I was told precisely the same in a recent shepherding call from a C.O.
through out my witness life i have always believed that when the partakers at memorial went up that means.
that some of the anoited were unfaithful and had to be replaced.
i have beleived this for 40 years.
through out my witness life i have always believed that when the partakers at memorial went up that means.
that some of the anoited were unfaithful and had to be replaced.
i have beleived this for 40 years.
Shame on you. You must not examine Revelation from such a fleshly(logical) perspective. It's much better to accept a spiritual(WTBS-approved) explanation. Perhaps the Rbi8(reference NWT) has a footnote for Rev.1:1 specifying that the message was presented in signs and symbols excepting the number 144,000. Sorry, the current version has no such footnote but that's ok. They can always revise that in a new and improved version of their reference Bible.
this is from the wall street journal (page a12), thursday, march 1, 2007: (sorry i don't know how to scan).
"there is an irresistible quality to the story about al gore's energy hungry tennessee home, replete with a heated poolhouse that burns more natural gas--$500/month worth--than most of us can afford to use while heating houses that shelter people, as opposed to swimming lanes.
did you know that mr. gore's house uses more electricity in a month than the average household does in a year?.
through out my witness life i have always believed that when the partakers at memorial went up that means.
that some of the anoited were unfaithful and had to be replaced.
i have beleived this for 40 years.
through out my witness life i have always believed that when the partakers at memorial went up that means.
that some of the anoited were unfaithful and had to be replaced.
i have beleived this for 40 years.
The organization is very frustrated with all the fakers. They're really messing up what used to be a great motivator to the r&f to feel a sense of urgency about the end. The org. can't win on this point. Either the number of authentic anointed is increasing, which goes against all WT doctrine, or there are at least several thousand liars and/or mentally ill and/or delusional Witnesses out there. Those who live in reality know that the number of those groups in the org. do and will continue to increase every year.
this is from the wall street journal (page a12), thursday, march 1, 2007: (sorry i don't know how to scan).
"there is an irresistible quality to the story about al gore's energy hungry tennessee home, replete with a heated poolhouse that burns more natural gas--$500/month worth--than most of us can afford to use while heating houses that shelter people, as opposed to swimming lanes.
did you know that mr. gore's house uses more electricity in a month than the average household does in a year?.
i remember overhearing a discussion my parents had in the mid 1970's.
it was about who would be resurrected after armageddon.
supposedly, those who heard of "the truth" and rejected it were dead forever, but those who had never had a chance to hear it would be resurrected for a second chance to submit to jehovah/the watchtower society.. .
There was an obscure reference to those who rebelled against Moses' leadership quite possibly being resurrected. It was in a WT study article about the resurrection about two years ago. Even though the earth swallowed them alive, as a direct scourge from God, the explanation was that since they are described as going down to sheol they await resurrection along with the vast majority of the dead. Perhaps Blondie could refresh our memories. Also interesting was the question from the readers(in the same issue) that indicated that Solomon would be resurrected despite the fact that he became an idolatrous apostate due to the influence of his harem. I guess the apostates are good to go as long as they die before Armageddon.
church leader sentenced for molestation.
san jose, calif. (kcbs) -- a man from san jose has been sentenced to twelve years behind bars for repeatedly molesting the daughter of a fellow church member.
does christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses = watch tower bible & tract society?.
i have noticed more and more boe letters and congregational letters that are written by the "christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses".
letters from the society are supposed to come from the watch tower bible & tract society.
i remember overhearing a discussion my parents had in the mid 1970's.
it was about who would be resurrected after armageddon.
supposedly, those who heard of "the truth" and rejected it were dead forever, but those who had never had a chance to hear it would be resurrected for a second chance to submit to jehovah/the watchtower society.. .