yay to cagey and snowbird....
Snakes (Rich )
been relocating over the past few weeks.
things are good.... kind of turned a corner spiritually.
too much to discuss right now.
yay to cagey and snowbird....
Snakes (Rich )
i think it's been around 7 years for me.
and i never ever missed going or being with the "friends"..
I had to look up a post from 2 years ago where I updated my story to that point. Wow a lot has changed since then.
Last FS: Dec 2006.
Last FS Report: August 2007. (phantom reports 2007).
Last DC: Summer 2007.
Last meeting at a Kingdumb Hell: September 23, 2007.
Freedom: September 24, 2007 -- Priceless.
Snakes (Rich )
does anyone know what's going on there?
it's been unavailable for many days.. rick and inez occasionally post here an i know that mouthy and others here often call-in to the conference calls.. i usually review the conference call archives for topics of interest but the archives had not been updated in a while.
now the entire site seems to be off-line.. i tried looking through the previous weeks topics on jwn but i didn't see anything related to the six screens site..
whosis (http://whois.melbourneit.com/index.php3) doesnt show the registration expires until november.... google cache looks like it screenshots a blank black page. who knows.
As good as the information is on that site, I sure hope the site is down for a major redesign. The current design is very dark and offputting (is that a word?). If I had been looking for information as a doubting witness and came across that site back then, I would not have taken it seriously. (aka, I would have thought "angry apostate").
just a thought.
Snakes (Rich )
WhoIs Result For sixscreensofthewatchtower.com @ whois.melbourneit.com | |
Domain Name | sixscreensofthewatchtower.com |
Creation Date | 2006-11-25 |
Registration Date | 2006-11-25 |
Expiry Date | 2010-11-25 |
Organisation Name | Warren R. Fearon |
Organisation Address | PO Box 61359 |
Sunnyvale | |
94088 | |
CA | |
US | |
Admin Name | Admin PrivateRegContact |
Admin Address | PO Box 61359 |
Sunnyvale | |
94088 | |
CA | |
US | |
Admin Email | [email protected] |
Admin Phone | +1.5105952002 |
Tech Name | TECH PrivateRegContact |
Tech Address | PO Box 61359 |
Sunnyvale | |
94088 | |
CA | |
US | |
Tech Email | [email protected] |
Tech Phone | +1.5105952002 |
Name Server | yns1.yahoo.com |
yns2.yahoo.com |
we received a letter announcing elder school starting fall 2011, it will be one whole week !!!!!.
the kms school for 1 1/2 days were already long enough, now 5 long days ?.
what can possibly be taught in 5 days ?.
can you imagine having to waste your precious vacation from work to go to this? Especially if all you had was a week. What about the window washer janitors? I am sure they don't get vacation, so either they have to do both (depending on the distance to the school) or have someone else take the accounts (and lose they income) while they take in all of this wonderful new spiritual light ***gag***.
I knew of JW wives who would go somewhere with the kids and other sisters while their husbands were at these schools.
A week? TRY WASTING EIGHT WEEKS AT MINISTERIAL TRAINING SCHOOL (MTS)...that is what I did. Of course, the difference is I volunteered for that crap. . Elders do not get a choice, they are expected to attend the Elder's School whether they want to or not.
sigh...glad I aint doing it any more.
Snakes (Rich )
really, really like them?.
please, no tasteless references to pedophilia.. thanks.. syl.
In reality, I used to not really didn't like kids too much, but they seemed to like me. When I was engaged to the JW sister in India (back in 2006...man time flies), she had a then 5 year old...so she would have been my boy's age now..... I would talk to her (best we could with her just learning English and me not knowing Tamil) on the webcam. When I flew there, and the engagement quickly ended, the 5 YO girl kept my spirits up with her funny antics for the 4 days I was there. I will never forget that.
that was the only good thing to come out of that relationship...that I could indeed be ok with liking kids. Honestly my 9YO boy is funny and extremely intelligent...and extremely annoying. I figure it was karma biting me in the ass, since I was a terror as a kid....at least that is what my mom and people who knew me back then say.....LOL.
Even now I go to customer's doors and the kids are calling me "cowboy" because of my infamous hat...and asking me questions about being the "cable guy." The sad ones are the kids who say "how am I going to watch cartoons now?" (answer, someone else usually comes behind me to do the final shut off...I leave the basic on just taking the digital boxes so they cant watch premium channels).... kids dont deserve that. Better than being the guy who shuts off the water or electric though, all a matter of perspective.
Snakes (Rich )
this is gonna be my very first time as a ms.. i'll be on leave for about 3 weeks.. our cong.
is still up and coming, and there is a need for brothers.
right now there is only one elder, 2 ms's including me.. elder told me if i work hard enough and display my love for jehovah, then they will make me an acting secretary in no time.so i am working my a*s off to get that "position".. .
