He's so eccentric I just have a feeling he won't have any kind of funeral service.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
JUst wondering if the Funeral will be at Kingdom Hall
by ShirleyW inprobably not, since his mom already passed and no other family members are jws.
was he officially dfd or he just walked away, don't remember.
JUst wondering if the Funeral will be at Kingdom Hall
by ShirleyW inprobably not, since his mom already passed and no other family members are jws.
was he officially dfd or he just walked away, don't remember.
I think I just heard the answer to if he was still an active JW, on MSNBC Al Sharpton just said that Prince called him during the Trayvon Martin case and he donated some money to take care of some financial issues with the family so, a regular JW would never do that.
BTW, Brian Williams and AL Sharpton just mentioned when he switched to being a JW.
JUst wondering if the Funeral will be at Kingdom Hall
by ShirleyW inprobably not, since his mom already passed and no other family members are jws.
was he officially dfd or he just walked away, don't remember.
Probably not, since his mom already passed and no other family members are JWs. Was he officially DFd or he just walked away, don't remember. -
What Are the Top JW Issues That Just Burn Your Buns the Most?
by Wild_Thing inwhich ones make you the maddest?
covering up of abuse, shunning, failed end of world predictions?.
my list is long and heavy, but the top 3 that set me off the most are:.
I agree with all of the above, but regarding the blood issue, I'm surprised the Bethel headquarters haven't been attacked like some kind of terrorist action. Thousands of thousand thought they were doing the right thing by refusing blood, but now they can take blood fractions? Makes my blood boil every time I think of it . -
JW Story on Dateline this Friday
by ShirleyW inpam candelario, ralph candelario, dateline nbc: colorado man killed second wife, first wife still missing.
the title of an article in the inqusitr, i get the google alerts for the dubs, but this site for some reason i couldn't do a cut and paste, anyway, if you're interested to see why one of jehovahs loyal servants would kill his 1st and 2nd wives it's supposed to be broadcast this friday at 10pm est..
I don't know if he was an elder but I'll be watching tonight to find out. btw if you do watch Dateline has live tweeting at #Dateline during their broadcasts. -
JW Story on Dateline this Friday
by ShirleyW inpam candelario, ralph candelario, dateline nbc: colorado man killed second wife, first wife still missing.
the title of an article in the inqusitr, i get the google alerts for the dubs, but this site for some reason i couldn't do a cut and paste, anyway, if you're interested to see why one of jehovahs loyal servants would kill his 1st and 2nd wives it's supposed to be broadcast this friday at 10pm est..
Pam Candelario, Ralph Candelario, Dateline NBC: Colorado man killed Second Wife, FIrst Wife Still Missing
The title of an article in The Inqusitr, I get the Google Alerts for the Dubs, but this site for some reason I couldn't do a cut and paste, anyway, if you're interested to see why one of Jehovahs loyal servants would kill his 1st and 2nd wives it's supposed to be broadcast this Friday at 10pm EST.
Trump: the Mary Decker of Politics
by Simon ini have never heard a politician whine like a little girl so much and claim everything to be "so unfair".. now he's trying to claim that a reporter may have been "coming at him with a bomb" (to justify his campaign manager attacking her) just because she had a pen, yes - a reporter had a pen.
and of course he's going to sue - anytime he's criticized or loses a primary he threatens a lawsuit over it.. "she had a pen in her hand, it could of been a bomb or just a pen - which can be dangerous".
yes mr trump, we know a female reporter writing about you if threatening.. in last nights town hall he claims *not* to have suggested suing her and seems to genuinely believe that saying something in a tweet isn't actually saying it.. on more serious and worrying subjects, he wants the us to pull out of nato and for every country in asia and the middle east to get nukes "because it's so unfair".. for someone who plays the tough guy all the time he comes across as incredibly insecure, and whines about how everything is unfair if anyone criticizes him but backs down with denials if pressed on something he has said (or claims it's "unfair" that he's been challenged).. if you don't know who mary decker is (maybe you're too young) she too represented the us and was an embarrassment on the world stage.
That's why I think that you cannot be of sound mind if you think someone without any political experience would be perfect to be the President of the greatest country, especially when you add a moron like Trump to the mix. So surprising to see all the mental patients who wait on line at his rallies and actually think he's a good choice.
1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears inhow in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.
the 1958 International Assembly is the one my mother got baptized at. which makes me a born-in, although I was born December 1957 and the assembly was July 1958 -
How many times have the GB been wrong?
by atomant inactually its quite amusing to observe the different reactions from within the org every time theres new light.how dumb does a person have to be to not realize its all a conjob.surely a thinking logical person would question all the changes over the years.lts almost like the blind leading the blind scenario.
James beat me to it, was gonna ask the same thing. -
Patty Duke
by glenster inanna marie "patty" duke (december 14, 1946 – march 29, 2016) she won an academy award for best supporting actress at 16 for her role in"the miracle worker," starred in the sitcom "the patty duke show," etc.
she wasdiagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1982 after which she had devoted much of hertime to educating the public on mental health issues such as with twobooks--"call me anna" and "brilliant madness: living with manic depressive ill-ness.
" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/patty_duke
I see we share the same birthday, but different year. Her show was my favorite when I was growing up. Her book was an eye opener about be bi-polar before people really knew what it was an how to treat it.