Is this a new story or from a while back, recall a month or so ago a woman claiming the same thing
or, the way the world is today she brought it in herself looking for a major payout
ok the first thing that come to mind, how in the hell a frog make in through all the food handlers into a salad..but when you think about it i became a jw thinking a nice spiritual meal and i ended up with crap and no one warned me, there is something ugly in your organization.......the restaurant bj's w. covina ca.
one of my favorite west-covina.
Is this a new story or from a while back, recall a month or so ago a woman claiming the same thing
or, the way the world is today she brought it in herself looking for a major payout
i still believe in freedom of religion even if i disagree with the beliefsof the religion.
what about you?.
Just on the blood issue alone, thousands thought they were giving their lives to Jehovah when they were just following what seven old guys in Brooklyn told them to do. The GB should be under the jail just for that issue alone. All religions/cults have the sex abuse issues which are also very serious but only the Dubs don't believe in blood and thousands have given up their lives for absolutely nothing!
what attracts you in a male or female?
give me an example or better yet a pic to tell me what you like.😈.
I don't recall giving you the OK to post my picture when I posed in a Kanuk bikini !!
some congregations were known as liberal and others were considered very conservative.
back in the 1970s a nearby congregation made all speakers who gave public talks a white shirt to wear.
if a speaker came in wearing anything but white they were brought into the library and were given a white shirt!
(they didn't call it a bar though, they referred to it as a place with a "long thing")
Well, that can take on different meanings, what the heck is the "long thing"
hello community!
quick background - baptized 1971, 46 years in the borg, former elder.
wife - baptized 1973, pioneer...... we became disgusted with the oranization 10 years ago but still believed it was the truth.
DesirousofChange - I'd call the little bitch that formerly worked for you and quote her Matt 18:15 and tell her THAT is how a TRUE CHRISTIAN would have handled the situation (like CHRIST said to do it)
totally agree, accept I'd curse "the little bitch" out and ask her how come she can't mind her f***ing business
how many times did we hear the worn out expression "that anyone who accepts the "truth" needs to have the 3 h's".
yes, they must be "honest hearted.
hungry for truth, and humble enough to accept that they need to change".
Are Witnesses TRULY Honest, Humble and Hungry? (The 3 H's)
in their own minds, yes
some congregations were known as liberal and others were considered very conservative.
back in the 1970s a nearby congregation made all speakers who gave public talks a white shirt to wear.
if a speaker came in wearing anything but white they were brought into the library and were given a white shirt!
Just reading all the silliness makes me shake my head, just think of the millions that actually followed those BS rules. I know a sister who grew up in Cong in Baltimore and she said at wedding receptions they weren't allowed to play records, can somebody please tell me which biblical scripture that comes from?
jesus in hebrew means "savior' and christ in greek means "messiah".
these are identifiers --not names in jesus case.. where did the name christ come from, his parents???
?i can see the name jesus (first name) but christ.
i bleed for the poor souls caught in that.
no sprinkler system in that domestic building..!.
tragically the govts various of london learned nothing during the world war..
Splash - There are 8 congregations (not k.halls) within 1.5 miles of that disaster. In the spirit of charity and Christian kindness, I hope they have been able to organise some relief for those affected.
i've been on this board for years.
99% of the posters here i do not personally know.
a few, maybe not so do posters here get you upset to the point that you really don't like them?
Hey Jook - give us some initials we can guess who it is !