oh my God....FSM... I am laughing so damn hard right now... I needed that laugh... thank you
Snakes (Rich
here's a pic with the sign removed... have at it!
let's do this right!
oh my God....FSM... I am laughing so damn hard right now... I needed that laugh... thank you
Snakes (Rich
today while i was home for a quick lunch break i got a knock at the door.
i opened the door and was surprised to see two elderly jehovah's witnesses women.
i haven't been called on since i've been out for four years, so this was a bit of surprise.
at least 3min attempting to get someone to the door. Rang bell, no answer, knocked door, no answer, rang bell, no answer, well, you get the picture. Heh, heh, sometimes we even went to the back
the only reason I do this now is in my job as a bill collector. sometimes I even knock like a cop. When I was a "pioneer" (though by 1986, what were we really pioneering?), I had the fake door bell ring, light knock, leave a tract, hit and run down pat. I hated pioneering and door to door in general...even admitted it from the platform during public talks and service meeting parts. That got people's attention. I was not kidding.
On a similar front.....I seen a whole bunch (gaggle, flock, group?) of dubs in a QT (QuikTrip) convenience store today (Granite City, IL). One older (50s?...so older than me) sister was waiting next to me in line for the restroom (the men's room was closed for cleaning). Do you think she would take the opportunity to share The Good News of the Kingdom® with this poor sap? No...but I am certain they did not recognize me....even though I had given several talks in their KH. Mostly sisters, but one older brother.... all buttoned up in his suit and tie...suit coat buttoned all the way.... not sure if he looked dapper or lost. He sure did not look like he wanted to be there. Mostly they stood inside of this store between the donuts and the coffee stand yakking.... sure not much "urgency" in their message.
Snakes (Rich )
this is a must-read that, hopefully, will stay an "active topic" for all seekers and lurkers, by bumping it to the top as often as possible.
alan wrote it in randys {dogpatch} thread regarding knocking.org documentary and in reply to the email mr. engardio sent to barbara anderson.
however, it is so vital a read that it indeed needs its own thread:.
bump and marking... excellent.... wonder how I overlooked this excellent nugget both here and on randy's site. It was a link from Freeminds to JWD that got me on this board.
maybe I should forward this to my mom... nah...she is blind. I am not df and she is already all but shunning me.
c u l t
Snakes (Rich )
flyinghighnow (heather) updated her thread last evening about her nephew's shunning treatment by his own mother.
this story has now taken a tragic turn and because heather had updated the original thread, it has been buried and has not gotten the recognition it deserves.. the third page of the original thread is here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/196991/3/my-lovely-jw-sister-just-said-this-to-her-oldest-son last evenings post is about half way down.. .
please provide heather some kindness and support that she needs at this time.. .
I am saddened and horrified. I cannot imagine what is going through your sister's mind now.
Our family went through this lesson 16 years ago. I know my JW dad treated my little brother, never baptized, badly. The last time they were together (my brother was a teenager), they had a heated argument (about what, the fog of time has wiped out) dad threw him off the porch step and dislocated his shoulder. That weekend, my dad went on vacation and died of heart failure. That was their last words and actions. My little brother lives with this to this day. Fu*ked him up more than he already was. My JW mom and dad argued (about my brother) the night before he died...in the morning dad was dead. Screwed up my JW mom too. My JW dad was an ass to his family and was judgmental as hell...much like your sister.
I use this lesson with my 9yo (soon to be) step son. I tell him and his mom (never JWs) never let the last words we say to each other before going to sleep or parting ways to go to school or work be harsh. Always let them be "I love you." Unconditionally. We have been together a little over a year. It is words the three of us live by.
I hope your sister learns from this harsh life lesson and that your nephew did not die in vain.
(((heather))) RIP DAVID....
Snakes (Rich )
today while i was home for a quick lunch break i got a knock at the door.
i opened the door and was surprised to see two elderly jehovah's witnesses women.
i haven't been called on since i've been out for four years, so this was a bit of surprise.
