- Our resurrected spouses wont be married to us anymore.
- Our resurrected spouses will be married to us still.
- Our resurrected spouses wont be married to us anymore.
- Our resurrected spouses will be married to us still.
I remember a year or so after my dad died and my mom was talking to one her friends who lost her husband a decade previously, she was saying the above " well I heard the brothers are now saying that we will still be married in the new system". "The Brothers" have the insight to know what's going to happen in the new system? What she should've said was seven old guys in Brooklyn are playing with the hearts of all their followers who blindly follow any BS they just happen to come up with.
sometimes he was and other times he wasn't so every couple of years he'd stop partaking
one time when he thought he wasn't anointed and my then-gf asked him why he said "because I've just thought, i'd quite like to ride on an ostrich in the new system".
Yup, that sounds exactly like the kind of faithful servant Jehovah wants to be surrounded with floating around up there in heaven