apistevist - well I learned a new word today!
I myself refuse to get involved with any religious organization, one crazy cult that I was born into was enough!
Also not to willing to step foot in another house of worship, HOWEVER, only ONCE have I done that since I stopped attending meeting in the 80's, about ten years ago a friend that goes to a non-denominational church invited me to her Sunday services to see a production about the John the Baptist, (I think it was him, the guy who got his head chopped off) anyway I'll say I enjoyed the "Professional production" very much, nothing like the dramas at the assemblies with pre-recorded audio and the actors just moving their arms to show emotion with the audio.
I remember the Pastor or whoever announced that in a week or two they were going to have a speaker of a Reverend or whatever that visited an island that is just for prisoners in North or South Carolina if I remember the location correctly, must say sounded interesting, but I said to myself "no" don't get suckered into another religious event, had to draw the line right there. Didn't want to be a phony churchgoer who only goes and pick and chooses what they want to hear and believe in.