Through out my Witness life I have always believed that when the partakers at Memorial went up that means
that some of the anoited were unfaithful and had to be replaced. I have beleived this for 40 years. For many
years the numbers reported taking the emblems did go down and then all of a sudden the numbers were increasing.
This morning as I was drinking my coffee it dawned on me that if there are 8,300 remaining and next year if 200 of
the anoited are unfaithful and need to be replaced the remaining number of 8,300 does not change and willl not
go up. (8,300 -200 unfaithful + 200 replacements =8,300).
If the Watchtower actually prints the final numbers which show an increase then the number of 144,000 has to
increase to the number reported. If the reported number increases by 200 then there has to be 144,200 going to heaven.
Why would they evern print that the number increases? Does any body agree with this?