How do you balance God's commandment "thou shalt not kill" (unless, of course, I order you to wipe out an entire city.)
You're sounding pretty blasphemous.
God could kill you for that.
this topic, i'm sure, has been discussed many times, but today i am really contemplating the concept of god.. i remember vividly the old testament; the israelites slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children at god's direction at jericho, leaving no one alive.
i remember thinking then as a child how cruel that was.
there are many other examples.. then reading the news today i read a section in the world news about india.
How do you balance God's commandment "thou shalt not kill" (unless, of course, I order you to wipe out an entire city.)
You're sounding pretty blasphemous.
God could kill you for that.
oh, the beautiful irony.. .
opponents of evolution are adopting new strategyby laura beilpublished: june 4, 2008dallas opponents of teaching evolution, in a natural selection of sorts, have gradually shed those strategies that have not survived the courts.
over the last decade, creationism has given rise to creation science, which became intelligent design, which in 2005 was banned from the public school curriculum in pennsylvania by a federal judge.
(despite the fact that such objections can even be found documented in even the "mainstream" science literature)
Let's see what you got.
this topic, i'm sure, has been discussed many times, but today i am really contemplating the concept of god.. i remember vividly the old testament; the israelites slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children at god's direction at jericho, leaving no one alive.
i remember thinking then as a child how cruel that was.
there are many other examples.. then reading the news today i read a section in the world news about india.
Prayer should help too.
It helped me immensely.
I prayed to Jehovah to help me see reality.
I also prayed to Jesus and "accepted him into my heart".
Now I'm an atheist with no answers, just more questions.
Some claim I'm really a God Hater pretending to be an atheist.
Enjoy the cruise and be sure to give Mom lots of hugs and kisses.
an elder mentioned yesterday in casual conversation how the end must be close 'because this is the first time in human history that a black man will probably be president of the us.
all other forms of government have had their day, now that a black man will be president, the angels, mankind and satan cannot claim that jehovah didn't give every possible chance for humans to make it without his rulership'.
almost verbatim!
'because this is the first time in human history that a black man will probably be president of the US. All other forms of government have had their day, now that a black man will be president, the angels, mankind and Satan cannot claim that Jehovah didn't give every possible chance for humans to make it without his rulership'
I can just see Satan arguing with the Big Guy about the fact that Armageddon's arrival was premature because a chance was never given to a "brotha".
Too funny!
this topic, i'm sure, has been discussed many times, but today i am really contemplating the concept of god.. i remember vividly the old testament; the israelites slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children at god's direction at jericho, leaving no one alive.
i remember thinking then as a child how cruel that was.
there are many other examples.. then reading the news today i read a section in the world news about india.
You just said a lot, Gopher.
divorced-3 kids-paying child support and alimony out the ass
Why would this guy be a loser?
His marriage failed, that's all.
If he's American, he finds himself with a lot of company.
But he has the joy of being a father to not one but three unique human beings, is taking financial responsibilty for them, and even contributing to his ex.
I think the loser would be the guy that takes no interest in his children and evades his responsibilites to them and the mother of his children.
Hang in there, Dan.
You're a bright, handsome, and interesting guy.
Best of success to you.
this topic, i'm sure, has been discussed many times, but today i am really contemplating the concept of god.. i remember vividly the old testament; the israelites slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children at god's direction at jericho, leaving no one alive.
i remember thinking then as a child how cruel that was.
there are many other examples.. then reading the news today i read a section in the world news about india.
God is not interfering with the affairs of mankind in general
That's very comforting.
this topic, i'm sure, has been discussed many times, but today i am really contemplating the concept of god.. i remember vividly the old testament; the israelites slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children at god's direction at jericho, leaving no one alive.
i remember thinking then as a child how cruel that was.
there are many other examples.. then reading the news today i read a section in the world news about india.
You're asking important questions, littleblueuk.
Many that post here have had no problem reconciling the suffering you describe with an unwavering belief in a benevolent God.
I guess that's what they call faith.
For another point of view, I highly recommend that you read Bart D. Ehrman's latest, God's Problem.
Ehrman is an ex-believer, ex-pastor in fact.
He has many friends that are believers, including his wife.
The book is both respectful of the intelligence of many believers and relentless in laying bare the inherent contradictions found in the explanation(s) for human suffering offered by the Bible.
I hope that you're able to obtain the book and that you find it helpful in some way as you seek to understand
the concept of a "God".
an employee working for apple computers has sent an email to the infowars helpdesk reporting that the department of justice has placed an order for 125 ipods with bilderberg 2008 engraved on the back shipping to chantilly va
a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will
Bring it on.
It's about time.
Things have been too lopsided for far too long- a relative minority reaping rewards on the backs of the disadvantaged majority.
Globalization is inevitable.
Embrace reality.
i believe the moment's right to discuss a very serious
what do you like?
let's edumicate one another!
Possibly one of the best beers ever.
A Beautiful Glass of Rodenbach...
Selecting the right glass for Rodenbach is easy since I have a real Rodenbach glass. The glass is shaped like classic cognac glass, but perhaps a little larger. I think any good cognac glass (like the Riedel Sommelier Cognac VSOP) would present this beer beautifully, though a brandy snifter would be an acceptable second choice.
This is a stunningly beautiful glass of beer with a color of deep garnet red with a somewhat brown tinge to it. The beer is brilliantly clear and pours with a thick, rocky, tawny colored head that leaves a lovely pattern of lace down the sides of the glass as I slowly sip my way through it.
Hugely complex with a somewhat acidic sourness right up front and some fruity esters that don't really cry out "cherry", but rather that come across with some of the deeper, darker aromas of black plums.
Sourness is by far the dominant flavor in this beer, although it's got some underlying sweetness to help mellow and mute it, and there is a very pleasant rounded character to the beer, much like a well-aged wine. The oak is unmistakable and it brings with it a somewhat earthy, spicy character to it with a bit of a vanilla tinge.
Rodenbach Grand Cru is one of those beers that does not coddle and pamper the novice beer drinkers. It is extremely aggressive and bold and rich in flavor, complexity, and brewing tradition.
Rodenbach is, without question, one of the finest beers the world has to offer. In my opinion, nobody can say they truly know Belgian beer if they aren't on good terms with Rodenbach -- and the Grand Cru at that, not just the lighter, gentler standard brew.
This is a five-star beer all the way. A true world classic. Buy it, drink it, love it.