I know of many couples around my JW mom's age (72) that are childless and worked stupid non-career jobs to "do more" in the Org. One in particular just lost her husband (who spent time in prison as a conscientious objector in the U.S. because of the JWs) after a surgery that at first seemed fine but then died a couple of days later, right after the Memorial. They had already been forced to move from their tiny house (rent or owned? dunno) because of poor health, but at least they had their cats at the house. When they moved into subsidized senior housing, the deposit and increased rent for even one of the cats was too much. They had to give away those they could and put down (i.e., kill) the older/sicker ones.
Now she has no cats, no husband, limited income, and a decreasing number of friends still in the Witnesses. Many have died, moved away, or even just left. Just sad. I wonder what happens to my JW mom when her non-JW husband (my stepfather, whose health is poor) dies? Hope her non-JW husband was smart enough to sock money away, because my mom has none.
Personal responsibility I agree. But when one is outright lied to by others (elders, GB, allegedly God) one trusts, some of that responsibility is shifted to the liars. But only the one lied to is left holding the bag, not the liars.
Snakes (Rich)