JoinedTopics Started by needproof
Ted Haggard - born again minister cured of homosexuality - ITS A MIRACLE!
by needproof in .
wanna hear a good one?
ted haggards straight!
Does anybody want the Kingdom Melodies 8 CD set,
by needproof ini am either thinking of selling or if nobody wants to buy then just giving them away, is anybody interested
Reasons behind disfellowshipping over 'worldly divorce'
by needproof inhi guys and girls, .
something came to me whilst i was cleaning this morning.
i was thinking about the jw tradition of disfellowshipping those who seek a 'worldly divorce' .
Did Judas Kiss Jesus to identify him or to BETRAY him? All comments welcome
by needproof inthere are a lot of things in christian belief that have just came about through word of mouth.
a few examples, the fruit in the garden was an apple, the snake was satan etc.
in the bible it does not say that judas kissed jesus to identify him.
Need suggestions for new domain name for ex-dub site, any suggestions?
by needproof indoes anybody have any suggestions for a dot com name i can use to put my anti-jw stuff up?
i was thinking along the lines of a combined site which adds other non-jw related info, which is still going to be skeptical.
maybe i can use the domain name / watchtower , does anybody have any ideas?
Watchtower letters, all of them - letters to congregation, CO's etc
by needproof inare they available somewhere online?
what happened to the site that used to post them?
Alternative treatments for dental care - are you sick of brushing
by needproof ini have been having trouble with my teeth throughout my life.
i am missing a few due to extractions.
i have two major problems and they are 1) i have long roots, meaning extractions is painful and 2) i have naturally weak teeth.
Dog praised for life-saving call
by needproof ina us dog has won an award for saving her owner's life by dialling a phone number that alerted emergency services to her owner's diabetic seizure.
belle the beagle triggered a call to an ambulance crew by biting on her owner, kevin weaver's, mobile phone.
the dog was trained to detect potential diabetic attacks by licking and sniffing mr weaver's nose to check his blood sugar levels and pawing him.
Are you a 'Life is Over-rated' or a 'life is what you make it' type person?
by needproof ini was wondering who out there is a 'life is what you make it' type person.
i must admit that i am a 'life is over-rated' type.
i don't wish to sound negative but how can you say to a kid born in war torn sudan 'oh, get over it... life is what you make it!'.
Hi guys I need proof of a watchtower article, can anybody help?
by needproof inhi, i was just reading e-watchmans website (came across it by accident, wouldn't normally entertain it) and i read that, and quote: "the august 1st, 2004, watchtower magazine carries a typical feature article entitled: "good government, where can it be found?
" the article briefly makes the case for world government and then asserts that world government has already become a reality since 1914 in the form of god's kingdom.
on page four the watchtower appears to be pandering to the sci-fi generation, saying of the tribulation: "an attack from another planet?