I used to watch Highlander with my grandmother...
Watching someone's head roll almost every episode was awesome.
i watch the rifleman almost every night on encore westerns.. when i was a kid i used to love watching the 3 stooges.. my favorite 80's show was taxi and hill street blues.. which tv shows did you love watching?
I used to watch Highlander with my grandmother...
Watching someone's head roll almost every episode was awesome.
when i first met my husband, he had i guess what some men would consider the ultimate apartment.
big screen tv.
an old sofa, one knife, one fork, one spoon, a pot and a skillet.
Wel somebody is fancy!
All you need imo is a bed, a tv, and a microwave.
A toilet would be nice as well.... I mean unless you like diapers or something. If thats your thing. Not judging.
my darlings, i just wanted to thank y'all because you have all been such sweethearts to me.
my dad's 'annual newsletter' has made me reflect on my 'lost' family a little, we were a big family, and a close one.
so i am proud to announce i have found a close, loving, accepting new family.
*sees the hawtness and mauls Trekker*
He's mine!
my darlings, i just wanted to thank y'all because you have all been such sweethearts to me.
my dad's 'annual newsletter' has made me reflect on my 'lost' family a little, we were a big family, and a close one.
so i am proud to announce i have found a close, loving, accepting new family.
*eyes you like the villanous Queen That I Am!*
.... I Guess. But Just so we're clear str8?
I'm First Wife and your Second Wife.
to be honest - i've never loved anyone - i'm talking about the romatic type here.
i have liked & been attracted to people....but love, nope.
i have no idea how to identify it.. looking at people in "so called" love today can be a bit deceptive, as what i have seen and still see to a great extent is 2 people .
I've never been in love so I wouldn't know.
I don't falll in love. I mean I like people but love? eh....
Truth is I am emotionally unavailable; I don't open myself up for love. that crap hurts and I don't see the point. Let's just have fun and not get too entangled. with love, it always ends in pain; somebody ends up screwed and you know it.
Bah @ yur love!
my darlings, i just wanted to thank y'all because you have all been such sweethearts to me.
my dad's 'annual newsletter' has made me reflect on my 'lost' family a little, we were a big family, and a close one.
so i am proud to announce i have found a close, loving, accepting new family.
BFD?! *pushes str8 off*
HELP! This AUUSIE THUG broke into our bedroom and attacked me! With his tongue!
my darlings, i just wanted to thank y'all because you have all been such sweethearts to me.
my dad's 'annual newsletter' has made me reflect on my 'lost' family a little, we were a big family, and a close one.
so i am proud to announce i have found a close, loving, accepting new family.
Don't touch my hair!
my darlings, i just wanted to thank y'all because you have all been such sweethearts to me.
my dad's 'annual newsletter' has made me reflect on my 'lost' family a little, we were a big family, and a close one.
so i am proud to announce i have found a close, loving, accepting new family.
"Jehovah's Love Where the Sun doesn't Shine!"
my darlings, i just wanted to thank y'all because you have all been such sweethearts to me.
my dad's 'annual newsletter' has made me reflect on my 'lost' family a little, we were a big family, and a close one.
so i am proud to announce i have found a close, loving, accepting new family.
LOLZ, OH My God, can you imagine the title of the article they would do on our parents?
'United by Faggotry: How Jehovah helped two families afflicted with homosexuality deal through troubled times'
And then the article would mention how loving Jehovah God was for bringing us together so our parents could have each other, and that with wo witness families they would soon 'save us' from our sinful inclinations/gender anxieties.
LOLZ At least you Have a Dad. By me not having one my faggotry will always be blamed o that sole fact.
"where's his dad? A-Ha! I have solved the mystery to your sons ghey!" At least your family has no idea, mine 'knows' why I am the way I am.
but on the dozen kids. HELLZ No! If I have to look at a dozen behinds to clean that will make me less likely to want yours afterwards. i'm just being honest.
my darlings, i just wanted to thank y'all because you have all been such sweethearts to me.
my dad's 'annual newsletter' has made me reflect on my 'lost' family a little, we were a big family, and a close one.
so i am proud to announce i have found a close, loving, accepting new family.
But im serious- I wanna adopt some kids with you... find a nice farm and live like hippies, staring into your eyes everyday i wake up.
Basically I wanna be gay- but with you str8?
Then our parents can go to their District conventions together and takl about us-OMg they might even get a watchtower article about them....