sigh* no, it means a class taught by someone who is a master of their trade / profession
HA! "sigh*"
thanks for stooping down from your high horse to set this idiot straight
rolls eyes
does anyone else see anything wrong with the title?.
master as in m.a.?
or master as in master and slave (not neccesarily relating to race).
That pic Terra Incognita put up shows it. But that's a good thing. Again, please look at all the surrounding Muslim land. Why can't those Muslims be taken in by them? Why can't Muslim in Israel live side by side with Israeli's?
Take a look at a map and see how much land Israel has compared to the surrounding Muslim nations. Israel is a tiny little area just trying to survive. The only way the Muslims will be happy is if Israel is destroyed, which is what many of the Islamic leaders publicly state they want.
Does anyone really think that giving up the land to Palestine and recognizing them etc. will lead to peace? I don't.
Recently Muslims protested in London carrying signs reading "Islam will rule all" ect. When London is completely overrun by Muslims will they start claiming the land for Palestine?
does anyone else see anything wrong with the title?.
master as in m.a.?
or master as in master and slave (not neccesarily relating to race).
Does anyone else see anything wrong with the title?
What does she mean? Master as in M.A.? or Master as in master and slave (not neccesarily relating to race)
It makes more sense that it's the latter.
Master class means there's a servant class, is there also an untouchable class? Is she really promoting a class system?
i post on a couple of forums and read and lurk and all that stuff.. a theme that seems to be gaining momentum is about how the gb are 'tightening their grip' and 'becoming more cultish'.. i don't read the publications anymore and oddly i read extracts of them on the forums.. punk is babbling questions are (sorry if they're a bit long.
sorry if i sound like satan: 'is it really so?
' but then i am a mentally diseased apostate).. 1. are the gb really tightening their grip or is it just the same as it ever was........but..........we just notice the propaganda more now we're out?.
stuckinamovement "Bottom line it is a bunch of old white dudes and a token brother pretending to be spirit directed."
racist ass
this documentary was broadcast on april 17, 2011. .
"according to some, christianity in the uk has no future.
closure of churches and falling attendances in the last few decades appear to show that the christian faith is in terminal decline.".
Christianity has no future but Islam will take over as the predominant religion. They are buying up the whole country out from under the Brit's and they aren't even putting up a fight. How long before one of them owns The Tower, or Stonehenge?
and if so, would that prove an existence of evil-spirits (demons)?.
i have heard of a couple of stories of possession, or of jw's talking to spiritists and the spiritists having seen 2 men following the jw, either dressed all in black, or all in white, and very strong looking.
yet, i have never experienced any of it.. another experience that i heard is about a brother whose mom had super-natural strength, and tossed something really heavy.
When I left, I decided that I needed to confront my fear head on. The number one fear was Satan. So, I started reading everyting in the local metaphysical bookshop including Alister Crowley the famous satanist. Well here's what I found:
Alistair Crowley uses the name YHVH and/or Jehovah in his 'satanic' rituals. If it is as it says in the bible that satan and the demons cower and run at the mention of the name, then why would a satanist use the name? This convinced me that satan is not real, the bible is not fact, and demons as they are portrayed in the bible do not exist. How many of you were frightened when 'in' and called upon Jehovah and found no relief? The reason it failed most of the time is because that's not the way the universe works. I don't claim to know it it does work, just that I've ruled that explanation out.
That is not to say that there are not trickster beings lurking, but the simple way to avoid them is to be fearless, and keep yourself on a positive thought pattern. Fear and negativity will attract them. Where there are tricksters, there must also be beings of light and assistance.
The only way to find out is to explore. Be fearless.
sounds like it's worth watching.. .
elizabeth vargas' yearlong investigation into the independent fundamental baptist church airs friday, april 8. .
try to imagine the pain and humiliation of a teenage girl, just 15 years old, who says she was forced to stand in front of a new hampshire church congregation and confess her "sin" of being pregnant.
These guys need to visit Pastor Chuck, and Pastor Brian
i started this thread because some people are telling lies in another thread about the tea party.. i am one of the volunteers that helps arrange and put on tea party rallies in southern mississippi.
we do not have a membership roll.. we are not a political party.. we have one basic issue that we are addressing, which is: we want federal spending to be lower than federal revenues.
we do not say how this is to be achieved.. some liars on this site are claiming that the tea parties are actively pushing to achieve the balanced budget by cutting only liberal policies.
What economic policies have dominated?
Trickledown theory
Keep wages low
Eliminate regulations on businesses
Tax cuts for wealthy for job growth
Big business tax cuts or no taxes at all
According to these economic theories, the wealthy needed tax cuts businesses needed lower payroll in order to increase business and thus job growth.
What has really happened in the last 30 years while those policies have dominated?
30 years ago GE was the largest employer, now the largest employer is Walmart
20 years ago the average income was 33,600 now it is 33,000 a decrease
in the last 20 years the income of the top 3% has gone up 33%
fraud, scams and theft and the subsequent fall of many big banks and financial ruin for many Americans
Trillion dollar bailouts with your tax money given directly to the people responsible for the crash
What have the wealthy done with all that money? not create jobs that's for sure
30 years ago Reagan - Bush took office. Reagan Bush increased the deficit 189%
Bush Jr. DOUBLED THE DEFICIT that's 6 trillion dollars!
Enough is enough!!
It's time to admit that so called conservative economic policy has FAILED
It's been a FRAUD perpetrated on good people by greedy politicians and business owners to increase their wealth and power while diminishing the wealth and power of 97% of the population. These policies have nearly destroyed America.
Now they are hitting unions hard and will succeed in making organized labor illegal. What then? longer work days? shorter lunch breaks? hiring and firing at wil? Back to child labor?
The Tea Party is led by people who buy in to the old failed economic policies of the last 30 years.
The fact is, that unless you make over 1 million dollars per year, voting Republican, or for anyone who promotes those old policies is not in your financial best interest. In fact for the last 30 years, when they said no new taxes, and fiscal conservatism, they weren't talking to you. Your wages have stagnated and savings have been wiped out. They were talking to their "base", other millionaires.
Why do you think they are so dead set against universal health care? Because they would be affected financially. Not because it's socialism that's another ruse, it's because the current system is a CASH COW FOR THE VERY RICH.
I'm all for protest, but why fall for the same line of BS that has nearly killed America?
what's the point of jesus if adam & eve did not 'fall' and condemn us all to sin?.
===Nothing falls apart regarding a literal or symbolic interpretation of the Adam/Eve story... because I sin. Regardless of what Adam/Eve did or did not do... I personally DO sin. I have done wrong in the past, I do wrong now, and I know that I will do wrong in the future. This is not some self-abasement. It is simple truth. So Christ atoned for my sins... and He covers for me where I fall short. ===
Let's pretend that Adam and Eve never existed and that Genesis is fiction. It follows that it absolutely must be true that sin never enters into human society through Adam and Eve and therefore there is no need or reason for atonement.
Still some people believe what they want.