Thank you!!! That is the exact quote I was searching for.
clarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
Thank you!!! That is the exact quote I was searching for.
1. some say we are all gods, and god is omnipresent..
2. some say: god created his children who later challenged his sovereignty, who in turn asked his eldest son: go down to the world, do not resist the wicked, but be murdered by them, the value of which will be used to atone the sins of the world..
3. universe arose out of a big bang.
I am a Christian who fully accepts what modern science shows about evolution and natural selection.
There is no reason you can't be a faithful Christian AND an evolutionist.
1. some say we are all gods, and god is omnipresent..
2. some say: god created his children who later challenged his sovereignty, who in turn asked his eldest son: go down to the world, do not resist the wicked, but be murdered by them, the value of which will be used to atone the sins of the world..
3. universe arose out of a big bang.
Thank you for acknowledging evolution as a random process. I get upset when I see some people on Twitter claim it's not random.
clarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
Also, a couple more things I forgot to include in my main post above:
* Solomon will likely be resurrected.
* Korah will even be resurrected.
clarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
I'm searching for the article on but haven't been able to locate it yet.
I know it was either a Question From Readers or a Main Study Article on the topic of resurrection.
clarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
Clarified Understandings / New Light of the past 7 years or so:
* The Faithful and Discreet Slave is only the Governing Body and only since 1919.
* The Faithful Slave was appointed in 1919 by Jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the Sheep and Goats.
* Charles Taze Russell was not part of the Faithful and Discreet Slave.
* There was no Slave for 1900 years before 1919.
* There may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.
* 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special Biblical significance.
* 1918 has no special Biblical significance.
* Gog of Magog is not Satan, but is a Coalition of Nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious King of the North.
* There is no Evil Slave Class. Jesus was just giving a hypothetical warning for each individual anointed person to remain faithful.
* We should not put our main focus on the theory of the Ransom found in the Insight Book, which proposes the idea that Jesus was exchanging His perfect unborn children in His loins for imperfect people. Instead we should just focus on what the Bible says about the Ransom.
* The unforgivable sin today is when you refuse to repent after knowing the truth.
* All honest-hearted people will be given an opportunity to be saved, somehow.
* Anyone in the past who had no opportunity will receive a resurrection to earth.
* If God was not going to resurrect a certain person if they died at Armageddon, then He also won't resurrect that person if they die prior to Armageddon.
* It's possible, but unlikely, that people from Babylon or Christendom can be saved after the start of the Tribulation.
* The resurrection of the anointed ones to heaven began sometime after Jesus became King in 1914, but we can't say when exactly.
* The anointed who are left alive on earth will be "snatched up" to heaven by the angels right before Armageddon.
* The "generation" that will not pass away is either ALL of the anointed as a class since 1914, OR it is two overlapping groups of the anointed. (These two different views are given out in various publications since 2008)
* No Scripture should be interpreted with a typical/antitypical (double-fulfillment) unless the Bible says so and unless Jehovah would have arranged the original event to occur (something that's not evil, since James 1:13 says God can't cause evil).
* All of Jesus' Parables now have new, simplified explanation and understandings that attempt to focus more on the main message instead of searching for meaning in all the little details.
* Jehovah's Witnesses are now encouraged to use the internet and use social media, but to be on guard against apostates.
it looks to me like the society is rapidly moving back to the february 2008 watchtower "new light" on "this generation," which said this:.
* jesus used "this generation" to mean "anointed ones.".
* in the first fulfillment, jesus was promising that some anointed ones would still be alive to witness the events of 70 c.e.. * in the secondary fulfillment, jesus was promising that some anointed ones would still be alive when jesus returns to judge the sheep and goats.. the new 2015 jw research guide posted on lists this 2008 watchtower article as the first article people should read about the "clarified understanding" of the generation.. this 2008 view also matches the statement in the new 2015 jesus--the way, the truth, the life book, which says that "this generation" refers to disciples who see the signs of the last days.. i think they are abandoning the overlapping part..
