again.
because if there were like any other christian denomination, such as the baptists, methodists, presbyterians, lutherans, etc...it would have been a lot easier to endure sitting in their meetings, listening to their rhetoric, and engaging in some of their activities.
They tempo of the tune has changed, maybe the lyrics are a bit different... but it is the same song and dance since 1879.
And the average R&F dub has no clue. Most witnesses do very little actual studying beyond the yellow highlighter and maybe looking up (or printing out from the CD) scriptures...and that only from the WT's own NWT.
I used to study chronology as it related to the bible. Unfortunately for WTB&TS, et. al., I used secular sources from the library. As early as 1991 I was having trouble digesting the WT version. I once even said to another dub: "If the Society does not make an adjustment soon, they will be caught with their pants down." A nearby elderette, not involved in the conversation, involved herself and asked "Are you the FDS providing food at the proper time? We wait on Jehovah." My words back to her were basically that it was pure logic and math that made me say it. And I dropped it.
By the time I went through MTS in 2002 and went through major sections of WT teachings on chronology, I knew I had been right and didnt know my way out. It only took another 5 years for me to leave. I went back and checked my postings here... 2007 was the last DC....so this will be the third year not going...and thank goodness for that. I dont think I could keep myself from laughing.
I only wonder what my JW mother thinks about all of this doctrinal changes. She was one who claimed to study...but really only studied WT literature...a rather biased source of course. sigh.
Snakes (Rich )
i know some who go to meetings because they feel they have to because of family or other considerations.. imagine going to a meeting and having your iphone with you!.
how would it look if you had a watchtower in your hands along with a tv guide?.
think about going to a meeting with strong booze breath.. any other suggestions?
lmao at minimus ...
Snakes (Rich )
i know some who go to meetings because they feel they have to because of family or other considerations.. imagine going to a meeting and having your iphone with you!.
how would it look if you had a watchtower in your hands along with a tv guide?.
think about going to a meeting with strong booze breath.. any other suggestions?
silently let gas out
SBD's (Silent But Deadly) farts were the best when a brother was the microphone attendant. I used to pass by the elder on the aisle that I couldn't stand and make sure to let loose an SBD as I walked by to get the mic to someone commenting. On the way back up the aisle, you could tell he was smelling it....and I made sure to look at him directly and then up at others around him with that look that says "I know what he did...you smell it."
And smile.
(yes, it was immature; no I did not ...and do not....care).
Snakes (Rich..."of the bad [former] elder " Sheep Class)
PS.......yes Jack, that was me you f*c*ing gas bag. Hope you enjoyed my contribution to your breathing.
any new "new light" on the people of sodom not coming back?
what other wacky religion would spend so much time comtemplating, thinking upon and flip flopping on this shit?
I called a JW friend yesterday to thank him and his wife for the card and bottle of wine they left in my door (for my college graduation). They had missed us at home several times in the weeks since the commencement.
During the conversation, he mentioned something that led to a JW-related topic. I told him that "Jehovah", being the Creator, knows exactly how to give the Truth® correctly the first time. There is no need for "New Light"... or the "light getting brighter and brighter." I told him that argument is what imperfect men who want to control thinking do to justify their errors. He, being a college grad himself, could not argue that but wouldn't pursue it much past that.
I told him a perfect example is this coming Sunday's Watchtower study....since he and his wife are not consistent attenders and are inactive...I thought it was important to give him a heads up on this important change....**gag**
Snakes (Rich )