Hello all,
I see I'm really late to this party. You guys are not seeing the forest for the trees.IMHO. I respect your vigilance regarding this irritating issue. But remember, people are not begging for Bible studies with the dubs because of what they're reading on WikiWiki. The reality of the matter is:
Jehovah's Witnesses are irrelevant. They are a non-factor in human society, just one more in a long line of post-millenial Protestant groups. They are far less consequential as an organization than they are indoctrinated to believe by their leadership.Having said that, the org. has affected thousands who have, due to parental upbringing, savvy recruitment campaigns, etc. found themselves involved in a high-control group difficult to exit. For that reason, JWD exists.
In all humility and deference to those of you who've been fighting the good fight for so long now, let these scared idiot Witness apologists lie and deceive all they want. Keep doing what you do best- running and contributing to the best ex-JW board out there. Please forgive me if these comments appear in any way to be presumptuous. Just offering a fresh perspective.
Thanks for all that all of you do,