this was also covered by WNBC here in NYC too, I knew I heard this happened before up at Warwick a while back like it says it happened two months ago, what's up with foreign JWs and the measles?
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Again - another measles exposure at Watchtower locations in New York
by OrphanCrow in
two tourists from europe sparked a local measles york state health officials say anyone who visited the following locations may have been exposed:- kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses in brooklyn (april 15th)- watchtower facilities in orange and putnam counties (april 16th and 17th)health officials say the risk of developing measles is low for anyone who has been vaccinated or is immune.symptoms include fever, rash a cough and runny nose.anyone who thinks they may have been affected should call their doctor if they experience symptoms.. this is the second measles exposure at wt locations in ny.
the last one occurred 2 months ago:.
Secret Societies involved at the very top of the Org
by Formerbrother inare all the gb members past and present, part of skulls and bones and other masonic secret societies?
we know the first few top brass were, like br rutherford and br russel.. they all have several expensive watches.
like literally more than one for everyday of the week, rolex and omega, where did they come from?
I know that RIck Fearon is not thought of in a positive way here on this board, but as some of you know he has a weekly conference/video call with different folks hosting their own hour, there's one former Sister who has a part on his show every other week and her main theme every week is pointing out the Borg is affiliated with the Masons, says her dad was in on the whole deal about it and she shares points of how the Borg is definitely a part of Masons.
Now this same sister also claims that the story that was going around a while back about the Smurf doll that supposedly got up and walked out the KH cursing all the way was really a doll that belonged to her, now I don't think she stands by the part of it getting up and walking out, but she claims that rumor got started because of doll of hers . . . hey, I"m just saying what she said. I don't believe it either and think she's one sandwich short of picnic myself after her hearing her Smurf theory.
KH hall 4 sale just whose waters are supposed to be drying up again?!
by nowwhat? inavon lake ohio.
while new mega church being built right down the street!.
ToesUp - I can't do any work for a church and it's up to my conscience if I want to go to a wedding or funeral at a church but it's ok for WT to sell a dedicated KH to a church? You just can't make this sh*t up!!!!
Back in the 70's or 80's we had our Circuit Assembly at an old Jewish Temple the Society obviously purchased in upper Manhattan, so before they purchased it and you knew someone of the Jewish faith and they had that persons funeral there, you wouldn't have been allowed to attend, but then the Borg goes and buys it and now an old Jewish Temple is now in good standing with Jah, makes no sense at all
Lies from the watchtower
by StephaneLaliberte ini am interested in getting a list of lies that the watchtower has said or wrote in the past that could actually be proven to be as such, or, for the very least, deliberately misleading.
1. in a morning worship lecture in 2015, stephen lett said .
"rejecting false stories designed to separate us from jehovah's organization.
In the end, I believe they will have to either come clean about things they are lying about, or pay up eventually
"come clean" about their lying? If you mean put another spin on it, then yes, like they're doing as to why the number keeps going up of the anointed every year, but totally admit their lies? Never.
As far as paying up, they are being sued for covering up sexual misconduct by those that were molested by Elders, etc because it was never reported, that's the only "pay up" they will every do and they're being forced to do that
Lies from the watchtower
by StephaneLaliberte ini am interested in getting a list of lies that the watchtower has said or wrote in the past that could actually be proven to be as such, or, for the very least, deliberately misleading.
1. in a morning worship lecture in 2015, stephen lett said .
"rejecting false stories designed to separate us from jehovah's organization.
I am interested in getting a list of lies that the watchtower has said or wrote in the past that could actually be proven to be as such, or, for the very least, deliberately misleading
Then you would have to research the history of JWs from Day One( and don't forget the picture from the 1930's or 1940's with the Christmas tree in the Bethel cafeteria)
Affected by assembly
by Saltheart Foamfollower inhi - first some context - i have been pimo for about 20 years now and so have been to a lot of assemblies in that time.
last weekend i went to a circuit assembly and for the first time afterwards i was able to talk directly to someone who knows i'm out.
i realised then that although i didn't agree with any teachings (i sat picking holes in the arguements as usual) the experience of being there had affected me - the way of life started feeling normal as did the overall way of viewing the world.
Saltheart - 20 years ?? How do you do it?
I was a born in so, 20 years is more or less how much I attended until I could take no more.
How does an adult sit thru all that BS for all those years and not go crazy?
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
Although this thread has been running for a while, the clip below just says it all as to the wackiness within the Borg, total mental patients thinking they're going to live forever. Clip below wins 1st Prize in my opinion for the responses in this thread
A sister told me that since she had worn a bathing cap when she was baptized, she was afraid her head wouldn't make it into the new order.
Incite Better Handling of Complaints
by The Fall Guy inever feel as if companies or their telephone complaint handlers couldn't care less about your problem?
i don't know if it's just me, but in recent times i seem to have had more than my fair share of companies/tradesmen who acted with contempt.. admittedly, many of them are given a really hard time by extremely irate customers, but each customer should be treated as an individual.. i have found that i receive a more focussed & attentive response when i inform the person on the other end of the line that i am recording the call for my personal reference & security.
from that point on, i generally receive their full attention and achieve a satisfactory outcome for my complaint.
I've found that when I have hung up the phone when someone with an accent I can't understand what they are saying, after I've done that two or three times, the next caller I got someone in America, who said we noticed that this is your third call and I think he said he was a manager, so they are even paying attention to hang ups coming from the same number, Time Warner Cable was the company where this happened.
Meeting Days Felt Different?
by pale.emperor ini dont know if it was the same for you, but for me when i was a jw meeting days seemed to have a black cloud hanging over them.
on thursdays i knew i would be going to the meeting that evening.
that i would be getting into my meeting clothes at 6:30pm, leaving the house at 6:55pm and be sat in the kingdom hall from 7:15pm-9pm, then milling around for about half an hour before finally getting home for 10pm.
As a kid you kinda get used to it, but,when I was growing up he had our mtg on Friday, but in the 70's it got changed to Wednesday,and at first our sunday mtg was 2pm, then got changed later on when they started that rotation thing, first we went at 9, then it rotated to noon.
But as a kid the older you got the more you resented going to the meetings. Some Congs used to meet, or probably still do on Saturday evening, the best part of the weekend and you have to drag yourself out the house and sit thru that BS, so glad that never happened to the Cong I used attend
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
A sister told me that since she had worn a bathing cap when she was baptized, she was afraid her head wouldn't make it into the new order.
Seriously? That's the best wackadoodle statement I've heard from a Dub, but why should that shock me, that's the kind of folks that are drawn to da troof.