Yeah, you're right on the word "disciples." The Society says both Anointed and Great Crowd are disciples. So I wonder what the new Jesus book is actually getting at.
it looks to me like the society is rapidly moving back to the february 2008 watchtower "new light" on "this generation," which said this:.
* jesus used "this generation" to mean "anointed ones.".
* in the first fulfillment, jesus was promising that some anointed ones would still be alive to witness the events of 70 c.e.. * in the secondary fulfillment, jesus was promising that some anointed ones would still be alive when jesus returns to judge the sheep and goats.. the new 2015 jw research guide posted on lists this 2008 watchtower article as the first article people should read about the "clarified understanding" of the generation.. this 2008 view also matches the statement in the new 2015 jesus--the way, the truth, the life book, which says that "this generation" refers to disciples who see the signs of the last days.. i think they are abandoning the overlapping part..
Yeah, that's why I think they're having to abandon the overlapping part, because it's totally different from what Jesus would have meant in the first fulfillment of 70 A.D.
But if they return to the 2008 view, they can say Jesus just meant all the Anointed in both time periods.
it looks to me like the society is rapidly moving back to the february 2008 watchtower "new light" on "this generation," which said this:.
* jesus used "this generation" to mean "anointed ones.".
* in the first fulfillment, jesus was promising that some anointed ones would still be alive to witness the events of 70 c.e.. * in the secondary fulfillment, jesus was promising that some anointed ones would still be alive when jesus returns to judge the sheep and goats.. the new 2015 jw research guide posted on lists this 2008 watchtower article as the first article people should read about the "clarified understanding" of the generation.. this 2008 view also matches the statement in the new 2015 jesus--the way, the truth, the life book, which says that "this generation" refers to disciples who see the signs of the last days.. i think they are abandoning the overlapping part..
The February 15, 2008 Watchtower says that Jesus' promise means that some of the Anointed will remain on earth until the BEGINNING of the Tribulation (however, Watchtower articles this year have updated this and said that some of the Anointed must remain on earth until the judging of the Sheep and Goats right before Armageddon):
Watchtower, 2/15/2008:
Christ’s faithful anointed brothers, the modern-day John class, have recognized this sign as if it were a flash of lightning and have understood its true meaning. As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day “generation” of contemporaries that will not pass away “until all these things occur.”* This suggests that some who are Christ’s anointed brothers will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins.
last night's bible highlights was really eyebrow raising!
the brother pointed out at lenght about how david had wept when his son absalom was killed.
but that because absalom was killed while opposing jehovah that means that david was wrong and weak to greive for him.. it was applied to today by saying that if our children are df'd when they die then we should not grieve for them either!.
Come Be My Follower Book, Pages 152-153:
5 Jesus was a man of deep empathy. He identified with and shared in the feelings of those who were suffering. Even though he did not share all their circumstances, he truly felt their pain in his heart. (Hebrews 4:15) When healing a woman who had suffered from a flow of blood for 12 years, he described her ailment as a “grievous sickness,” thus acknowledging that it had caused her great distress and suffering. (Mark 5:25-34) When he saw Mary and those with her weeping over the death of Lazarus, he was so deeply touched by their sorrow that he became inwardly agitated. Although he knew that he was about to resurrect Lazarus, Jesus was so moved that his eyes brimmed with tears.—John 11:33, 35.
Insight Book (2015), Volume 1, Page 627:
Because of their nature, dirges are associated with moaning and wailing (Eze 2:10), and at least some of them were written down and preserved. Second Chronicles 35:25 reports that Jeremiah chanted over deceased King Josiah and indicates that there once existed a collection of dirges (Heb., qi·nohthʹ), for it is there stated: “All the male singers and female singers keep talking about Josiah in their dirges down till today; and they have them set as a regulation over Israel, and there they are written among the dirges.”