Pandora's Box.
To desire and strive for understanding and clarity is part of what makes us human.
We may discover things that are painful or bewildering in our search( Ignorance is bliss.), but we still remain curious and thirsty for more.
humans seem to have a need to make sense of and explain things.
as such, religions and other unprovable ideas fill a needed gap in the human experience--that of the desire to know why we're here and where we came from.
but, have you ever stopped and wondered if we are better off knowing everything?
Pandora's Box.
To desire and strive for understanding and clarity is part of what makes us human.
We may discover things that are painful or bewildering in our search( Ignorance is bliss.), but we still remain curious and thirsty for more.
that a surpreme being is gonna help us?.
on another thread that i started i asked what is wrong with the new age ideas.
some people seem so afraid of it.. one poster mentioned that new age stuff is incorrect because jesus is for sure gonna come take us away from this world.. now i am opened minded.
An omniscient deity whose existence has not been proven?To read your posts here is to think that you believe in a deity--you just think it is malevolent. I think you have psychological reasons for your unbelief, and rational ones.
Then you've read wrong.
Pointing out what I consider to be the logical inconsistencies that are inherent in belief in an omniscient, benevolent, and almighty deity is far from asserting the existence of a malevolent deity.
that a surpreme being is gonna help us?.
on another thread that i started i asked what is wrong with the new age ideas.
some people seem so afraid of it.. one poster mentioned that new age stuff is incorrect because jesus is for sure gonna come take us away from this world.. now i am opened minded.
Do you understand why some aren't "O.K. with that"?Yes. I believe ultimately it boils down to thinking you can judge an omniscient deity. Which is hubris.
An omniscient deity whose existence has not been proven?
Even the believers cannot agree on anything about this God.
Some would say it's hubris to think that one has been favored with divine messages or other unique revelations.
that a surpreme being is gonna help us?.
on another thread that i started i asked what is wrong with the new age ideas.
some people seem so afraid of it.. one poster mentioned that new age stuff is incorrect because jesus is for sure gonna come take us away from this world.. now i am opened minded.
It amazes me that people who don't even claim to believe in a God would spend their time arguing over the fairness of God choosing to save one boy and not another.
So if I believe I can turn my brain off and close my eyes?
When people claim to hear voices that give livesaving instructions, vague as they may be, it's logical to ask why some lives are saved and others are not.
How do you define sanity, Dave?
that a surpreme being is gonna help us?.
on another thread that i started i asked what is wrong with the new age ideas.
some people seem so afraid of it.. one poster mentioned that new age stuff is incorrect because jesus is for sure gonna come take us away from this world.. now i am opened minded.
I don't know why God allows cases of evil, but acts supernaturally in others such as the example by St.Ann. I just don't know.
I am O.K. with that.
I appreciate your honesty, Burn.
Do you understand why some aren't "O.K. with that"?
yesterday it was the day of the global inviroment.
as i walked to the street going to work, the main square of the capitol was filled with small children and their teachers with huge paintings, songs, art work with recycled elements demanding a cleaner plannet.
when the old generation will pass those little ones that will take in charge with all the inviromental education they had they will go for a better world.i'm sure about it, you could see it in their small eyes.
No, I just threw that in there for the amusement of the Atheists.
The sad thing is that there are people that actually believe the statement you made in jest.
graven images are so thoroughly criticized in the bible....totally forbidden.
yet any idols made where powerless...just a piece of wood you can also cook on.
yet god sent out zillions of vipers (thanks dude) to bite everybody....and actually has a scary viper impage made an put on a pole....with some serious power attached.
Maybe Moses was getting mixe up with some Midianite POONTANG!!!!!!!!!!!!..........oompaNVR:
Maybe Moses was getting mixed up with some Midianite folklore?
Undoubtedly an effective way of conveying folklore.
yesterday it was the day of the global inviroment.
as i walked to the street going to work, the main square of the capitol was filled with small children and their teachers with huge paintings, songs, art work with recycled elements demanding a cleaner plannet.
when the old generation will pass those little ones that will take in charge with all the inviromental education they had they will go for a better world.i'm sure about it, you could see it in their small eyes.
Besides, this world is going to burn anyway.
This statement has been approved by the Committee for the Promotion of Ignorance.
that a surpreme being is gonna help us?.
on another thread that i started i asked what is wrong with the new age ideas.
some people seem so afraid of it.. one poster mentioned that new age stuff is incorrect because jesus is for sure gonna come take us away from this world.. now i am opened minded.
If I hadn't listened to that little voice, which I believe was the Holy Spirit, telling me to take out the trash, that little boy would have died.
Happy outcome, to be sure.
Must have been a special little boy.
Why didn't God tell someone to take out the trash on the wrong day when all of the other little boys that perished in similar accidents were bleeding to death?
Oh that's right, they were needed in heaven.
Or their deaths were needed to teach something to the living.
Why didn't God let the Mason Jar Boy die too, if letting little boys die is such a good thing?
Or if it's all a mystery and not to be questioned, then let's all stop trying to improve ourselves and the world around us.
After all...
God wants the addict to be addicted.
God wants the thief to steal.
God wants the bombs to drop.
God wants the child to have its innocence broken.
God wants the cancer to eat you.
God wants the pain to consume us.
God wants the girl in the jungle to be disfigured by machete.
It's all part of His marvelous plan.
graven images are so thoroughly criticized in the bible....totally forbidden.
yet any idols made where powerless...just a piece of wood you can also cook on.
yet god sent out zillions of vipers (thanks dude) to bite everybody....and actually has a scary viper impage made an put on a pole....with some serious power attached.
Just yet another story about how God wants to save us from...
Maybe Moses was getting mixed up with some Midianite folklore?