Hello zack and dismembered,
Very interesting thread. It seems that this point continues to stir controversy within the org. to this day. Allow me to elaborate. The Revelation book made a statement about those on earth being indelibly written into the book or scroll of life after passing the final test at the end of the Millenium. The more open-minded, positive Witnesses latched on to that, feeling relieved that the final test would be indeed final . This was a departure from the old-school "if you screw up at any time during eternity you'll be vaporized" interpretation. As often occurs, the more closed-minded, negative Witnesses remained entrenched in the "old" interpretation being the masochists they are. To this day, one can find Witnesses of both persuasions. I seem to recall that the latest QFR on the topic ended in the famous 'we don't really know, don't speculate, even though you've learned from our example to engage in lots of wild speculation, we're allowed to because we're the FDS, but you should just think what we tell you to think.'