Religion didn't give you the car you drive or the refrigerator that preserves your food or the computer you're typing your luddite view on!
Religion also did not give us pollution, the atom bomb and global warming.
history has demonstrated:.
religion is following orders by implicitly trusting someone or something.. science asks questions.. religion purports to answer questions.. science seeks to disprove its own conclusions.. religion seeks to reinforce its own dogma.. science is error-correction toward adjusting for realities as they unfold.. religion internalizes against reality by mocking up a substitute.. science is the most recent development of the human mind.
technology proves science to be successful in advancing human progress.. religion disdains human progress and waits for the end.
Religion didn't give you the car you drive or the refrigerator that preserves your food or the computer you're typing your luddite view on!
Religion also did not give us pollution, the atom bomb and global warming.
i feel bad for her, her daughter, etc.
but, dammit, can we please get some other news?
Yes I would say that I am tired of hearing it as well.
I was watching television when the situation happened and I remember thinking to myself "We are going to be hearing this for a long time."
It seems that is what will happen.
have you ever been in a position where you really needed your friends - ie a relationship break down, or some other event and expected your friends to rally and support you.
only to find that those friends are nowhere to be seen or heard and when you tentatively enquire how they are in the hope for some kind response you get - "oh well you'll get over it.
" or words to that effect and by email.. i have as you can guess a reason and recent experience of my own that i'll share later, but i wondered how do you handle that?
I found this out when I told most of my 'friends' that I had serious doubts about the society and what they teached. I told them that I had thought about leaving and the response was "until you decide to stay we can't talk to you"
After that, I no longer considered them friends but just people that I know.
just wanted to say hi to everyone and if you get a chance, drop me a line.
DOH it didnt give you the greek letters lol
John 1:1 Hen arche ho logos kai ho logos hen pros ton theon kai theos hen ho logos.
Ex 7:1 kai eipen kyrois pros Mousen legon idou dedoka se theon phrao kai Aaron alelphos sou estai sou prophetes
just wanted to say hi to everyone and if you get a chance, drop me a line.
Okay but don't say I didnt warn you ;)
Well I'll give you an example which would be John 1:1 and Ex 7:1
The greek in John 1:1 is ?? ???? ?? ? ?????, ?a? ? ????? ?? p??? t?? ?e??, ?a? ?e?? ?? ? ?????. in english this is, IN BEGINNING was the word and the word was toward the god and god was the word. The problem has aways been if the 'a' needs to be added or not to the greek translation. As most of you know the NWT adds the a after giving it the following In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.
Well the fact is the a should be there but they are not consistant in doing so for if I add the 'a' where it truly belongs it would be the following
In a begining was the word and the word was toward the god and a god was the word.
Now Ex 7:1 in the NWT is translated thus.
Consequently Jehovah said to Moses: "See, I have made you God to Phar´aoh, and Aaron your own brother will become your prophet
Here is the greek according to the septuigent
?a? e?pe? ?????? p??? ???s?? ????? ?d?? d?d??? se ?e?? Fa?a?, ?a? ?a??? ? ?de?f?? s?? ?sta? s?? p??f?t??
and to speak towards mousen (Moses) look to appoint you god to Pharao (Pharoah) and Aaron the brother of you exists you prophetes (Prophet) The thing is that most translations translate this with an a or an 'an' before theos (god) so no english version (including the NWT) puts the 'a's where they belong in all places.
just wanted to say hi to everyone and if you get a chance, drop me a line.
Well, since you asked...;)
I was one of Jehovah's witnesses for about sixteen years if my math is correct and am still in 'good' standing (that is until they find out my current beliefs) and I like most accepted what the Society said without question.
That was until about six months ago when I started to delve deeper into the Bible by studying the languages that it is written in (Hebrew and Greek for those that don't know ;)) as I began to do that, i noticed that some of the language that is in the New World Translation was slanted towards the organization. A good example is how they translate system of things. This word is actually Aion (age) underserved kindness is actually favor and other words which I will not bore you will. Needless to say that it made me think as to what was going on.
I remeber talking to one elder who read 1 CO 9:16 about woe is me if I do not preach the good news..." However when I looked below two verses latter is said that this was suppose to be done "without cost" In other words, no donations were ever taken.
As I contiuned to research, I discovered that many things; meetings, field ministry, using liturature was not the way the first century christians did it. That and the fact that the poor are never given a consideration in the work really bothered me. Take for example of the act of an elder at one hall I went to.
There was a family who came into the Kingdom Hall one night three women and one little boy who was about three. Now, everyone could tell that they were very poor, no good clothing to speak of, hair was in a mess on all of the family members indicating that they did not have enough money for anything. I went over to say hi to them but other than me, no one seemed to pay them much attention. WHen the meeting began, the family sat down in the back row of the Kingdom Hall and people began to sing the song. As this was happening, the little boy began to cough very loud and could not seem to stop. I was in the back when this started to happen and noticed that the family was doing everything it could to keep him quiet but it was no use as he was obviously sick.
The meeting contiuned and the little boy contiuned to cough during the meeting. That is when I saw something that I never thought would happen. One of the elders (who was and is the prosiding overseer of that cong) walked over to the family but instead of asking the family to go downstairs, he pulled the little boy from its mother's arms and took him down stairs. The mother was of course shocked to see this happen as was I.
The family never came back after that as far as I can recall.
That is when I began to believe that the witnesses were more interested in thier image that Christianity.
Anyway that is some of my story. If you want to hear more, feel free to send me an email.
does the belief that there is no all-loving diety in which to be accountable to make it easier or harder to treat and judge others they way that you want to be treated and judged?.
since evolution supposes that life and ultimately man who is at the top of the chain got here through a process of the fittest dominating and killing off the weaker, and since most modern evolutionists in democracies no longer think that this is good to practice, how do you deal with the fact that you are a living contradiction of your own belief since you pronounce the same thing both good and bad?
The problem is not God but pride that is attached to people's beliefs.
This is one of those "I'm right and you're wrong" deals were everyone has an opinion and no one thinks that they are wrong. Personally I was agnositic but found that it simply did not solve the problems in life so I choose to embrace the Bible. That was my choice and it is one that I do not regret personally. If a person chooses to believe in something else that is their own affiar. But to say that religious people are the cause of all the problems today not only shows a lack of the facts but also intelliengence.
I will Give you an example below of how anything can be considered dangerous if taken out of context
Atom bomb-Created by science and technology.
Polution Created by science and technology by making cars that pollute
Violence formed from watching many violent television shows -Created by science and technology
Bible teaches to love your neighbor evolution teaches to love the strongest.
War vehicles Created by Science and technology. Who used them? Secular nations.
Global warming Created by Science and technology
Starvation-caused by greed of secular politicians ran by big business. Christians are told to feed the poor.
I could go on but the point is clear.... You may want to rethink your position about religion.
just wanted to say hi to everyone and if you get a chance, drop me a line.
Just wanted to say hi to everyone and if you get a chance, drop me a line.
the bible says that the truth will liberate you or set you free.. the watchtower applies this to their religion as if their "truth" sets people free.. if that's the case, how were you set free when you became a jw?.
The problem is Mad that while those truths are wonderful, the fact is the the Witnesses did not come up with any of them.
the jw's think that they are the only ones serving god.. lets prove them wrong, and show how many other ways there are of serving god that they don't do..
Thank you rooster, you just mentioned one of the reasons in which I left. Helping the poor in the Bible is a required commandment from God but I have never seen a Witness do this. (tell me how many of you who were witnesses ever remember an elder getting up on the podium and saying "Brother's, it is time for our poverty assistance meeting...")