This topic, I'm sure, has been discussed many times, but today I am really contemplating the concept of God.
I remember vividly the Old Testament; the Israelites slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children at God's direction at Jericho, leaving no one alive. I remember thinking then as a child how cruel that was. There are many other examples.
Then reading the news today I read a section in the world news about India. It featured the food shortage. Something like 75 percent of the children are malnourished. It had a photo of a woman sitting helplessly by her infant's side while the infant was slowing starving to death. Other accounts of parents having to watch their children suffer and die just really breaks my we are in the US with child obesity rates at record highs and there are millions, if not billions, of people that can't even afford to buy a few cups of flour.
I imagine some will say that it's mankind's doing; corruption and greed that creates this. Yes, perhaps mankind compound it. But my question is WHY would a "loving" God as he so often calls himself in the Bible, allow this kind of suffering on such a monumental scale? What does he think he's accomplishing?
He's often referred to as "our loving father." Would any "loving" parent behave this way? If so, they would be prosecuted for child abuse.
How do you, if you have faith in God, reconcile this contradiction? Is it pure faith? How do you make that leap?
Just wondering...