Looks like Paul put one on his site
JoinedPosts by SnakesInTheTower
Trashy Watchtower Corporation Carts In Public Places, Can Cities Ban them?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthey have a very big child abuse enabler international reputation in the courts can these things be a reason for banning these stupid ass carts that claims to have all the answers to mans hardest questions.. why should every library have to permit them to plant their lame ass carts close to the entrance.. i'm thinking that soon due to all the bad publicity surrounding the jehovah witness cult leaders that cart witnessing will come to be seen as a very big waste of time by all it's members that have become hall less thus missing a shit load of meeting and a beginning to start thinking for themselves.. i'm sure many jws hate this type of work even now, even though it's an easy way to get your time in and not be labeled inactive or keep the elders off your back.
have you noticed that a lot of carts don't have a jw near by?
i never see anybody at the carts where i live, i've even asked people nearby and nobody knew who put the cart there.
Trashy Watchtower Corporation Carts In Public Places, Can Cities Ban them?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthey have a very big child abuse enabler international reputation in the courts can these things be a reason for banning these stupid ass carts that claims to have all the answers to mans hardest questions.. why should every library have to permit them to plant their lame ass carts close to the entrance.. i'm thinking that soon due to all the bad publicity surrounding the jehovah witness cult leaders that cart witnessing will come to be seen as a very big waste of time by all it's members that have become hall less thus missing a shit load of meeting and a beginning to start thinking for themselves.. i'm sure many jws hate this type of work even now, even though it's an easy way to get your time in and not be labeled inactive or keep the elders off your back.
have you noticed that a lot of carts don't have a jw near by?
i never see anybody at the carts where i live, i've even asked people nearby and nobody knew who put the cart there.
Trashy Watchtower Corporation Carts In Public Places, Can Cities Ban them?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthey have a very big child abuse enabler international reputation in the courts can these things be a reason for banning these stupid ass carts that claims to have all the answers to mans hardest questions.. why should every library have to permit them to plant their lame ass carts close to the entrance.. i'm thinking that soon due to all the bad publicity surrounding the jehovah witness cult leaders that cart witnessing will come to be seen as a very big waste of time by all it's members that have become hall less thus missing a shit load of meeting and a beginning to start thinking for themselves.. i'm sure many jws hate this type of work even now, even though it's an easy way to get your time in and not be labeled inactive or keep the elders off your back.
have you noticed that a lot of carts don't have a jw near by?
i never see anybody at the carts where i live, i've even asked people nearby and nobody knew who put the cart there.
So I noticed that the carts have a QR code. Why not print up your own little QR code on a label and place it neatly over theirs? Then instead of jay dubya dot borg, it goes to jwfacts.
Lots of free QR code generators on the interwebs.
''Special Letter'' to be Read In Canada Week of Feb 3,2019
by Beth Sarim ini have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
Dear brothers,
Just as Christ arrived invisibly, so too will the Watchtower magazine. The message will now be printed using invisible ink, to save on printing costs. Publishers will have the privilege of contributing for special software to translate said magazine for printing on their home computers, using their ink and paper.
Gibberring Buddy
What new cuts might be coming
by pepperheart inwhat new cuts might be coming for the watchtower ?.
Pay toilets in KHs, AHs, branches.
Snakesinthetower ( )
Has Anyone Ever Outed You For Being “Apostate”?
by minimus ineither here on this site or by a congregation member?
I was an elduh that sat in on a JC for a socalled apostate....he was an active member here at one time.
The "evidence" against him did not come from this forum as far as I recall. It was emails between him and another dub. She turned him in. He could not have been identified, but he wanted the showdown.
It WAS entertaining. I left not long after. The full story is on the forum somewhere.