If you continue on your current course of activity, I would expect you to be a Circuit Overseer within the next two to three years.
I dont know which creeps me out more, the avatar (what did syl call it...I am sure I cannot repeat it).... or the above quote...
I sure was on the course to become a CO...Hell, I even made it to secretary....DUN DUN DUN... and went to MTS...and graduated......DUN DUN DUN!...... then 5 years later QUIT! DUN DUN DUUUUUN! I bet if I had stayed I could have been GB! rimshot..... That and a $5 green handshake would have gotten me a cup of coffee at Starbucks..... LOL
Snakes (Rich of the "thank goodness I got the hell out with my life back" Sheep Class)
.... because she is coming back around.
to bite some well-deserving asses..... the lump that was principal when my son .
was first trying to raise the issue of bullying .
I hate text messaging, it is blocked on my phone. I have FB but not sure I like it much either (I have it to stay in contact with a couple of friends from, ironically, HS). I can see how both of these electronic means of communication can be abused, especially by teenagers. Thankfully, neither was around when I was in high school (25+ years ago)...if they wanted to bully me, they had to do it in person.
I have a 9YO boy, my fiancee's son..and he wants a cell phone. Fiancee said she will give him a TracPhone when he turns 10. I am completely against it....this is only one of the reasons why. Hell, anyone else my age or older need a telephone in their room, let alone their pocket, when they were kids?
How sad that a 15 year old girl now has to spend the rest of her life disabled. I hope she wins the lawsuit. However, in her win, the school district's taxpayers lose. The cost of the lawsuit, along with the increased premiums for the district's insurance, could cost the students in the long run. This is not to say that the girl shouldn't sue, she should. The taxpayers should turn around and sue the principle and administrators for negligence for failure to do their jobs (and costing taxpayers money). Apparently only the school counselor did her job. The ball was dropped after that.
What a lousy turn of events for that poor girl.
Snakes (Rich )
really, really like them?.
please, no tasteless references to pedophilia.. thanks.. syl.
Another Question for Guys: Do You Like Children?
I love kids, kids are crunchy in milk.
Snakes (Rich )
Oh wait...that's KiX....not kiDs... KIX stays crunchy in milk..... ... my mistake.
per a recent letter to elders:.
beginning september 1, there will be a change to the way attendance is recorded at congregation meetings.. currently, attendance is counted at 4 of the 5 meeting (public talk, wt study, congregation "bible" study, and service meeting).. but after sept. 1, meeting attendance will only be taken at 2 of the meetings - during the "first quarter" of the wt study, and also at the cbs.. .
no reason in given for the change in the letter, and i can't figure out why myself.. the numbers are not published anywhere - the only "official" record is a 6 month average the co puts together during his visit.. why request less information from the congregations, especially when it "costs" nothing to accumulate it in the first place?
In due course, a revised Report of Meeting Attendance (S-3) will be made available.
Translation: Use up all those forms before we print anymore, this is cost-cutting....and don't go using those forms for scrap paper either!
Also, anyone ever notice how unnecessarily "wordy" and grammatically awkward Society letters are?
In due course, a revised Report on Circuit Overseer's Visit With Congregation (S-303) will be made available.
Good grief, I had forgotten how many of thos "S" forms there are/were. When I went to MTS, I was shocked at how many additional forms there are/were. As if the CO doesn't have enough forms/reports. Soooooo......sooooo glad I did not continue with my goal of becoming a CO!...
...oh wait...I didnt continue with my goal to stay a Jehovah's Witness either.
Snakes (Rich )
for all of us.. syl.
ironic that toni and i were talking about me taking adult swim lessons at the community college I graduated from (and that she is going back to school this month).... swim lessons are on the same night as one of her classes...red cross instructors i think... i might just do it... I drove along a levee road the other day in a local park and it about freaked me out because the water was nearly to the road .....toni worries about me and suggested lessons last week and now again tonight...
I used to love to swim...took lessons at that same college as a kid... but almost drowned in a public pool...havent been swimming since.... ironic, because i used to help a JW family get their pool ready every year...then i would only put my feet in it when it was ready....no matter how hot...
we have a small water park nearby and a six flags water park an hour away...and I have been to either...havent been back to the original pool where I nearly drowned (lifeguard pulled me out and CPR'd me).... even though the original pool has been replaced with a fancier new one...
BTW...I didnt click through to the link...I really dont want to know...drowning stories freak me out....
Couple of years ago my family had talked me into going out on a catamaran in Grand Cayman to go snorkeling with the stingrays.... bad weather forced a delay...and i had to leave the next morning ahead of the rest of them.... but i was willing to bite the bullet (or the mouthpiece) to get that once in a lifetime experience....now toni and i want to go back there ...maybe for a honeymoon?,,,,, but i need swim lessons...no doubt...
Snakes (Rich ..of the "doesn't like deep water" Sheep Class)