Here's a situation where they find someone wanting to talk to them and they run. I love it. hahaha
So few people at the door actually stop and listen to JWs anymore that when one finally does, a JW does not know how to handle it. All we were really ever taught on a regular basis was those worthless "Conversation Stopper" things in the UNReasoning book. I always thought that those were a bit condescending or outright offensive (or just dumb...ie; "May I ask why you feel that way?"...really....)....even though I also remember having multiple parts on the SM with those filler parts from the rs book.
All the dubs do now are what my non-JW brother calls "Guerrilla Calls".... drop a 'Tower or a tract....and run.
Snakes (Rich )
What is the difference between the Titanic and the Watchtower Society? The Titanic sank faster, most of the people dressed better, and there were lifeboats available if you wanted off.
today while i was home for a quick lunch break i got a knock at the door.
i opened the door and was surprised to see two elderly jehovah's witnesses women.
i haven't been called on since i've been out for four years, so this was a bit of surprise.
You do not have to answer that if the question is too personal to either you or donuthole.
Yep. I didn't reveal that bit of info for a long time. DH and I have both said enough publicly (on the public portion of the board and on our blogs) that our whereabouts and identities are not a secret. He is DF... I will be eventually I am sure.
I have commented on his JC recently and in the past on the board. His was a witch hunt and all elders were by default on it.
Snakes (Rich
today while i was home for a quick lunch break i got a knock at the door.
i opened the door and was surprised to see two elderly jehovah's witnesses women.
i haven't been called on since i've been out for four years, so this was a bit of surprise.
I've worked at home for the last seven years with nary a visit.
that is because JWs avoid doing actual door-to-door like the plague. Though two "gentlemen" hit my future MIL the other day. She took their literature but said she had a toothache. She is eccentric. She is also Catholic....if the JWs come back....that should be interesting.
Ginny Hampton Loftus
aint it nice to not care if they know who we are anymore?
..and on a side note... just in case there is still any doubt in those dumb ass elder's collective minds if they want to DF me, make sure it is for saying:
Unlike the flimsy "proof" of apostasy our JC had on Donuthole, I want them idiots to have clear proof in their puny minds about me.
Snakes (Richard E. Bailey of the "They would DF me if they would Google me!" Sheep Class)
today while i was home for a quick lunch break i got a knock at the door.
i opened the door and was surprised to see two elderly jehovah's witnesses women.
i haven't been called on since i've been out for four years, so this was a bit of surprise.
an elderly japanese sister who had I book study with
so sad, I know that sister of course. I was close friends with her and her husband...as well as her husband's parents (now deceased) and his three sisters, only 1 of whom is still in the area. The Japanese sister (M) is still after all these years in the US very much dependent on her friends and family. I am sure the beard threw them off.
Did you ever figure out who the other sister was?
Snakes (Rich )
today is sunday.
i ranted about being sick of my job a couple of months ago, seen that the thread was bumped yesterday.
i usually work 2 or 3 days of the weekend (fri-sun) because that is when i make the most money (being commission and all).
...waiting.... waiting....waiting....damn I hate waiting.
I need to send a thank you note tomorrow to the interviewer. I hope I hear something before she gets the card. I should have had the card out yesterday. If I haven't heard by Friday after lunch I may ring them up and ask a "clarifying" question...one of those.... "you know you asked if I had any questions..... so easy to remember after you leave..." Keep me at the front of their minds before the weekend.
Especially since it was a 90 minute interview..... I was thirsty.... interviewer had a water bottle....mine was in the car... by the time it was over, I needed to go....my brain was mush.
Snakes (Rich )
i woke up this morning wondering what any elders who frequent this site would do if they were asked to part of a judicial commitee to disfellowship an apostate.. how would you handle it?.
has it happened to you?.
no deep reason why, just wondering!.
I was not asked I was told I along with all of the other elders were sitting on the case.
Search my recent posts and that of poster donuthole... I was an elder on his apostasy JC case.... no way out of it.
Snakes (Rich )