“A Man Caught-Up To … Paradise” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4)
Above, we cite the verses that speak of "a man," a
certain "man in Christ" in fact, yes hearing words ...
... "unutterable words" or as some
translations say, "inexpressible," or "unspeakable"
words...words which man "cannot say," words that are considered
by some "unlawful" [or unscriptural] for a
"Christian" man to even speak. "Heretical" words, words of
"apostasy,” or even possibly, "blasphemy" against God! Some
would say this. -- 2 Corinthians 12:2-4
Words about a "man in Christ" chosen to
bring a special "covenant" from God, words about a coming, Chosen
"Servant" of God. (See 2 Corinthians 12:2-4; Isaiah 42:6; Isaiah
49:8; Many may recall, the renowned Nobel prize winner and playwright George
Bernard Shaw once said, "All great truths begin as
blasphemies." This statement we believe is quite true.)
In fact, these same words we speak of, were foretold to have
been already said, yes, said many years ago, by the "prophets of
old," as being words we would call today "Sacred Secrets,"
[Greek: mysterions or "mysteries"] from God
Almighty Himself, Jehovah. -- Acts 3:21, 24; Revelation 10:7; Revelation
Well in short, in capsule form, let us say the following:
We believe the Holy Scriptures teach a "Two (2) Kingdom/Two (2)
Messiah" Concept, many years now hidden within the Holy Bible
itself, hidden by God Almighty Himself. (It is our considered opinion, the false teaching of 1914 and
indeed the entire bible itself can never be successfully unraveled without a
good understanding of this new concept. For example, the question of
how long the “Davidic Heir” rules could be better understood finally, with this
new concept in mind. Then too, can we really say Jesus came from or was a fleshly
descendant of Adam & Eve, making him their “seed”? -- See Luke
1:32, 33 versus 1 Corinthians 15:24; Also Genesis 3:15.)
This new concept we speak of, namely the "Two
(2) Kingdom/Two Messiah" Concept, was actually first pioneered by Donald C. Burney, ever since the summer
of 1990, when he was still an "active" Jehovah's Witness. And nine
months later, since May of 1991,
when he officially left the Jehovah's Witnesses organization himself, Mr.
Burney began to gather an elite group of thinking, very open-minded
"beroean" like Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses who were to
assist him as first, the TWMC Information Center and later
as the YORWW Congregation. (The initials YORWW stand for: “Yah Our Righteousness World
Wide,” and is taken from the bible text of Jeremiah 33:16.) --
See Acts 17:11.
And so, the following information we will present to you,
these "unspeakable words" Paul spoke of then, are really NOT
unsayable, or not so "unspeakable," "inexpressible" in
themselves. No, but they are only perceived ... perceived as such, by
modern-day religionists and bible scholars of our time, invariably because of
centuries and centuries of faulty indoctrination from religious,
institutionalized thinking, and rigid, inflexible, unrelenting church dogma,
that has been heaped upon mankind by way of long-held "traditions of
men," traditions that continue to drive sincere, truth-seeking individuals
away from the truth, Divine Truth, much as it did during Jesus' day. Ohhhhhhh
yes it did. Even Jesus’ disciples and 1st century Christians were affected by
this. (See Mark 6:52; Mark 8:17; Hebrews 5:11.) So then, this circumstance
we face today, is in fact, the exact same circumstances that
Jesus faced in his day. -- See Matthew 15:3; Mark 7:9.
So it would be like saying ‘the earth is round’ when
everyone thinks it is flat. It would be a paradigm shift.
Thus, we can confidently say, then these seeming
"inexpressible words" that we speak of, these "words" that
some would say or act as though from a human point after years of
indoctrination, would be considered yes, "un-explainable" ... words
that some would say are actually "impossible to explain," or even
"impossible to say" ... are actually not at all! And just as it meant
"life" for those who listened to them back in Jesus' day, it will
mean the same thing today, for all mankind, in our modern society. -- See John 6:68;
John 8:47; John 12:48.
Think about it!
promised us:
“13 But when he, the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own;
he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come [or the future]. 14 He will glorify me because it
is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.”
-- John 16:13, 14 NIV
(2) Possible Messiahs”???
Could the “Davidic Heir” be a future earthly King?
See 2 Samuel 7:11-15
In mankind's
great quest for Bible Truth, Knowledge and Understanding, we
are fortunate to find the words of our Grand Creator who gives this incredible
invite for us:
"Call to me and I
will answer you, and will tell you GREAT AND HIDDEN THINGS that you have not known.”
