THEY have the truth THEY are superior, THEY own God.
Noooo thank you.
As WuzLovesDubs does the superior dance.
see the dilema?
some atheists like to use the analogy of religion being like a "crutch.".
dr. david eller suggests, below, that this is a poor analogy.
in my own, limited experience, his words ring true.
THEY have the truth THEY are superior, THEY own God.
Noooo thank you.
As WuzLovesDubs does the superior dance.
see the dilema?
some atheists like to use the analogy of religion being like a "crutch.".
dr. david eller suggests, below, that this is a poor analogy.
in my own, limited experience, his words ring true.
For those who choose to never question, and to live in the "scenario", Eller is right. In addition, it is an easier life "so long as those conditions persist". If the comfy rug is pulled out, the experience would create a shift in paradigm. Maybe even insanity, but not always.
If it is possible to re-program, to re-create your own mind, according to what "rings true" for you. If you are capable of recognizing patterns of behavior (i.e. automated behavior based on subconscious reaction). In order for this to work, it seems to me that there must be "Universal Truths", or at least "Universal Truths" as they relate to the human condition. Otherwise, what is "ringing true"?
The problem as I see it, with the Atheistic perception of reality, is that Atheism itself carries with it certain dogmas. Thus limiting a persons ability and existential suppleness. For instance, what if Jung's concept of a Collective Unconscious is true? Or the new theories that the mind can alter matter on an atomic level, leaving some to postulate that we, collectively, create our own reality.
Atheist can no more be absolutely sure of God, or human existence than and religious group. My brother is religiously atheistic, same as my other brother who is JW.
I do not believe that a person could effectively have his or her "crutches" knocked out from underneath them, unless they wanted to get rid of them. They would simply rationalize, according to their own ability to reason, and willingness to change their own personal paradigm.
How can one person coax another person to question their own paradigm? Does it come from without or within (Collective Unconscious, personal desire) or both?
What is the first step? Fearlessness?
"some of the biggest men in the united states, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something.
they know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
" woodrow wilson, the new freedom (1913) in march, svali, an ex-illuminati mind controller wrote: "there is a lot more going on in the suburbs around washington, dc than most people realize," she described how the illuminati cult brainwashed and trained people to become assassins.
What the Jehovah's Witnesses don't tell is you is that until 1952 they believed Jehovah lived in the Plieades. (I find it odd that in these "last days" that important info had to wait until 1952)
Talk about the light getting brighter.
"The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleiades appears to be the crowning center around which the known systems of the planets revolve.... It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling place of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens;....
The constellation of the Pleiades is a small one compared with others which scientific instruments disclose to the wondering eyes of man. But the greatness in size of other stars or planets is small when compared to the Pleiades in importance, because the Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God."
J. F. Rutherford, Reconciliation, 1928, p. 14.
We can come to only one conclusion, Jehovah IS the alien force behind the otherworldly deception in the WBTS among others.
i will be there with the lonestar tea partiers!.
What they resent is a deliberate socialist welfare state.
You mean a deliberate socialist corporate/banking welfare state?
Besides, that's what happens when you deliberately send good paying jobs to other countries, keep U.S. wages deliberately low, deliberately up the unemployment to 10% or more, and deliberately give all the money to big business. Remember, for the past several years, the only job sector that steadily increased was the "service" sector. How much do you think that pays? Now we have 50% of the population earning less than 51K per year. That's why they don't pay taxes! That's why they need financial help!
In the last 50 years:
Republican president - 29 years
Democratic president - 21 years
Biggest tax increase in history - Reagan (republican)
Socialist bailouts for the rich - Reagan/Bush 1980's, Bush Jr. 2nd term
Cost of socialist bailout for rich - over .5 trillion, 1.7 trillion respectively
Cost of illegal Iraq war - 800 billion and counting
War profiteering - Bush/Cheney through (at least) Halliburton
Corporations that pay taxes - almost NONE
It comes from Princeton political scientist Larry Bartels' new book, soon to be released. What it shows is the difference that the President's party affiliation makes to the distribution of income during the four years of the president's term. (The distributional outcomes are shown with one year's lag.) When a Republican president is in power, people at the top of the income distribution experience much larger real income gains than those at the bottom--a difference of 1.5 percent per year going from the bottom to the top quintile in the income distribution. The situation is reversed when a Democrat is in power: those who benefit the most are the lower income groups. If you are in the bottom quintile, the difference between having a Democratic or a Republican president in office is an income gain (or loss) of more than 2 percent per year! Strikingly, compared to Republicans, Democratic presidents generate higher income gains for all income groups (although the difference is statistically significant only for lower income groups).
