UC: the problem is I feel like I have to work at the last minute to get folks stuff who've gotten me stuff because I never planned on doing it and am spending a little over my budet because of it. I want them to know that I care about them because I do and I *could* get them gifts and I feel a little selfish becaue I haven't and never thought about it either.
again I rarely got gifts so I have this nasty selfhish habits of buying myself gifts. I'm not saying my family never got me anything bcause they did but I've always treated myself on my birthdays and around this time... am I the only one?
Thetrueone: It's not that it's a religious holday, its the fact that people around me who I care about have gotten me something and I haven't thought about them when I could have. I'm not offended since I got something I really liked and another gift I really needed. And I just want to say thank you and feel kinda wkward since I'm not use to it or how to go about it now.
HappyGuy: I'm not worried or losing my mind about it but it's just one of those things I feel I should know that I don't. It's like driving stick shift... I should 'know' how to drive stick shift in my mind but I can't. Don't know why that is but that's how I feel. And I shouldn't be at my age trying to figure out something simple that children easily understand.