LMAO. My mom loved that song, always liked it when I chose that song as a public speaker. She would have freaked out at 1:08 mark.
I wonder just how dumb these people are leaving an unprotected opening in their system.
from a redditor - would have died to have been there.
LMAO. My mom loved that song, always liked it when I chose that song as a public speaker. She would have freaked out at 1:08 mark.
I wonder just how dumb these people are leaving an unprotected opening in their system.
guys .
a letter was just read in out kh stating that all printing of wt and awake is ceased for the coming year and we will just place tracts on fs, countries which were cared by our branch will be cared by other countries...along with this they read the new fs form and stuff about reporting links of videos wtf..lol.
i can't tell which country perhaps that will give away a lot, any one with a similar information.
I almost married a sister from India. I met her family here in the US. They introduced us and we online dated for 9 months, We flew over for me to meet in person, and it ended the day I landed in India. Leading up to this, I had opportunity to call the India Branch ServiceDesk to do some background on her. The brother said that things there were "very different" than the way things were done under the US branch. Lots of underhanded things in the congos, like bribes to elders to ignore JC...lol.
Point is, India has always been on the margins as far as WTBTS Corp is concerned.
i haven't yet won the state lottery but i purchased a lottery ticket last night.
if i win the lottery, it's $150 million.. if i win, my name is publicly announced and of course my picture gets into the news.
i will probably get df'ed.. however, will the wtbts accept a hefty "donation' from my 'lucky' winnings?
I say set up a 501 (c)3 charity, park about a little of the "ill-gotten gains" in some good growth mutual funds inside it, then use the proceeds from the investments to buy digital billboard advertising in all the right places, advertising apostate web sites near conventions. Hell, buy a couple of signs inside arenas that the JWs rent for their stupid conventions. The Witlesses can't cover them because the contract with the facility says it is there year round during all events... including JW conventions.....
imagine a logo similar to JW dot org but says JWFACTS... . in strategic places around the rim. Trust me, when I was still in, I was so bored that I read every single advertising sign in every arena I ever attended a convention.
Snakes (of the "not bored anymore listening to the cult" Sheep Class)
i was having dinner at olive garden with my cousin who was disfellowshipped for apostacy.
a holier than thou pioneer couple saw us.
if that was not enough i saw her take a picture of me with my cousin.
yeah, your first mistake is eating at Olive Garden....... yuck.... just kidding...
If I was minding my own business eating at any restaurant and anyone took my picture, all hell would break loose.I hate phones at dinner tables anyway. Now with everyone having a camera, there is no privacy anywhere.
If the elders come after you in a serious way, tell them you were Photoshopped into the pictures.
As another poster often signs off with .... let's review: It's a cult.
Snakes (Rich ... of the "no more Kodak moments" Sheep Class)
was speaking with someone last night who just recently toured the us bethel's.
the brooklyn tour i heard was awful, very limited and disappointing and conducted by a local pioneer and not even a bethelite.
well from what they are telling the folks on the tour since the tm3 bit encouraging (guilting) people about going to disneyland on vacation when you haven't visited bethel, monthly tours went from 6000 to 16000!
The bethel tours used to be pretty good, esp. if you knew someone. I ran a bus tour in 91 and patterson was under construction. We had fun, but I allowed my tour group to have fun, go out and do non WT tours on their own, real free time, kept the bus/hotel inexpensive. But I knew brothers that ran "professional" tours (Gary Potter in Illinois anyone?), that were all WT and very regimented.
I have heard the Walkill tour sucks now, not much "Farming" going on at the Wstchtower "Farm" anymore. Sad.
I priced 100 corrugated single sided single color plastic signs @ $119 with tax. I would love to plant about a dozen in the easement along the street on the OPPOSITE side of the street from my old KH.
Plus another $78 for 100 stakes...gofund me anyone?
if it has not already been done, i would like to introduce a new topic.
for me, i would like to know the whereabouts and what's up with some of my former friends and acquaintances.
to start: some folks i used to be close to at cape cod mass: bob and pam fragosa , dick and valerie davis, charles harutunian (sic).
I was wondering about Dick and Jan Baker. They were special pioneers in Alaska in 1970, when my they studied with my mom. My JW mom says she thinks they are in Arizona now.
Other family was the Browns, from North St. Louis, MO county, moved to West Lafayette, Indiana. Floyd Sr. and Dena were the parents. Floyd Jr., Jeremy, Julian, and I think ggey had a girl or two. My JW dad, now deceased, went to elder school with Sr. Jeremy would probably be my age, 48-49 now.
Snakes (rich, of the "Definitely NOT a JW Anymore" Sheep Class)
cult flakes?.
(welcome to the height of intellectual thread topics.
i talked to a close friend that served with me as an elder for a few years.
he allowed me about an hour to explain why 607 is not the correct date for the destruction of ancient jerusalem.
i showed him all the scriptures needed and i showed him the wt magazines that proved it.
I cannot subject my 72 year old JW mom to TTATT anymore. 8 years ago, when I was fresh out of JWWorld, she overheard me tell my never-a-dub stepfather that WT was a cult, this while vacationing together in the Caymans (a real paradise). I don't think, even today, my mom got over that. This is why I don't make any overt waves now, to spare her feelings. I don't hide, I'm in plain sight.
Unlikely my mom will leave JWWorld, if she did what would she do for friends this late in life? She lives in a tiny southern town. I worry about her.
Snakes (Rich)