Yesterday it was the day of the Global Inviroment. As I walked to the street going to work, the main square of the Capitol was filled with small children and their teachers with huge paintings, songs, art work with recycled elements demanding a cleaner plannet. When the old generation will pass those little ones that will take in charge with all the inviromental education they had they will go for a better world.I'm sure about it, you could see it in their small eyes.
The question is will they grow old enough to change the world, or it will be destroyed by Oil Company's, Capitalism, Profit, and political leaders like Bush and Poutin. Al Gore's movie "An Incovenient Truth" pointed clearly that the Time for this plannet is running out. I guess that is why "they" have stolen from him the Presidency. He wasn't going to back the interests of the Oil Companies. That is why the world has seen the worse U.S presindent ever lying, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, including Americans, in order to have control over the Iraqi oil, doing nothing for the inviroment, refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol. Money it is above all. Above human life, above our plannet. The apathy of those people is amazing. What the hell you people are going to do all the money in the world when this plannet will end soon because of your actions? The new plans for drilling oil in Alaska will lead to the disapearance of the polar bear. Who cares for a few bears less, we talk about money here anyway...
This plannet is our home, and our actions affect us all. It doesn't matter if we are in Europe, Asia, America, Africa. Our actions effect possitive or negative each other. It does affect as all if U.S has the 60% of the World's CO2 emunitions, or the Amazon forest year by year it becomes lesser. It is time to take our future in our hands. There are so many things to do as persons regarding the Earth because we ought this to our children. They are the future and hope.Can we look at them straight in their innocent eyes and tell them that we did our best?
We are the World and we are the ones that will make this world a better place