Watchtower Society “Contradicts” the Bible – Where and Why? (Part 2)
Even though such a drastic action upon God's own part may seem surprising to many Jehovah's Witnesses themselves, still such a scenario is not without biblical precedence, that is Jehovah taking an active role in blinding his own people. Apparently, He has done this before. For instance we have Jesus' own words at:
John 12:39, 40, where Jesus does actually say, JEHOVAH HIMSELF, yes
Jehovah, purposely blinds his own people, when they deliberately turn a deaf
ear to his prophetic message of truth.
John 12:39, 40 (New World Translation) says:
"The reason why they were not able to believe is that again Isaiah said:
He [Jehovah, and not Satan] has blinded their eyes and he [Jehovah] has made
their hearts hard, that they should not see with their eyes and get the thought
with their hearts and turn around and I should heal them."
Also please consider God's direct actions upon the wicked false prophet as
shown at Ezekiel 14:9, 10 which says:
"And as for the prophet, in case he gets fooled and actually speaks a
stretch out my hand against him and annihilate him from the midst of my people
Israel. And they will have to bear their error. The error of the inquirer will
prove to be just the same as the error of the prophet."
Does not Jehovah say above, he himself has taken this direct action against the false prophets among His Name People? That point is quite clear, isn't it? We can see clearly exactly who is taking this Divine Action against these wicked prophets among His People. -- See also 1 Kings 22:19-23 where Jehovah is said to have put "a deceptive spirit into the mouths" of all the false prophets among His people.
We must keep in mind, the real reason for God's drastic action here is shown for us in Acts 28:27 which says:
"For the heart of this people has grown unreceptive, and with their ears
they have heard without response, and they have shut their eyes;
that they should never see with their eyes and hear with their ears and
understand with their heart and turn back, and I should heal them."
-- New World Translation
You will
notice above, Paul points out these individuals have deliberately "shut
their eyes," so that they would never, ever see with any understanding of
the message from God. They are doing this, deliberately! Is it any wonder, in
all such cases Jehovah chooses to deliberately blind such individuals, on a
permanent basis? This is because they have blatantly refused the truth, from
God's own hand in fact. Think about it.
Therefore after considering the above situation, if we consider the
possibility that Jehovah Himself is actually blinding these people, and
actually "SENDS" ... SENDS [instead of "lets go"] this
"operation of error" to them, we can better understand His actions here,
since ALL of these people have been righteously "Judged" by Him for
deliberately refusing the truth and worse, "taking pleasure in
unrighteousness" before Him.
At this time, it would be good for us to seriously examine other bible
translations, OUTSIDE of the New World Translation itself, to
get a more accurate rendering, yes to really get at the truth of the
For example, the New International Version renders 2
Thessalonians 2:11, 12 more correctly by saying:
"For this reason GOD SENDS THEM a powerful
delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned
who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
Clearly, Jehovah takes this action (sending a powerful delusion)
because THESE
WICKED INDIVIDUALS "refused to love" and believe
the truth (verse 10) and have instead taken pleasure in outright
"wickedness" and falsehoods before God. In other words, they prefer
"wickedness" over righteousness and truth. Think about it!
Therefore, Jehovah "SENDS" this "powerful delusion" upon
the "Man of Lawlessness," as a righteous recompense for "taking
pleasure in unrighteousness." -- 2 Thessalonians 2:12 New World
The apostle John advised first century Christians to always, "test"
every inspired expression, to see if this really came from God. Thus, Jehovah's
Witnesses today, should be willing to also "test" every saying, every
so-called "inspired" saying (found in a particular translation of the
bible, like the New World Translation), even those expressions
coming forth from the mouth of the Watchtower Society. No, the Watchtower
Society and the New World Translation itself, is not exempt from
this kind of examination, isn't that so? Still, we notice many, many Jehovah's
Witnesses actually refuse to do this, repeatedly, to their own harm in the end.
In other words, they publicly display to all they are NOT "Beroeans"
actually, as they should be. -- See Acts 17:11; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John
For more information on this topic, please see the link below:
Watchtower Society “Contradicts” the Bible – Where and Why?