Look at how fresh it appears! This has to be one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time.... stretchy tissue, blood vessels and cellular structures, successful sequencing of DNA in a dinosaur T.rex ... C'mon!
It looks like something I plopped on my grill last weekend.
After her chemical and molecular analyses of the tissue indicated that original protein fragments might be preserved, she turned to colleagues John Asara and Lewis Cantley of Harvard Medical School, to see if they could confirm her suspicions by finding the amino acid used to make collagen, a fibrous protein found in bone.
Bone is a composite material, consisting of both protein and mineral. In modern bones, when minerals are removed, a collagen matrix--fibrous, resilient material that gives the bones structure and flexibility--is left behind. When Schweitzer demineralized the T. rex bone, she was surprised to find such a matrix, because current theories of fossilization held that no original organic material could survive that long.
O.K. so I just read the report and they had to demineralize the bone for it to look like that so it did not look like that to begin with
I like the way he tried to twist it