-- Jeremiah 33:3 English Standard Version
Yes, "great
and incomprehensible things," all told in the "time of the end."
Things that were "not known" to us before. Yes, "great
things" like the identity of the "Small Horn" and "King
of the North" of bible prophecy, and the “Scapegoat”
teaching of Leviticus 16:10. (Daniel 8:23-25; Daniel 11:40,
41) Also, "incomprehensible things" like an explanation of the
Magnificent "Glory of Jehovah," so often spoken of in the book of Isaiah,
and how Jehovah chooses to use the small nation of Jamaica in His Glorious Purposes. (Isaiah 40:5; Isaiah 66:18, 19;
Zephaniah 3:9, 10) Indeed, all of the "Sacred Secrets" of God was foretold to come to
fulfillment and be explained fully, in the "time of the end." -- Daniel
12:4; Habakkuk 2:2, 3; John 16:13; Revelation 10:7
Then, we notice
in verse 6 of the same chapter of Jeremiah, Jehovah states He
is going to surely "reveal an abundance of peace and truth" during
this special time of enlightenment. -- Jeremiah 33:6 New American Standard
All of this of
course, suggests to us these hidden, great “truths” we speak of, are really
“incomprehensible things” that were "not known" or revealed to
mankind prior to the advent of the "last days" or "time of the
end." The bible says this would be true. For instance, let's
consider Isaiah 42:16:
“And I will lead the blind in a way
that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I
will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level
ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them. ” -- Isaiah 42:16
English Standard Version
Also, let's
consider Isaiah 48:6:
“You have heard; now see all this; and will you not
declare it? From this time forth I announce to you new things, hidden things
that you have not known. ” -- Isaiah 48:6 English Standard Version
Therefore it
would be during this special time, the "time of the end," when all
great truths such as the book of Revelation and other prophetic books, are due
to be finally revealed by God Almighty, the Great "Revealer of
Secrets." This would be where great "sacred secrets" like the mysterious "Man of Lawlessness," who was to be
fully "revealed" in the "time of the end," and other great
"sacred secrets" also. -- See Isaiah 11:9;
Daniel 2:28; Daniel 2:47; Daniel 12:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4, 8;
Revelation 5:1-6; Revelation 10:7; Revelation 22:6.
Indeed, this
"man in Christ" would incredibly experience the glorious fulfillment
of Psalms 45:4 which amazingly says of him, and how he
uniquely learns things from God Almighty:
"...Let YOUR RIGHT HAND TEACH YOU awesome things!"
-- New American
Standard Bible
No question but that when we consider the
above inspired words, we must remember the fact that Jesus Christ had a
pre-human existence as the "Word of God," long before becoming a man
on earth. (See John 1:1.) Which means no doubt, Jesus learned all of the many
"awesome things" he knew, DIRECT [IN PERSON] FROM
HIS HEAVENLY FATHER JEHOVAH, when he existed in the very Presence of
God Almighty, for millenniums upon millenniums of time in heaven, long before
coming to earth as a man.
Thus we are forced to
understand this verse, this Messianic Prophecy then, COULD NOT in
any way shape or form, apply to Jesus Christ while on earth. Is this not so???
All of which means
then, this "man in Christ" actually learns these "awesome things,"
differently. He learns then, not because he is in the actual heavenly Presence
of Jehovah as Jesus was for eons and eons of time, per say. No, but this
"man" learns in essence, day-by-day, or "morning by
morning," gradually on a daily basis, in the "east gate" as it
were, exactly ... exactly as the inspired prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel said
he would. So, he learns from God then as a frail, human on earth would, a human
with human capabilities and human limitations, mentally-speaking. Think about
it. -- See Isaiah 50:4; Ezekiel 44:3; also please
compare Psalms 78:2, 3 New World Translation.
In the light of
this type of situation, truly explains why this “man in Christ” was told, these
words that he was hearing, were to be viewed as “unutterable sayings,”
“unspeakable words,” words “which man may not utter,” words that normally
without God’s extraordinary help, a simple man could not speak with conviction,
at least before the proper time for it. In view of the tremendous opposition he must face, from particularly Jehovah’s Witnesses, former and current, it must be God’s
Timetable for it. So first this chosen man, this chosen vessel, must become the
first “Christian,” to hear this while being “caught up” [Greek:
harpazo] spiritually to the “third heaven” or “Paradise of God,” in
essence. -- Psalms 40:6; Isaiah 49:1-7; Isaiah 50:5; 2 Corinthians 12:2-4
For more information,
please see this link:
“A Man Caught-up To… Paradise”