Watchtower Society “Contradicts” the Bible – Where and Why? (Part 3)
Therefore, taking John's counsel to heart at 1 John 4:1, let’s
examine 2 Thessalonians 2:11 very closely, as recommended at James 1:25. Upon
close examination, we find the Greek word, pem'po (Strongs
Concordance #3992), translated "let go" in the New
World Translation in verse 11, is defined to mean:
"pem'po," (a primary verb) means to dispatch, transmit, bestow or
wield; SEND, thrust in.
Therefore we notice, all bible translations other than the
Watchtower's New World Translation to date, accurately render
this Greek word (pem'po) properly as "sends" rather than
"lets ... go" which means God personally takes some direct
action against this "Man of Lawlessness" before handing him
over to Satan, for the final death blow and trip to the land of no return,
spiritually-speaking. In this way, Jehovah does exactly what Paul said he did
with Hymenaeus and Alexander, when he handed such wicked men (Man of
Lawlessness) "over to Satan" for the "destruction of the
flesh." Think about it. -- See 1 Timothy 1:20; 1 Corinthians 5:5.
In fact, it may be shocking for most Jehovah's Witnesses to find out, the
Watchtower's OWN, their own New World Interlinear Translation clearly
shows in their literal rendering of this Greek text, the Greek word in question
(pem'po), should be rendered LITERALLY, as "sending." Did you
know this??? [Please see our diagram below.]
So that means, even the Watchtower Society themselves
acknowledges this indisputable fact. And yet, to the surprise and horror of
many, they arbitrarily, yes deliberately render the Greek word (pem'po)
as "lets go" in the New World Translation, apparently to support
their own faulty theology on the "Man of Lawlessness." Did you know
In so doing, the New World Translation bible itself, becomes a
work of shame for the Watchtower Society. In so doing, yes, they are openly
"twisting" the scripture, distorting its true meaning, to make it
mean something Jehovah did not intend. (See 2 Peter 3:16 New
World Translation Large Print Reference Bible footnote for
"twisting" which literally means "distorting" God's
message.) There can be no question, this is a blatant example of INTELLECTUAL
DISHONESTY on the Watchtower Society's part, in translating verse 11 of 2
Thessalonians 2nd chapter, to deliberately "twist" or
"distort" God message of truth. Think about it!
We recall, the latter part of 2 Thessalonians 2:10 additionally
gives the real reason why God takes a direct hand in this
matter. We are reminded it says:
".... They perish because they refused to love the truth and
so be saved," (NIV)
or, as the New
World Translation renders it,
"...those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not
accept the love of the truth that they might be saved."
The operative word here in verse 10, is "refused" or "did not
accept" the love of truth. They "refused" the truth, when it was
presented, no doubt, repeatedly. Therefore, Jehovah "sends" them the
"operation of error" or a "strong delusion" in this
instance, as these ones (the "Man of Lawlessness" and followers) had
already made their final choice, on their own volition, and this choice proved
to be a clear rejection of God himself and His Sacred Message of Truth. So, in
keeping with their own desires, Jehovah takes direct action against them, in
harmony with their own desires. -- See Romans 1:25, 26.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament, page 720,
explains it this way:
"They choose to believe the lie and GOD SENDS THEM the delusion that is
inherent in their choice. This powerful judgment from God is justified by the
unbelievers' decision to refuse the truth."
In review, we recall according to Watchtower Society publications, Jehovah
merely "allowed" or "let go" (by means of Satan) the
"operation of error" to go to the clergy of Christendom (“Man of
Lawlessness”) at approximately the same time they were "revealed,"
back in the 4th century.-- See "God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has
Approached," pg 381-384 par 40-43.
Amazingly, a direct quote from the 1975 Watchtower magazine,
page 271, paragraph 4 makes this blatant statement in full contradiction of the
inspired contents of 2 Thessalonians 2:11:
"God DOES NOT DIRECTLY SEND this 'operation of
error,' but lets it go to the deceived ones in order to prove that it is what
they really want.(Compare Hebrews 4:12) In this way all honest-hearted persons
can see that God is just in his judgment."
Were you aware of such a statement published in the Watchtower magazine on this
As stated above, this published statement shown above by the Watchtower
Society, is an absolute CONTRADICTION of what verse 11 actually says, even as
noted in their own New World Interlinear Translation. In other
words, they are blatantly and brazenly contradicting the bible itself on this
matter. And the proof for this is their own interlinear rendering itself. Now,
how wicked is that?
Obviously, the Watchtower Society doesn't have much confidence in the bible
scholarship of rank & file Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as their full
readership of their magazines, nor in their ability to reason, proving them
(Jehovah's Witnesses) to be a most, pitiable people, so opposite of ancient
Beroeans of Paul's day.-- See Acts 17:11.
For more information on this topic, please see the link below:
Watchtower Society “Contradicts” the Bible – Where and Why?