Legalized? No.
Decriminalized? Good god yes. You can decriminalize something without making it legal, because that just puts these women under the ownership of the government instead of a pimp. Some women can be forced for testing told when and where they can sell themselves... if we want people to have control over themselves then having the government step in and be pimp instead of a low-budget thug is no better.
But I also tend to agree that MOST prostitution is in form of desperation and survival and for that matter its not that it should be stopped, but it should be programs to help these people get out of those situations. Besides, just because your a prostitute now does not mean you ALWAYS will be one. If people are downtrodden you aren't going to stop that feeling but stopping them from selling their bodies- they are STILL going to be downtrodden... and probably poor. Prostitution gives them at least something to support themselves. But with good programs that help protect them, give them sexual health information and condoms and testing, and also counseling and employment, then you can help these people get out of those positions. Not by taking their only (in their minds anyway) souce of income and security away.
But again, Not ALL prostitutes are downtrodden and depressed or poor. There are some people who take their craft very seriously and consider it a line of work. Call boys, strippers, adult entertainers, dominatrixes, call girls, bunny ranch girls, etc. And yes, prostitution is something no parent wants to hear their child say they want to do as a profession and no one wants to know that their parents are doing that type of job, and personally I feel that maybe that stigma should exist because again MOST people do prostitute to eat and survive but this profession is never gonna go away and at best it could be made so their parent and family DONT know at all. And lets be honest we all can't live to make mommy and daddy happy, as we should all know that by now or else we'd be saving up for our "special assembly" and getting us a nice new suit and dress around this time of year. Wouldn't that be fun?
So again, Decriminalized not legalized.