The key question is why are some people immune to facts?
Given their republican leanings, a conclusion can be drawn that the Tea Partiers are for concentrating the wealth to the top one percent. Since the middle class is near extinct, and over 50% of Americans don't earn enough to pay taxes, and the super rich insulate themselves from taxes. That leaves very few people paying taxes. Given the facts set out in the quoted paragraph above, voting Democrat is the only way to spread the wealth so that people earn enough to pay their share.
Don't Tea Partiers want those in the lower income tax brackets to earn a fair wage?
Do Tea Partiers want the very rich to bleed the rest of us dry?
Why is the battle cry "repeal everything" the Obama administration has done?
Do they really want to go back to the point we were at when Bush left office? Nearly destroyed?
What is it -really- about the left and Obama they hate so much?
Is there a "high degree of correlation between ideological blindness and political conservativism. "
When they talk about liberty and personal freedom, why is it only in relation to money?
Do they want to pay for their own roads and policemen?
Will they all please move to a deserted island?
some of you know me from a few years ago, and my oldest son (18) is a musician and a college freshman.
well one of his songs will be featured as the song of the day on an indie internet station.
his names is nicholas james and the song is there she goes.
My daughter thinks he's cute!
i will be there with the lonestar tea partiers!.
This is a movement to get people pissed off at the poor AGAIN (remember when it was all the welfare mom's fault?), to divert attention away from the TRILLION that Bush and his friends gave away to the bankers! Add that to the HALF TRILLION the Reagan/Bush team gave to the bankers in the 80's S&L bailout which we will be paying on for another 7 or so years (the Bush family and friends are bank robbers), the billions if not trillions spent on the Bush led illegal war, and Cheney/Halliburton war profiteering.
Seriously Tea Partiers, if you are going to be mad about spending and taxes, at least be mad at the ones who are actually ripping you off!
That Friskie, damn evil cat
we, as ex-jws should know this more than anyone, as the leaders of our old religion were usually the ones that towed the party line, which usually meant they were dumb enough to believe that nonsense.
the smartest man i ever knew was a professor of mine, alexander kaufman... graduate of the jfk school at harvard, he taught john rawls philosophy and economics at uga.... .
i used to laugh my ass off when he had visiting economic professors from places like princeton, yale, harvard...all the top schools; he'd hold an open debate forum where the greatest conservative minds in the world would debate their economic theories against his... i am still a friend of his and have enjoyed many a beer with his guests, who usually were his friends, the debating of these men was really something to behold.
Dawg, you've exchanged one cult for another.
we, as ex-jws should know this more than anyone, as the leaders of our old religion were usually the ones that towed the party line, which usually meant they were dumb enough to believe that nonsense.
the smartest man i ever knew was a professor of mine, alexander kaufman... graduate of the jfk school at harvard, he taught john rawls philosophy and economics at uga.... .
i used to laugh my ass off when he had visiting economic professors from places like princeton, yale, harvard...all the top schools; he'd hold an open debate forum where the greatest conservative minds in the world would debate their economic theories against his... i am still a friend of his and have enjoyed many a beer with his guests, who usually were his friends, the debating of these men was really something to behold.
Obama, Dean, Pelosi and Brazile have destroyed the Democratic Party. I am an orange Democrat voting in protest for McCain this year. Join the resistance!
remember when we were blinded in our self righteousness.
you haven't changed.. bts.
I got your evidence right here - But first I'd like to say I'm a Liberal Democrat and if you want to join the resistance, please go to TexasHillBlog NOQUARTERUSA Riverdaughter
and now for the evidence, Bush and McCain tried to stop this meltdown starting in 2003 and Democrats KILLED it -
Well, Because medias are spreading lies to help Obama. They blame Bush and Republican for economic and housing crisis and hide the truth. Check this news out. It is from NYTimes , September 11, 2003 (exactly 5 years ago.) Certain Democrats KILLED the reform that would saved taxpayers BILLIONS.
New York Times (5 years ago)
Government Track (3 years ago)
Originally Posted by Sen. John McCain [R-AZ ]: Mr. President, this week Fannie Mae's regulator reported that the company's quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were "illusions deliberately and systematically created" by the company's senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal. ... I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole. I urge my colleagues to support swift action on this GSE reform legislation. |
''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.'' Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed. |
Obama has NO experience. NO knowledge. No business sense. NO anything. Think again before voting Obama for economic reasons.