Same Talks Again and Again
by Akid48 inhey i’m back i know it’s been a long time since i’ve posted on the form but a lot things have been happening so i haven’t had much time to post.. ive been 14 for awhile now makes me happy because i’m getting closer to being able to get a job and work my way out of this.. i have meetings on saturdays now which is horrible because i rather have it on sunday because it’s already a sad day because i got to go to school the next day.three of our public talks have had different brothers saying the same thing talking about the signs of the end days.the thing that gets me is when they always try and bank on the earthquake part i mean i’m really into science so i already knew a lot about plate tectonics sea floor spreading etc but you get taught this in school.with plates always moving divergent convergent transform etc there will be earthquakes it’s the effect of plates moving against or rubing on each or going back into the mantle(subduction zones) it happens.so when there’s a report in japan of a lot of earthquakes it must be the end times!no japan is located on four plates it’s going to experience big earthquakes.. i don’t know that just gets under my skins when they try and say it’s the end days because of the earth having natural things happen like plate tectonics is something that’s been happening recently no we might have gotten our hands on the technology to spot earthquakes recently but this has been happening for millions of years.. speaking of years i hope you all have a great 2019 and i’ll definitely post more of my thoughts this year..
Wish I knew what you know at 14 when I was 14. I was almost 17 when I got dunked.
Took me until age 40 to get out.
I am 52 now, still trying to dig myself out of the financial hole caused by wasting my prime earning, learning, and investing years.
Do yourself a favor Akid: Time is on your side. Ride out the JW $hit until you are 18, don't get dunked. Take advantage of any educational opportunities now. Stay out of debt, especially student loans. Invest now. Compound interest and dividend reinvestment along with regular automatic savings will mean a REAL life when you are 52.
Good luck.
Snakes (Rich)
Library now cleared out
by UnshackleTheChains inwell, it looks like the axe has finally fallen on our kh library.
during a deep clean of the local kh, a brother suddenly informed everyone 'whikst cleaning' that all the old books including bound volumes of the watchtower etc was to be chucked in the skip.. from what i heard, some were taken aback by this and quite annoyed that no announcement was made; that no one was given the choice of taking some of these books home to keep.
i mean the entire collection of studies in the scriptures and others that go back an entire century.
I saved many books when they were purging back in the 90s and 2000s. I used to have an extensive collection. I have since sold or given away for cost of shipping all but a couple of bibles that have sentimental value (ie, my dad's mini black bible).
I love physical books and newspapers. They cannot be altered. Digital or copies can always be called into question.
Soon, the whole JW cult will wither into oblivion.... just not soon enough to get my 75 year old mom with 48 years of dub out.
New rules for child sexual abuse?
by formerministerial ina european jehovah's witness, who served in an important branch, has sent me the following rumor.. some serious sources are mentioned.
it clearly shake my perspective of what is going to happen in the coming months.. i'm totally shocked !.
the law firm managing all the interests of the wt has studied the problem in europe on data protection and actions on files and protocols of child abuse.
About 9 years ago, my then girlfriend, now wife, told me there were two men in a car parked on the street wstching the house. They inquired of her about if she was living there, asking nosy questions. She referred them to me.
I asked them if they wanted the 411 on what was up. They said they did. I advised them to look up 1 Thessalonians 4:11 in the NWT.
11 Make it your aim to live quietlym and to mind your own businessn and to work with your hands,o just as we instructed you,
After they did that, I advised them that if they caused me any problems, made trouble for my JW mom living out of state, I would make their ministry impossible. Also, if they announced my name in any way, I would sue them individually and collectively for slander. Haven't heard from them yellow bellied hounders since.
They avoid my house like the plague.
Snakes (of the "not bothered by hounders" Sheep Class)
AI Data Mining Of Discussion Groups?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhat do you think will ai learn a lot from discussion groups?.
Kind of like that girl in California who claimed to do multiple test from a single drop of blood.
Great idea, except it was a scam. Her "Edison" box did not work. But when she put on the dog n pony for investors, she put the drop of blood in the machine and sent everyone results later.....turns out she tested on a regular machine with regular techs behind the scenes....no magic at all. Now she is likely goin to jail.
Lots of BS scams out there.
Hell, FB and Google scare me enough.