Has anyone read this book?
I figured I had to comment because everyone was telling me “Oh Tim, you’re going to love this book. She went to the same assemblies as you, she was raised in a similar household, she did poetry slams as well. Seriously you have to get this book.”
Seriously, I wish I hadn’t.
It took about 25 pages for me to think “You know I really don’t like this girl very much.” It took 50 pages for me to say “I’m pretty sure I hate this person.” Now 295 pages into the novel I can honestly say that if I met the girl I’d probably strangle her; or at the very least chuck her the bird (and I don’t mean show her my middle finger, I think I would actually attempt to throw a live pidgeon at her).
I understand writing a book as some sort of catharsis, she must have proof-read this book before putting it out. I don’t know how she can’t see herself as just the biggest whiny, spoiled, little brat imaginable. I have read stories about JWs who have been disfellowshipped which really seemed they were on a rollercoaster and they had no control over what was happening because the way they were raised. I’ve read stories that made me cry, they moved me completely. Did bad things happen to this girl? Of course, you were raised in a cult my dear. It comes with the territory. However, at every instance the only thing I could bring myself to is: you brought this upon yourself.
I mean, maybe I’m being too harsh; I’m not really sure that’s why I’m posting my thoughts here to see what others think. Maybe it’s because we’re both from similar areas and similar ages. I mean really Coventry and Pawtucket are literally a stone’s throw from each other. She described the same assemblies that I went to, did the same things I did, she observed some of the same things, her parents didn’t like each other, mine had tried to kill each other (that’s not an exaggeration). She was in a gifted program when she was a child, I was in a gifted program when I was a child. She dropped out of school, got married too young, and fell into every single vice that the JWs warn you about before leaving. All the while people were telling her “don’t drop out of school, you’ll regret it” or “You’re awfully young to get married, shouldn’t you wait a few years?” or “You’re awfully young to be joining the Ministry School, don’t you think you should wait a few years?” or even “Are you sure you want to be baptized?”. I mean really, what I wouldn’t give to have caring elders like that giving me advice that was in my best interest instead of in the best interest of the Kingdom Hall. “Tim, you like Crystal don’t you. You know you could be baptized at the next assembly so she’d consider marrying you” (at age 15), “Tim you are a great speaker, you should become a full time minister”; (at 13) “What are you wasting your time in school for, you hate it, you could go to Bethel and get free room and board AND $50 a week to spend.” (3 months shy of graduating high school) “I’m going to sign you up for the ministry school because you write so well, give it a few weeks then tell me if you want to back out.” (at age 12)
For the life of me I don’t know why anyone would feel sympathy in the slightest for this girl. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about people writing about their time in the organization warts and all, it seems she focused so much on the warts though. Well, let me know anyone who’s read the book if they feel similarly or differently.