Think of your family, why would you want to put them through that?
You know how cruel witnesses can be, the gossip, public comments at the watchtower and shunning.
Kindest Regards to You.
Mr C
john 6:48i am the bread of life.
49your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died.
50but here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die.
Think of your family, why would you want to put them through that?
You know how cruel witnesses can be, the gossip, public comments at the watchtower and shunning.
Kindest Regards to You.
Mr C
well not new to the site, but never made a formal introduction.
first like to thank those who put this site together and make it possible for us who.
need a place to go and work things out.
Hey DoubleVision,
Welcome, although I'm new here too! . I'm still a witness in "good standing" also.
Fortunately my wife also see's right through the hypocrsy and lies, she says I don't
have to come anymore but I like to support her (I know its not nice going to meetings on
your own). She still goes because she has extensive family members in the organisation.
Sadly your story is oh so familiar, I never thought brain washing was possible but there
it is I see it every sunday right in front of my eyes. Like you said it's not until you
step back that you can see it. I've been hurt many times by witnesses who say
they are christlike and show love. Try going through a divorce, trust me you'll
get to see "true christians" in action.
Warmest Love to You and Yours.
Mr C
perhaps you have been reading this board for awhile, and you may believe some of the things we have been saying, however you are still gripped in fear of armageddon.. .
the wt society has been predicting armageddon for well over 100 years, and when the prophecies fail, they blame you and say "we never said that".
if i can impart any words of wisdom to you, it's just this:.
there's a few "special" jw events that happen throughout the year.
in case you've forgotten them, i'll list them (in case i've forgotten one, please refresh me):.
the 3 (sometimes more) day district convention .
perhaps you have been reading this board for awhile, and you may believe some of the things we have been saying, however you are still gripped in fear of armageddon.. .
the wt society has been predicting armageddon for well over 100 years, and when the prophecies fail, they blame you and say "we never said that".
if i can impart any words of wisdom to you, it's just this:.
I'm a lurker, have been for a while. Still a witness who attends the meetings. But mentally and emotionall far removed from it. The propaganda bounces off me like bullets on a tank.
Trust me, there are many who KNOW that its all wrong, 4 people in my congregation alone are closet "apostates".I even know of a presiding overseer who thinks that 1914 is a joke but his family are all witnesses, so ............
I see things polarizing even further, just you wait till 2008 when the witness only mags come out. I think they are in trouble and they know it.
if someone is willing to host them, send me your e-mail address in a pm.
i will send you 4 scanned jpg files, of the invitation & boe letters associated with it.. .
teaser: there are some brand-new, unprecedented features to this year's dc!.
Thanks for that
TEASER: There are some brand-new, unprecedented features to this year's DC! - what are they ?
if someone is willing to host them, send me your e-mail address in a pm.
i will send you 4 scanned jpg files, of the invitation & boe letters associated with it.. .
teaser: there are some brand-new, unprecedented features to this year's dc!.
haven't been on here for months and months .. .
completely lost and screwed up.. please don't be offended but some stuff on here does my head in .... .
Hi youcanhaveago,
Just try and relax for now and enjoy your freedom, all is not lost. Keep digging for truth.
I'm sure you'll find what you need in the end. Plenty of people here can help you.
Best wishes.
i don't think i am an apostate, but do feel like one for being on these boards as we were always warned not to at the meetings etc.. i disagree with so many things they teach, the main thing is the blood issue....being a new auntie, i love my niece soooo much and if i were the only person that could save her, how on earth could i not?
i'd be blood guilty for not saving her!!!!!
that in my books, would be murder.. however, may be it's because i've only been away from the mtgs for a year, but i still think of it most days and although i feel i've made the right decision as nothing was making me happy in it, and obvioulsy my ex beating me and getting away with it.....i still feel a certain pull towards it and a kind of insane loyalty???.
Hey KCM, hello again, I just posted on your other thread.
No I'm not an apostate, I still go to the meetings for the sake of my wife and to help others I see struggling. I still believe in Jehovah God and Christ and what the bible says. But the organisation is in deep trouble. It's very apparent from the gross lack of love permeating the congregations. (Maybe it's the society that is apostate?)
You'll still feel a certain amount loyalty to the society after all the years of indoctrination you've had, but try and see beyond that.
All the best in your journey, I hope you find comfort and hope in you're new course.
Love, The Chuffster