I respectfully enjoy the comments of those here who are all "gung ho parenting", but, I'm sure they will even have to admit that it's not easy sailing, like I said in my first post, one of the most truest sayings of all time is "wait till you have children of your own". I don't have kids of my own (never wanted any and have no regrets), but have observed that to be true in my fifty plus year of life, the parenthood job just ain't that easy.
I have quite a few friends who have visited me at my home and the first they say is "wow, it's so quiet here". One couple who visit me frequently who have three grown children, walk in sit down and take a nap, no joke, they notice how quiet it is and just sit down and fall asleep for a quick nap every time they visit, notice I said there kids are grown, so they're in grandparent mode, but still enjoy a quiet home front and no, I'm not offended when they fall asleep and take a nap, I understand.
Another friend who is a divorced mom of two kids has said about my apt, "this is what I need, a place just for weekends to get some rest", sound familiar parents out there?