As a pioneer and elder, I "volunteered" to be the odd number in a car group and "offered" to work by myself so others didn't have to. Also, I often "extended the offer" to drive my vehicle. And "kindly" moved the car every block so others wouldn't have to walk back so far. All of this was "greatly appreciated." Especially since coffee breaks were a priority. Time counting for me was "fluid."
If, after all of that, I still had to actually had to knock at a door? Phantom knock or bell ringing, Pioneer, "extensive" record keeping. On the rare times I spoke to someone? Either 30 second tract offer, or 10 minute conversation about pets, gardens, etc.
I was SUCH a great example.
Snakes (Rich)
PS... when I became a in person "at the door" bill collector, I knocked like a damn cop. LOL. So, not afraid of knocking.